
A PEP to add a `@sealed` typing decorator to Python

MIT License


PEP: <REQUIRED: pep number> Title: Sealed Decorator for Static Typing Author: John Hagen [email protected], David Hagen [email protected] Sponsor: PEP-Delegate: <PEP delegate's real name> Discussions-To: Status: Draft Type: Standards Track Content-Type: text/x-rst Created: 22-Mar-2024 Python-Version: 3.13 Post-History: Resolution:


This PEP proposes a @sealed decorator be added to the typing module to support creating versatile algebraic data types (ADTs) which type checkers can exhaustively pattern match against.


Quite often it is desirable to apply exhaustiveness to a set of classes without defining ad-hoc union types, which is itself fragile if a class is missing in the union definition. A design pattern where a group of record-like classes is combined into a union is popular in other languages that support pattern matching [1]_ and is known as a nominal sum type, a key instantiation of algebraic data types [2]_.

We propose adding a special decorator class @sealed to the typing module [3]_, that will have no effect at runtime, but will indicate to static type checkers that all direct subclasses of this class should be defined in the same module as the base class.

The idea is that, since all subclasses are known, the type checker can treat the sealed base class as a union of all its subclasses. Together with dataclasses this allows a clean and safe support of algebraic data types in Python. Consider this example,

.. code-block:: python

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import sealed

class Node:

class Expression(Node):

class Statement(Node):

class Name(Expression):
    name: str

class Operation(Expression):
    left: Expression
    op: str
    right: Expression

class Assignment(Statement):
    target: str
    value: Expression

class Print(Statement):
    value: Expression

With such a definition, a type checker can safely treat Node as Union[Expression, Statement], and also safely treat Expression as Union[Name, Operation] and Statement as Union[Assignment, Print]. With these declarations, a type checking error will occur in the below snippet, because Name is not handled (and the type checker can give a useful error message).

.. code-block:: python

def dump(node: Node) -> str:
    match node:
        case Assignment(target, value):
            return f"{target} = {dump(value)}"
        case Print(value):
            return f"print({dump(value)})"
        case Operation(left, op, right):
            return f"({dump(left)} {op} {dump(right)})"

Note: This section was largely derived from PEP 622 [4]_.


Kotlin [5], Scala 2 [6], and Java 17 [7]_ all support a sealed keyword that is used to declare algebraic data types. By using the same terminology, the @sealed decorator will be familiar to developers familiar with those languages.


The typing.sealed decorator can be applied to the declaration of any class. This decoration indicates to type checkers that all immediate subclasses of the decorated class are defined in the current file.

The exhaustiveness checking features of type checkers should assume that there are no subclasses outside the current file, treating the decorated class as a Union of all its same-file subclasses.

Type checkers should raise an error if a sealed class is inherited in a file different from where the sealed class is declared.

A sealed class is automatically declared to be abstract. Whatever actions a type checker normally takes with abstract classes should be taken with sealed classes as well. What exactly these behaviors are (e.g. disallowing instantiation) is outside the scope of this PEP.

Similar to the decorator [8]_, the only runtime behavior of this decorator is to set the __sealed__ attribute of class to True so that the sealed property of the class can be introspected. There is no runtime enforcement of sealed class inheritance.

Reference Implementation

[Link to any existing implementation and details about its state, e.g. proof-of-concept.]

Rejected Ideas

Union of independent variants

Some of the behavior of sealed can be emulated with Union today.

.. code-block:: python

class Leaf: ...
class Branch: ...

Node = Leaf | Branch

The main problem with this is that the ADT loses all the features of inheritance, which is rather featureful in Python, to put it mildly. There can be no abstract methods, private methods to be reused by the subclasses, public methods to be exposed on all subclasses, class methods of any kind, __init_subclass__, etc. Even if a specific method is implemented on each subclass, then rename, jump-to-definition, find-usage, and other IDE features are difficult to make work reliably.

Adding a base class in addition to the union type alleviates some of these issues:

.. code-block:: python

class BaseNode: ...

class Leaf(BaseNode): ...
class Branch(BaseNode): ...

Node = Leaf | Branch

Despite being possible today, this is quite unergonomic. The base class and the union type are conceptually the same thing, but have to be defined as two separate objects. If this became standard, it seems Python would be first language to separate the definition of an ADT into two different objects.

This duplication causes a serious don't-repeat-yourself problem. A new subclass must be added to both the base class and the union type. Failure to do so will not result in an immediate error but in inconsistent behavior between the two representations.

The base class is not merely passive, either. There are a number of operations that will only work when using the base class instead of the union type and vice verse. For example, matching only works on the base class, not the union type:

.. code-block:: python

maybe_node: Node | None = ...  # must be Node to enforce exhaustiveness

match maybe_node:
    case Node():  # TypeError: called match pattern must be a type
    case None:

match maybe_node:
    case BaseNode():  # no error
    case None:

Having to remember whether to use the base class or the union type in each situation is particularly unfriendly to the user of a sealed class.

Generalize Enum

Rust [9], Scala 3 [10], and Swift [11]_ support algebraic data types using a generalized enum mechanism.

.. code-block:: rust

enum Message {
    Move { x: i32, y: i32 },
    ChangeColor(i32, i32, i32),

One could imagine a generalization of the Python Enum [12]_ to support variants of different shapes. Valueless variants could use to keep themselves terse.

.. code-block:: python

from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import auto, Enum

class Message(Enum):
    Quit = auto()

    class Move:
        x: int
        y: int

    class Write:
        message: str

    class ChangeColor:
        r: int
        g: int
        b: int

This solution allows attaching methods directly to the base ADT type, something a Union type lacks, but does not support the full power of inheritance that @sealed would provide.

This would be a substantial addition to the implementation and semantics of Enum.

Explicitly list subclasses

Java requires that subclasses be explicitly listed with the base class.

.. code-block:: java

public sealed interface Node
    permits Leaf, Branch {}

public final class Leaf {}
public final class Branch {}

The advantage of this requirement is that subclasses can be defined anywhere, not just in the same file, eliminating the somewhat weird file dependence of this feature. The disadvantage is that it requires all subclasses to be written twice: once when defined and once in the enumerated list on the base class.

There is also an inherent circular reference when explicitly enumerating the subclasses. The subclass refers to the base class in order to inherit from it, and the base class refers to the subclasses in order to enumerate them. In statically typed languages, these kinds of circular references in the types can be managed, but in Python, it is much harder.

For example, this Sealed base class that behaves like Generic:

.. code-block:: python

from typing import Sealed

class Node(Sealed[Leaf, Branch]): ...

class Leaf(Node): ...
class Branch(Node): ...

This cannot work because Leaf must be defined before Node and Node must be defined before Leaf. This is a not an annotation, so lazy annotations cannot save it. Perhaps, the subclasses in the enumerated list could be strings, but that severely hurts the ergonomics of this feature.

If the enumerated list was in an annotation, it could be made to work, but there is no natural place for the annotation to live. Here is one possibility:

.. code-block:: python

class Node:
    __sealed__: Leaf | Branch

class Leaf(Node): ...
class Branch(Node): ...

Adding syntax could overcome this limitation, but that is too big of a change to the language to support just this feature:

.. code-block:: python

class Node of Leaf | Branch:

class Leaf(Node): ...
class Branch(Node): ...


.. [1]

.. [2]

.. [3]

.. [4]

.. [5]

.. [6]

.. [7]

.. [8]

.. [9]

.. [10]

.. [11]

.. [12]


This document is placed in the public domain.