
Secweb is a pack of security middlewares for fastApi and starlette server it includes CSP, HSTS, and many more

MPL-2.0 License


Secweb is the pack of middlewares for setting security headers for fastapi and can also be used for any framework created on starlette it has 16 middlewares for setting headers of your website and also for your api(s).

The PermissionsPolicy middleware lies in development branch here

The list of middleware is as follows:

  1. Content Security Policy (CSP)
  1. Origin Agent Cluster
  1. Referrer Policy
  1. HTTP Strict Transport Security(HSTS)
  1. HTTP Strict Transport Security(HSTS) for WebSockets
  1. X-Content-Type-Options
  1. X-DNS-Prefetch-Control
  1. X-Download-Options
  1. X-Frame
  1. X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies
  1. X-XSS-Protection
  1. Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy
  1. Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy
  1. Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy
  1. Clear-Site-Data
  1. Cache-Control



pip install Secweb


The package Secweb can be used in two different ways

  1. To use SecWeb class it includes all the 16 classes together
  1. To use the 16 middleware classes separately

SecWeb class

from Secweb import SecWeb


SecWeb(app=app) # The app is the ASGIapp required by the starlette to give access to the different methods to the class

The above example uses all the default headers value that are are preset you can change the values by creating the option dict you can also set flags for nonce generation for csp header using the script_nonce=True and style_nonce=True flags also report_only flag is added for csp report only header. For Clear-Site-Data header Routes=[] array is used for applying the header it is empty by default.

from Secweb import SecWeb


SecWeb(app=app, Option={'referrer': {'Referrer-Policy': 'no-referrer'}}, Routes=[], script_nonce=False, style_nonce=False, report_only=False)

The Option uses 16 keys for calling middleware classes to set the user-defined policies or activating\deactivating header(s).

Note: Activating/Deactivating the header can only be done in SecWeb class in Option param, eg:
from Secweb import SecWeb

Secweb(app=app, Option={'referrer': False, 'xframe': False})

The values are as follows:

  1. 'csp' for calling ContentSecurityPolicy class to set the user-defined values or activate/deactivate the header
  1. 'referrer' for calling ReferrerPolicy class to set the user-defined values or activate/deactivate the header
  1. 'xdns' for calling XDNSPrefetchControl class to set the user-defined values or activate/deactivate the header
  1. 'xcdp' for calling XPermittedCrossDomainPolicies class to set the user-defined values or activate/deactivate the header
  1. 'hsts' for calling HSTS class to set the user-defined values or activate/deactivate the header
  1. 'wshsts' for calling WsHSTS class to set the user-defined values for Websockets or activate/deactivate the header
  1. 'xframe' for calling XFrame class to set the user-defined values or activate/deactivate the header
  1. 'coep' for calling CrossOriginEmbedderPolicy class to set the user-defined values or activate/deactivate the header
  1. 'coop' for calling CrossOriginOpenerPolicy class to set the user-defined values or activate/deactivate the header
  1. 'corp' for calling CrossOriginResourcePolicy class to set the user-defined values or activate/deactivate the header
  1. 'clearSiteData' for calling ClearSiteData class to set the user-defined values or activate/deactivate the header
  1. 'cacheControl' for calling CacheControl class to set the user-defined values or activate/deactivate the header
  1. 'xcto' for activating/deactivating X-Content-Type-Options header
  1. 'xdo' for activating/deactivating X-Download-Options header
  1. 'xss' for activating/deactivating x-xss-protection header
  1. 'oac' for activating/deactivating Origin-Agent-Cluster header

# Example of the values

SecWeb(app=app, Option={'csp': {'default-src': ["'self'"]}, 'xframe': {'X-Frame-Options': 'SAMEORIGIN'}, 'hsts': {'max-age': 4, 'preload': True}, 'wshsts': {'max-age': 10, 'preload': True},'xcdp': {'X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies': 'all'}, 'xdns': {'X-DNS-Prefetch-Control': 'on'}, 'referrer': {'Referrer-Policy': 'no-referrer'}, 'coep': {'Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy': 'require-corp'}, 'coop': {'Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy': 'same-origin-allow-popups'}, 'corp': {'Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy': 'same-site'}, 'clearSiteData': {'cache': True, 'storage': True}, 'cacheControl': {'public': True, 's-maxage': 600}, 'xss': False}, Routes=['/login/{id}', '/logout/{id:uuid}/username/{username:string}'])

Middleware Classes

Content Security Policy (CSP)

ContentSecurityPolicy class sets the csp header

The Nonce_Processor module generates nonce for csp header

Nonce Processor

# Some Code

nonce = Nonce_Processor(DEFAULT_ENTROPY=90) # inject the nonce variable into the jinja or html

# Some Code

DEFAULT_ENTROPY is used to set the nonce length.

The nonce processor needs to be called on the route the following example is of FastApi calling the nonce processor on the route

from fastapi import FastAPI

from Secweb.ContentSecurityPolicy import Nonce_Processor


app = FastAPI()



async  def  root():

# some code

nonce = Nonce_Processor(DEFAULT_ENTROPY=90) # inject the nonce variable into the jinja or html

# some more code


This is for the FastApi

from fastapi import FastAPI

from Secweb.ContentSecurityPolicy import Nonce_Processor


app = FastAPI()


app.add_middleware(ContentSecurityPolicy, Option={'default-src': ["'self'"], 'base-uri': ["'self'"], 'block-all-mixed-content': []}, script_nonce=False, style_nonce=False, report_only=False)

This is for the Starlette

from starlette.applications import Starlette

from Secweb.ContentSecurityPolicy import Nonce_Processor


app = Starlette()


app.add_middleware(ContentSecurityPolicy, Option={'default-src': ["'self'"], 'base-uri': ["'self'"], 'block-all-mixed-content': []}, script_nonce=False, style_nonce=False, report_only=False)

script_nonce=False This is the nonce flag for inline Js

style_nonce=False This is the nonce flag for inline css

report_only=False This is the report only flag which makes csp report only header

For more detail on CSP header go to this MDN Docs

For more detail on CSP-report-only header go to this MDN Docs

Origin Agent Cluster

OriginAgentCluster class sets the Origin-Agent-Cluster header the class takes no parameters

from fastapi import FastAPI

from Secweb.OriginAgentCluster import OriginAgentCluster


app = FastAPI()




# OR


from starlette.applications import Starlette

from Secweb.OriginAgentCluster import OriginAgentCluster


app = Starlette()



For more detail on Origin-Agent-Cluster header go to this WHATWG Site

Referrer Policy

ReferrerPolicy class sets the Referrer-Policy header

from fastapi import FastAPI

from Secweb.ReferrerPolicy import ReferrerPolicy


app = FastAPI()


app.add_middleware(ReferrerPolicy, Option={'Referrer-Policy': 'strict-origin-when-cross-origin'})


# OR


from starlette.applications import Starlette

from Secweb.ReferrerPolicy import ReferrerPolicy


app = Starlette()


app.add_middleware(ReferrerPolicy, Option={'Referrer-Policy': 'strict-origin-when-cross-origin'})

For more detail on Referrer-Policy header go to this MDN Docs

HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)

HSTS class sets the Strict-Transport-Security header

from fastapi import FastAPI

from Secweb.StrictTransportSecurity import HSTS


app = FastAPI()


app.add_middleware(HSTS, Option={'max-age': 4, 'preload': True})


# OR


from starlette.applications import Starlette

from Secweb.StrictTransportSecurity import HSTS


app = Starlette()


app.add_middleware(HSTS, Option={'max-age': 4, 'preload': True})

For more detail on Strict-Transport-Security header go to this MDN Docs

HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) for WebSockets

HSTS class sets the Strict-Transport-Security header for Websockets

from fastapi import FastAPI

from Secweb.WsStrictTransportSecurity import WsHSTS


app = FastAPI()


app.add_middleware(WsHSTS, Option={'max-age': 4, 'preload': True})


# OR


from starlette.applications import Starlette

from Secweb.WsStrictTransportSecurity import WsHSTS


app = Starlette()


app.add_middleware(WsHSTS, Option={'max-age': 4, 'preload': True})

For more detail on Strict-Transport-Security header go to this MDN Docs


XContentTypeOptions class sets the X-Content-Type-Options header the class takes no parameters

from fastapi import FastAPI

from Secweb.XContentTypeOptions import XContentTypeOptions


app = FastAPI()




# OR


from starlette.applications import Starlette

from Secweb.XContentTypeOptions import XContentTypeOptions


app = Starlette()



For more detail on X-Content-Type-Options header go to this MDN Docs


XDNSPrefetchControl class sets the X-DNS-Prefetch-Control header

from fastapi import FastAPI

from Secweb.XDNSPrefetchControl import XDNSPrefetchControl


app = FastAPI()


app.add_middleware(XDNSPrefetchControl, Option={'X-DNS-Prefetch-Control': 'on'})


# OR


from starlette.applications import Starlette

from Secweb.XDNSPrefetchControl import XDNSPrefetchControl


app = Starlette()


app.add_middleware(XDNSPrefetchControl, Option={'X-DNS-Prefetch-Control': 'off'})

For more detail on X-DNS-Prefetch-Control header go to this MDN Docs


XDownloadOptions class sets the X-Download-Options header the class takes no parameter

from fastapi import FastAPI

from Secweb.XDownloadOptions import XDownloadOptions


app = FastAPI()




# OR


from starlette.applications import Starlette

from Secweb.XDownloadOptions import XDownloadOptions


app = Starlette()




XFrame class sets the X-Frame-Options header

from fastapi import FastAPI

from Secweb.XFrameOptions import XFrame


app = FastAPI()


app.add_middleware(XFrame, Option={'X-Frame-Options': 'DENY'})


# OR


from starlette.applications import Starlette

from Secweb.XFrameOptions import XFrame


app = Starlette()


app.add_middleware(XFrame, Option={'X-Frame-Options': 'DENY'})

For more detail on X-Frame-Options header go to this MDN Docs


XPermittedCrossDomainPolicies class sets the X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies header

from fastapi import FastAPI

from Secweb.XPermittedCrossDomainPolicies import XPermittedCrossDomainPolicies


app = FastAPI()


app.add_middleware(XPermittedCrossDomainPolicies, Option={'X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies': 'none'})


# OR


from starlette.applications import Starlette

from Secweb.XPermittedCrossDomainPolicies import XPermittedCrossDomainPolicies


app = Starlette()


app.add_middleware(XPermittedCrossDomainPolicies, Option={'X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies': 'none'})

For more detail on X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies header go to this OWASP Site


xXSSProtection class sets the X-XSS-Protection header the class takes no parameter

from fastapi import FastAPI

from Secweb.xXSSProtection import xXSSProtection


app = FastAPI()




# OR


from starlette.applications import Starlette

from Secweb.xXSSProtection import xXSSProtection


app = Starlette()



For more detail on X-XSS-Protection header go to this MDN Docs

Cross Origin Embedder Policy

CrossOriginEmbedderPolicy class sets the Cross Origin Embedder Policy header

from fastapi import FastAPI

from Secweb.CrossOriginEmbedderPolicy import CrossOriginEmbedderPolicy


app = FastAPI()


app.add_middleware(CrossOriginEmbedderPolicy, Option={'Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy': 'unsafe-none'})


# OR


from starlette.applications import Starlette

from Secweb.CrossOriginEmbedderPolicy import CrossOriginEmbedderPolicy


app = Starlette()


app.add_middleware(CrossOriginEmbedderPolicy, Option={'Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy': 'unsafe-none'})

For more detail on Cross Origin Embedder Policy header go to this MDN Docs

Cross Origin Opener Policy

CrossOriginOpenerPolicy class sets the Cross Origin Opener Policy header

from fastapi import FastAPI

from Secweb.CrossOriginOpenerPolicy import CrossOriginOpenerPolicy


app = FastAPI()


app.add_middleware(CrossOriginOpenerPolicy, Option={'Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy': 'unsafe-none'})


# OR


from starlette.applications import Starlette

from Secweb.CrossOriginOpenerPolicy import CrossOriginOpenerPolicy


app = Starlette()


app.add_middleware(CrossOriginOpenerPolicy, Option={'Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy': 'unsafe-none'})

For more detail on Cross Origin Opener Policy header go to this MDN Docs

Cross Origin Resource Policy

CrossOriginResourcePolicy class sets the Cross Origin Resource Policy header. You have to call the CrossOriginResourcePolicy class explicitly by providing the 'corp' key in the Option dictionary.

from fastapi import FastAPI

from Secweb.CrossOriginResourcePolicy import CrossOriginResourcePolicy


app = FastAPI()


app.add_middleware(CrossOriginResourcePolicy, Option={'Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy': 'same-site'})


# OR


from starlette.applications import Starlette

from Secweb.CrossOriginResourcePolicy import CrossOriginResourcePolicy


app = Starlette()


app.add_middleware(CrossOriginResourcePolicy, Option={'Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy': 'same-site'})

For more detail on Cross Origin Resource Policy header go to this MDN Docs

Clear Site Data

ClearSiteData class sets the Clear-Site-Data header. In this class the routes array is compulsory so that the header can only be applied to the specified route as it clears every data on the users browser you can add static, dynamic routes like shown below.

from fastapi import FastAPI

from Secweb.ClearSiteData import ClearSiteData


app = FastAPI()


app.add_middleware(ClearSiteData, Option={'cookies': True}, Routes=['/login', '/logout/{id}'])


# OR


from starlette.applications import Starlette

from Secweb.ClearSiteData import ClearSiteData


app = Starlette()


app.add_middleware(ClearSiteData, Option={'cookies': True}, Routes=['/login', '/logout/{id}'])

For more detail on Clear Site Data Header go to this MDN Docs

Cache Control

CacheControl class sets the Cache-Control header. This is useful for controlling cached data on user`s browser

from fastapi import FastAPI

from Secweb.CacheControl import CacheControl


app = FastAPI()


app.add_middleware(CacheControl, Option={'s-maxage': 600, 'public': True})


# OR


from starlette.applications import Starlette

from Secweb.CacheControl import CacheControl


app = Starlette()


app.add_middleware(CacheControl, Option={'s-maxage': 600, 'public': True})

For more detail on Cache Control Header go to this MDN Docs


Pull requests and Issues are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.



MLP 2.0

Secweb Icon

Secweb Icon © 2021 - 2024 by Motagamwala Taha Arif Ali is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International