
Interface for Pentair Screenlogic connected pool controllers over IP in Python

GPL-3.0 License



screenlogicpy is an interface for Pentair ScreenLogic connected pool controllers over IP via python using asyncio.


The screenlogicpy package can be installed from PyPI using pip.

$ pip install screenlogicpy

Library usage

  • Changed in v0.5.0: The screenlogicpy library has moved over to using asyncio for all network I/O. Relevant methods now require the async/await syntax.
  • New in v0.8.0: Support for Python 3.8 and 3.9 is being phased out across future releases. Version 0.8.x will be the last versions to support Python 3.8.
  • New in v0.9.0: Support for Python 3.8 has been removed. Support for Python 3.9 is being phased out across future releases. Version 0.9.x will be the last versions to support Python 3.9.
  • New in v0.10.0: Support for Python 3.9 has been deprecated. Additionally, support for Python 3.10 is being phased out across future releases. Versions 0.10.x will be the last versions to support Python 3.10.

The ScreenLogicGateway class is the primary interface.

from screenlogicpy import ScreenLogicGateway

    gateway = ScreenLogicGateway()
  • Changed in v0.5.0: Instantiating the gateway no longer automatically connects to the protocol adapter or performs an initial update.
  • Changed in v0.7.0: Passing adapter connection info when instantiating the gateway is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Connection info should be passed to async_connect() instead.
  • Changed in v0.8.0: Support for passing connection info to gateway constructor is fully deprecated and has been removed. Ability to specify client id used for push subscriptions, and to specify maximum number of times to retry a request has replaced it.

Connecting to a ScreenLogic Protocol Adapter

Once instantiated, use async_connect() to connect and login to the ScreenLogic protocol adapter, and gather the pool configuration.

If disconnected, this method may be called without any parameters to reconnect with the previous connection info, or with new parameters to connect to a different host.

await gateway.async_connect("192.168.x.x")
  • New in v0.5.0.
  • Changed in v0.7.0: async_connect() now accepts adapter connection info. This supports handling ip changes to the protocol adapter.
  • Changed in v0.10.0: async_connect() no longer returns a bool indicating success. If the action is unsuccessful, an exception indicating the failure mode is raised.

Polling the pool state

Once connected, all available state information can be polled with the async_update() coroutine.

await gateway.async_update()

This update consists of sending requests for:

  1. Current pool status
  2. Detailed information for each configured pump
  3. Detailed pool chemistry information
  4. Status and settings for any configured salt chlorine generators
  5. The controller's current date and time, and auto DST settings

Warning: This method is not rate-limited. The calling application is responsible for maintaining reasonable intervals between updates. The ScreenLogic protocol adapter may respond with an error message if too many requests are made too quickly.

  • Changed in v0.5.0: This method is now an async coroutine and no longer disconnects from the protocol adapter after polling the data.
  • Changed in v0.10.0: Now includes polling for information regarding the controller's date and time settings.

Subscribing to pool state updates

The preferred method for retrieving updated pool data is to subscribe to updates pushed to the gateway by the ScreenLogic system. This reduces network traffic compared to polling, and improves responsiveness to state changes.

To enable push updates, subscribe to a particular message code using gateway.async_subscribe_client(callback, message_code), passing a callback method to be called when that message is received, and the message code to subscribe to. This function returns a callback that can be called to unsubscribe that particular subscription.

The gateway's ClientManager will automatically handle subscribing and unsubscribing as a client to the ScreenLogic protocol adapter upon the first callback subscription and last unsub respectively.

from screenlogicpy.const import CODE

def status_updated():
    # Do something with the updated data    

unsub_method = await gateway.async_subscribe_client(status_updated, CODE.STATUS_CHANGED)

Example in ./examples/

Multiple callbacks can be subscribed to a single message code. Additionally, a single global callback may be subscribed to multiple message codes. Note: Each combination of callback and code will result in a separate unique unsub callback. The calling application is responsible for managing and unsubing all subscribed callbacks as needed.

Pushed data

While the ScreenLogic system does support some push updates, not all state information for all equipment available via push. The two main state update messages that can be subscribed to are:

  • General status update containing
    • Air and water temperature and heater states
    • Basic status indicators such as Freeze mode and active delays
    • Circuit states
    • Basic chemistry information
  • IntelliChem controller status update containing
    • Detailed chemistry information

The status of any pumps or salt chlorine generators is not included in any push updates. To supplement this, the different data sets can now be requested individually.

  • New in v0.7.0.

Polling specific data

To update a specific set of data, you can use any of the following methods:

# Updates the basic status of the pool controller. *Same as pushed data
await gateway.async_get_status()

# Updates the state of all configured pumps
await gateway.async_get_pumps()

# Updates the detailed chemistry information from a IntelliChem controller. *Same as pushed data
await gateway.async_get_chemistry()

# Updates the state of any configured salt chlorine generators
await gateway.async_get_scg()

# Updates the current pool controller time and Daylight Saving Time adjustments setting
await gateway.async_get_datetime()

Push subscriptions and polling of all or specific data can be used on their own or at the same time. Warning: Some expected data keys may not be present until a full update has been performed. It is recommended that an initial full async_update() be preformed to ensure the gateway's data dict is fully primed.

  • New in v0.7.0.

Using the data

The ScreenLogicGateway class caches all data from the ScreenLogic protocol adapter as a single dict object for continued reference by the consuming application. This includes any data processed via push or polling. The consuming application may get this data at anytime with the get_data() method.

data = gateway.get_data()

get_data() now supports specifying a path directly to the data desired. A path can be any length. By default, if the data path is not found, get_data() will return None, similar to dict.get(). Alternatively strict=True keyword argument can be added to force the ScreenLogicGateway to raise a KeyError exception if the path is not found.

The majority of data points normally available to the end-user via the official apps are presented as dict objects containing "name" and "value" keys/pairs. Additional keys may be present depending on the type of data.

For example, let's consider the following scenario:

gateway._data = {
    "controller": {
        "sensor": {
            "air_temperature": {
                "name": "Air Temperature",
                "value": 57,
                "unit": "°F",
                "device_type": "temperature",
                "state_type": "measurement",
data_path = ("controller", "sensor", "air_temperature")

temperature_sensor = gateway.get_data(*data_path)

Here, temperature_sensor would be a dict of all key/value pairs under the "air_temperature" key.

The ScreenLogicGateway also provides shortcut methods get_name() and get_value() to get the "name" or "value" values respectively from the specified data path.

# sensor_value = 57
sensor_value = gateway.get_value(*data_path)

# sensor_name = "Air Temperature"
sensor_name = gateway.get_name(*data_path)

To get other values directly, use get_data() with the full key path:

# sensor_unit = "°F"
sensor_unit = gateway.get_data("controller", "sensor", "air_temperature", "unit")
  • New in v0.9.0.


When done, use async_disconnect() to unsubscribe from push updates and close the connection to the protocol adapter.

await gateway.async_disconnect()  
  • New in v0.5.0.

Gateway Discovery

The discovery module's async_discover() function can be used to get a list of all discovered ScreenLogic protocol adapters on the local network. Each protocol adapter is represented as a dict object that can then be directly used to instanciate a ScreenLogicGateway class.

Note: Gateway discovery is limited to discovering ScreenLogic protocol adapters on the same subnet.

hosts = await discovery.async_discover()
  • Changed in v0.5.0: This method is now an async coroutine.

Example in ./examples/

Basic Implementation Example

from screenlogicpy import ScreenLogicGateway, discovery

hosts = await discovery.async_discover()
if len(hosts) > 0:
    gateway = ScreenLogicGateway(**hosts[0])
    if await gateway.async_connect():
        await gateway.async_update()
        await gateway.async_disconnect()
        data = gateway.get_data()
    print("No gateways found")

Full example in ./examples/

Performing actions

The following actions can be performed with methods on the ScreenLogicGateway object:

  • Set a specific circuit to on or off
  • Set a heating mode for a specific body of water (spa/pool)
  • Set a target heating temperature for a specific body of water (spa/pool)
  • Select various color-enabled lighting options
  • Set chlorinator output levels and super-chlorination values
  • Setting IntelliChem chemistry values
  • Setting the pool controller's system date and time

If the action is unsuccessful, an exception will be raised indicating the failure mode. Note: The methods do not confirm the requested action is now in effect on the pool controller.

  • Changed in v0.10.0: Actions no longer return a bool indicating success. If the action is unsuccessful, an exception is raised indicating the failure mode.

Turning a circuit ON or OFF

A circuit can be requested to be turned on or off with the async_set_circuit() method. async_set_circuit takes two required arguments, circuitID which is the id number of the circuit as an int, and circuitState which represents the desired new state of the circuit, as an int. See State below.

await gateway.async_set_circuit(circuitID, circuitState)
  • Changed in v0.5.0: This method is now an async coroutine.
  • Changed in v0.10.0: No longer returns a bool indicating success. If the action is unsuccessful, an exception is raised indicating the failure mode.

Setting a heating mode

The desired heating mode can be set per body of water (pool or spa) with async_set_heat_mode(). async_set_heat_mode takes two required arguments, body as an int representing the body of water, and mode as an int of the desired heating mode.

await gateway.async_set_heat_mode(body, mode)
  • Changed in v0.5.0: This method is now an async coroutine.
  • Changed in v0.10.0: No longer returns a bool indicating success. If the action is unsuccessful, an exception is raised indicating the failure mode.

Setting a target temperature

The target heating temperature can be set per body of water (pool or spa) with async_set_heat_temp(). async_set_heat_temp takes two required arguments, body as an int representing the body of water, and temp as an int of the desired target temperature.

await gateway.async_set_heat_temp(body, temp)
  • Changed in v0.5.0: This method is now an async coroutine.
  • Changed in v0.10.0: No longer returns a bool indicating success. If the action is unsuccessful, an exception is raised indicating the failure mode.

Setting light colors or shows

Colors or color-shows can be set for compatible color-enable lighting with async_set_color_lights(). async_set_color_lights takes one required argument, light_command as an int representing the desired command/show/color

await gateway.async_set_color_lights(light_command)
  • Changed in v0.5.0: This method is now an async coroutine.
  • Changed in v0.10.0: No longer returns a bool indicating success. If the action is unsuccessful, an exception is raised indicating the failure mode.

Setting chlorinator output levels, super chlorination

Chlorinator output levels can be set with async_set_scg_config(). async_set_scg_config takes up to four keyword arguments, pool_setpoint, spa_setpoint, super_chlorinate, and super_chlor_timer. All are int with super_chlorinate representing an ON or OFF state. See State below.

await gateway.async_set_scg_config(pool_setpoint=pool_output, spa_setpoint=spa_output)  
  • New in v0.5.0.
  • Changed in v0.10.0:
    • Added super_chlorinate, and super_chlor_timer parameters to control super chlorination functions.
    • Now accepts keyword arguments only. This allows the caller to specify only the value(s) they want to update, retaining all other existing values.
    • No longer returns a bool indicating success. If the action is unsuccessful, an exception is raised indicating the failure mode.

Setting IntelliChem chemistry values

Chemistry values used in the IntelliChem system can be set with async_set_chem_data(). async_set_chem_data takes up to six keyword arguments, ph_setpoint, orp_setpoint, calcium_hardness, total_alkalinity, cyanuric_acid, and salt_tds_ppm. ph_setpoint is a float and the rest are int.

await gateway.async_set_chem_data(ph_setpoint=ph, orp_setpoint=orp, calcium_hardness=cal, total_alkalinity=alk, cyanuric_acid=cya, salt_tds_ppm=salt)
  • New in v0.6.0.
  • Changed in v0.10.0:
    • Added calcium_hardness, total_alkalinity, cyanuric_acid, and salt_tds_ppm parameters.
    • Now accepts keyword arguments only. This allows the caller to specify only the value(s) they want to update, retaining all other existing values.
    • No longer returns a bool indicating success. If the action is unsuccessful, an exception is raised indicating the failure mode.

Setting controller date and time

The system date and time in the pool controller can be set with async_set_date_time(). Method takes up to two keyword arguments, date_time as a python datetime object and auto_dst as an int representing an ON or OFF state. See State below.

await gateway.async_set_date_time(, auto_dst=set_dst)
  • New in v0.10.0.

Handling unsolicited messages

With the move to asyncio, screenlogicpy can now handle unsolicited messages from the ScreenLogic protocol adapter (messages that are not a direct response to a request from screenlogicpy). To do so, you need to tell the ScreenLogicGateway what message code to listen for and what to do when it is received. You can register a handler with register_message_handler() . This method takes the message code to wait for, the async coroutine to schedule when a message is received, and any parameters you want to pass to your handler. Your handler coroutine needs to accept the bytes message itself, and any additional parameters you specified.


  • Currently the ScreenLogicGateway must be connected to the protocol adapter before registering a handler.
  • Registering a handler in this way does not subscribe the gateway to push state updates from the ScreenLogic system.



async def weather_request(message: bytes, data: dict):
    result = await gateway.async_send_message(WEATHER_REQUEST_CODE)
    decode_weather(result, data)

gateway.register_async_message_handler(WEATHER_UPDATE_CODE, weather_request, data)

Remove the handler with:


Example in ./examples/

  • New in v0.7.0.

Debug Information

A debug function is available in the ScreenLogicGateway class: get_debug. This will return a dict with the raw bytes for the last response for each request the gateway performs during an update. This can be useful for debugging the actual responses from the protocol adapter. Note: Currently only includes polled data.

last_responses = gateway.get_debug()
  • New in v0.5.5.

Command line

Screenlogicpy can also be used via the command line. The primary design is for the command line output to be consumed/parsed by other applications and thus by default is not very human-readable. For more human-friendly output, specify the -v, --verbose option.

Basic usage

$ screenlogicpy

Without any arguments, screenlogicpy will attempt to discover a gateway on the LAN, and display a human readable "dashboard" of the current state of their pool.

$ screenlogicpy
Discovered 'Pentair: XX-XX-XX' at 192.168.XX.XX:80
EasyTouch2 8
Pool temperature is last 58°F
Pool Heat Set Point: 86°F
Pool Heat: Off
Pool Heat Mode: Off
Spa temperature is last 97°F
Spa Heat Set Point: 97°F
Spa Heat: Off
Spa Heat Mode: Heater
500    Off  Spa
501    Off  Waterfall
502    Off  Pool Light
503    Off  Spa Light
504    Off  Cleaner
505     On  Pool Low
506    Off  Yard Light
507    Off  Aux 6
508    Off  Pool High
510    Off  Feature 1
511    Off  Feature 2
512    Off  Feature 3
513    Off  Feature 4
514    Off  Feature 5
515    Off  Feature 6
516    Off  Feature 7
517    Off  Feature 8
519    Off  AuxEx

Argument usage

screenlogicpy [-h] [-v] [-i IP] [-p PORT] {discover,export,get,set} ...

Optional arguments

-h, --help

Argparse help command. Available at any stage of positional commands.

-v, --verbose

Tells screenlogicpy to be a little more verbose in it's output. Friendlier for humans.

-i, --ip

screenlogicpy -i

Specify the IP address of the ScreenLogic protocol adapter to connect to. Note: If the IP address is not specified, screenlogicpy will attempt to discover ScreenLogic protocol adapters on the local network, and connect to the first one that responds. This is generally fine if you only have one ScreenLogic protocol adapter. Discovery is limited to finding protocol adapters on the same subnet as the host running screenlogicpy.

-p, --port

screenlogicpy -i -p xx

Specify the port of the ScreenLogic protocol adapter to connect to. Needs to be used in conjunction with -i, --ip option.

Positional arguments


screenlogicpy discover

Attempts to discover ScreenLogic protocol adapters on the local network via UDP broadcast. Returns [ip address]:[port] of each discovered ScreenLogic protocol adapter, one per line. Note: Discovery is limited to finding protocol adapters on the same subnet as the host running screenlogicpy.


screenlogicpy export

Exports a response collection saved as a JSON file that can be used for debugging/testing purposes. A response collection includes each controller response with both the original bytes data along with a decoded dict of that data, and all data merged into a complete dict as it would be in the ScreenLogicGateway. JSON file is named for "slpy[libversion]_[adapter-firmware]_[controller-model]_[equipment-flags].json".


screenlogicpy get {circuit,c,heat-mode,hm,heat-temp,ht,heat-state,hs,current-temp,t,json,j}

The get option is use with additional options to return the current state of the additional option specified.

get circuit, c

screenlogicpy get circuit CIRCUIT_NUM

Returns 1 for on and 0 for off

get heat-mode, hm

screenlogicpy get heat-mode BODY

Returns the current heating mode for the specified body of water. Note: BODY can be an int or string representing the body of water.

get heat-temp, ht

screenlogicpy get heat-temp BODY

Returns the current target heating temperature for the specified body of water. Note: BODY can be an int or string representing the body of water.

get heat-state, hs

screenlogicpy get heat-state BODY

Returns the current state of the heater for the specified body of water. The current state will match the heat mode when heating is active, otherwise will be 0 (off). Note: BODY can be an int or string representing the body of water.

get current-temp, t

screenlogicpy get current-temp BODY

Returns the current temperature for the specified body of water. This is actually the last-known temperature from when that body of water was active (Pool or Spa) Note: BODY can be an int or string representing the body of water.

get date-time, dt

screenlogicpy get date-time [--format FORMAT]

Returns the pool controller's internal date and time in ISO 8601 format. Use the optional argument to specify a format string.

get date-time --format, -f

Specify a format string for the returned datetime to be formatted with.

get auto-dst, dst

screenlogicpy get auto-dst

Returns the value of the pool controller's "Adjust for Daylight Savings Time" setting.

get json, j

screenlogicpy get json

Returns a json dump of all data cached in the data dict.


screenlogicpy set {circuit,c,color-lights,cl,heat-mode,hm,heat-temp,ht,salt-generator,scg,super-chlorinate,sc,chemistry-setpoint,cs,chemistry-value,cv,date-time,dt} ...

All set commands work like their corresponding get commands, but take an additional argument or arguments for the desired setting.

set circuit, c

screenlogicpy set circuit CIRCUIT_NUM STATE

Sets the specified circuit to the specified circuit state. Note: STATE can be an int or string representing the desired state.

set heat-mode, hm

screenlogicpy set heat-mode BODY MODE

Sets the desired heating mode for the specified body of water. Note: BODY can be an int or string representing the body of water. MODE can be an int or string representing the desired heat mode

set heat-temp, ht

screenlogicpy set heat-temp BODY TEMP

Sets the desired target heating temperature for the specified body of water. Note: BODY can be an int or string representing the body of water. TEMP is an int representing the desired target temperature.

set color-lights, cl

screenlogicpy set color-lights [color mode]

Sets a color mode for all color-capable lights configured on the pool controller. Note: [color mode] can be either the int or string representation of a color mode.

  • New in v0.3.0.

set salt-generator, scg

screenlogicpy set salt-generator [--pool POOL_PCT] [--spa SPA_PCT]

Sets the chlorinator output levels for the pool and/or spa via two optional arguments:

set salt-generator -p, --pool

Specify the output level for the pool as an int between 0-100.

set salt-generator -s, --spa

Specify the output level for the spa as an int between 0-100.

Note: Pentair treats spa output level as a percentage of the pool's output level.

  • New in v0.5.0.
  • Changed in v0.10.0: Pool and spa arguments are now optional. Users may specify one or the other, or both.

set super-chlorinate, sc

screenlogicpy set super-chlorinate [--state ON_OFF] [--time HOURS]

Enables or disables super chlorination for the specified amount of time via two option arguments:

set super-chlorinate -s, --state

Specify a new state for super chlorination as an int or string representing the desired state.

set super-chlorinate -t, --time

Specify the number of hours to run super chlorination for as an int between 1-72.

  • New in v0.10.0.

set chemistry-setpoint, cs

screenlogicpy set chemistry-setpoint [--ph PH] [--orp ORP]

Sets the pH and/or ORP set points for the IntelliChem system via two optional arguments:

set chemistry-setpoint -p, --ph

Specify the target pH value for Intellichem to maintain as a float between 7.2-7.6.

set chemistry-setpoint -o, --orp

Specify the target ORP value for Intellichem to maintain as an int between 400-800.

Note: chemistry-setpoint replaces the previous chem-data.

  • New in v0.10.0.

set chemistry-value, cv

screenlogicpy set chemistry-value [--calcium-hardness CALCIUM] [--total-alkalinity TA] [--cyanuric-acid CYA] [--total-dissolved-solids TDS]

Sets values used in the calculation of Saturation Index in the IntelliChem system via four optional arguments:

set chemistry-value -ch, --calcium-hardness

Specify the calcium hardness value for Saturation Index calculation as an int between 25-800.

set chemistry-value -ta, --total-alkalinity

Specify the total alkalinity value for Saturation Index calculation as an int between 25-800.

set chemistry-value -cya, --cyanuric-acid

Specify the cyanuric acid value for Saturation Index calculation as an int between 0-201.

set chemistry-value -tds, --total-dissolved-solids

Specify the total dissolved solids value for Saturation Index calculation as an int between 500-6500.

  • New in v0.10.0.

set date-time, dt

screenlogicpy set date-time [--date-time ISO_8601] [--auto-dst ON_OFF]

Sets the date and time on the pool controller (used in schedules), and the "Adjust for DST" setting via optional arguments:

set date-time -dt, --date-time

Specify a date and time with an ISO 8601 formatted string. Note: string must not contain spaces. Use the 'T' character between the date and the time (2023-11-12T16:24:00).

set date-time -dst, --auto-dst

Enable or disable automatic adjustment of system time for Daylight Saving Time as an int or string representing the desired state.

  • New in v0.10.0.



int string Name
0 off Off
1 on On


int string Name
0 pool Pool
1 spa Spa

Heat Modes

int string Name Description
0 off Off Heating is off
1 solar Solar Heating will use solar heat to achieve the desired temperature set point.
2 solar_preferred Solar Preferred Heating will use solar if available to achieve the desired temperature set point, otherwise it will use the heater.
3 heater Heater Heating will use the heater to achieve the desired temperature set point.
4 dont_change Don't Change Don't change the heating mode based on circuit or function changes.

Color Modes

int string Name Description
0 all_off All Off Turns all light circuits off.
1 all_on All On Turns all light circuits on to their last mode.
2 color_set Color Set Sets light circuits to their pre-set colors as set in the pool controller.
3 color_sync Color Sync Synchronize all IntelliBrite, SAm, SAL, or FIBERworks color changing lights and synchronize their colors.
4 color_swim Color Swim Cycles through white, magenta, blue and green colors. (Emulates Pentair SAm color changing light.)
5 party Party Rapid color changing building the energy and excitement.
6 romance Romance Slow color transitions creating a mesmerizing and calming effect.
7 caribbean Caribbean Transitions between a variety of blues and greens.
8 american American Patriotic red, white and blue transitions.
9 sunset Sunset Dramatic transitions of orange, red and magenta tones.
10 royal Royal Richer, deeper, color tones.
11 save Save Color Save the exact colors that are being displayed.
12 recall Recall Color Recall the saved colors.
13 blue Blue Fixed color: Blue
14 green Green Fixed color: Green
15 red Red Fixed color: Red
16 white White Fixed color: White
17 magenta Magenta Fixed color: Magenta
18 thumper Thumper Toggles the solenoid thumper on MagicStream laminars.
19 next_mode Next Mode Cycle to the next color mode.
20 reset Reset Reset light modes.
21 hold Hold Hold light transitions.

Supported Subscribable Messages

screenlogicpy includes functionality to automatically decode these messages and update its data accordingly. Other message codes can be subscribed to, but the consuming application will need to implement any processing of the incoming message.

from screenlogicpy.const import CODE
Message Code Imported CONST Description
12500 CODE.STATUS_CHANGED Sent when basic status changes. Air/water temp, heater state, circuit state, basic chemistry (if available).
12504 CODE.COLOR_UPDATE Sent repeatedly during a color lights color mode transition.
12505 CODE.CHEMISTRY_CHANGED Sent when a change occurs to the state of an attached IntelliChem controller.


Inspired by

The protocol and codes are documented fairly well here: