
Light-weight SCPI library for easy scripting access to instruments

GPL-3.0 License



Light-weight SCPI library for easy scripting access to instruments

This library abstracts the underlying transport between computer and the instrument. Goal is to allow easy "scripting" withouth having to worry about the physical transport. And being able to talk to any device implementing SCPI (or "SCPI like") protocol, withouth having to have device / dialect specific driver.

Currently supported transports (backends) are:

  • Serial
  • TCP/IP
  • Linux USBTMC (/dev/usbtmc*)
  • USBTMC (direct USB access)


Library has been written on Python 3.x. It uses following Python modules:

  • serial (pySerial)
  • usbtmc - needed for direct USB access (not needed if using Linux USBTMC)


This module provides SCPIDevice class that represents connection to instrument.

Device string parameter is used to automaticallyd determine underlying transport to use:

Transport Example Notes
USBTMC USB::0x1ab1::0x0e11::INSTR Connect to USBTMC device using usbtmc module
Linux USBTMC /dev/usbtmc0 Connect to USBTMC device using Linux kernel module
TCP Connect to device using TCP/IP
Serial /dev/ttyS0, /dev/ttyUSB0, or COM1: (Windows) This is the default method if devices string doesnt match to any known format

Connection examples:

dev = scpi_lite.SCPIDevice('/dev/usbtmc0')
dev = scpi_lite.SCPIDevice('/dev/ttyUSB0', baudrate=115200, timeout=5)
dev = scpi_lite.SCPIDevice('', timeout=5)

Generic options for SCPIDevice class

Following options are supported by the SCPIDevice class currently:

Option Description Example
idn Device supports *IDN? command (boolean) [Default: True] idn=False
opc Device supports *OPC? command (boolean) [Default: True] opc=False
err Device supports SYST:ERR? command (boolean) [Default: True] err=False
command_terminator Command terminator (allows overriding SCPI default in case of non-compliant device) [Default: \n] command_terminator=''
encoding Command (string) encoding [Default: utf-8]

Transport specific options for SCPIDevice class

There are transport specific options that can be passed throug as well:

Transport Option Description Example
all timeout Timeout for waiting response from the instrument (in seconds) [Default: 5] timeout=10
all verbose Enable verbose/debug output (boolean) [Default: False] verbose=True
serial terminator Response terminator (allows working with devices no complying with SCPI spec) [Default: \n] terminator=b'\n\r'
serial baudrate Baud rate (bps) [Default: 115200] baudrate=9600
serial bytesize Byte size [Default: EIGHTBITS] bytesize=serial.SEVENBITS
serial parity Parity [Default: PARITY_NONE] parity=serial.PARITY_EVEN
serial stopbits Stop bits [Default: STOPBITS_ONE] stopbits=serial.STOPBITS_TWO
serial xonxoff Use XON/XOFF flow-controll [Default: Flase] xonxoff=True
serial rtscts Use RTS/CTS flow-control [Default: False] rtscts=True
serial dsrdtr Use DSR/DTR flow-control [Default: False] dsrdtr=True


import scpi_lite

print('scpi_lite version: ',scpi_lite.VERSION)

# connect to instrument

#dev = scpi_lite.SCPIDevice('USB::0x1ab1::0x0e11::INSTR')
#dev = scpi_lite.SCPIDevice('/dev/usbtmc0')
dev = scpi_lite.SCPIDevice('')

# enable debug output

# display instrument model and firmware version
print('Instrument: %s v%s' % (dmm.model, dmm.firmware))

# send a 'query' to instrument
val = dev.query('SYST:VERS?')
print('response: ', val)

# if there was error running query error can be checked using last_error variable
print('result: ', psu.last_error)

# send a command to instrument
res = dev.command('SYST:REM')

# check if command was successfull
print('result', res)