
Ontology and tooling for modeling Function as a Service Providers & Function's

MIT License


Function as a service Ontology

Ontology to describing Function as a Service providers and application requirements.

Here is the Roadmap for the development

Resources we leveraged in our ontology:

  • time is used to model execution times and other temporal attributes
  • locn is used to model location attributes (for example data center location or geographical restrictions)
  • dave is used to model relationships between metrics (the ones required by the application or provided by the Execution Environment)
  • wd used to fetch existing concepts (locations, programming languages, cpu architecture)
  • wdt used to integrate with existing properties (part of for example)
  • DCMI Metadata Terms, FOAF, DCMI Metadata elements, OWL, RDF, RDFS, XSD as the base for most relationships/meta-data and restrictions


Model AWS Lambda

For the full ontology see this.

For now the Tbox and Abox are mixed in one file, we need to split them up for clarity.

:AWSLambda rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                    :ServerlessExecutionEnvironment ;
           :cpuArch wd:Q272629 ;
           :datacenter :af-south-1a ,
                       :af-south-1b ,
                       :af-south-1c ,
                       :ap-east-1a ,
                       :ap-east-1b ,
                       :ap-east-1c ,
                       :ap-northeast-1a ,
                       :ap-northeast-1b ,
                       :ap-northeast-1c ,
                       :ap-northeast-1d ,
                       :ap-northeast-2a ,
                       :ap-northeast-2b ,
                       :ap-northeast-2c ,
                       :ap-northeast-3a ,
                       :ap-south-1a ,
                       :ap-south-1b ,
                       :ap-south-1c ,
                       :ap-southeast-1a ,
                       :ap-southeast-1b ,
                       :ap-southeast-1c ,
                       :ap-southeast-2a ,
                       :ap-southeast-2b ,
                       :ap-southeast-2c ,
                       :ca-central-1a ,
                       :ca-central-1b ,
                       :ca-central-1c ,
                       :cn-north-1a ,
                       :cn-north-1b ,
                       :cn-northwest-1a ,
                       :cn-northwest-1b ,
                       :eu-central-1a ,
                       :eu-central-1b ,
                       :eu-central-1c ,
                       :eu-north-1a ,
                       :eu-north-1b ,
                       :eu-north-1c ,
                       :eu-south-1a ,
                       :eu-south-1b ,
                       :eu-south-1c ,
                       :eu-west-1a ,
                       :eu-west-1b ,
                       :eu-west-1c ,
                       :eu-west-2a ,
                       :eu-west-2b ,
                       :eu-west-2c ,
                       :eu-west-3a ,
                       :eu-west-3b ,
                       :eu-west-3c ,
                       :me-south-1a ,
                       :me-south-1b ,
                       :me-south-1c ,
                       :sa-east-1a ,
                       :sa-east-1b ,
                       :sa-east-1c ,
                       :us-east-1a ,
                       :us-east-1b ,
                       :us-east-1c ,
                       :us-east-1d ,
                       :us-east-1e ,
                       :us-east-1f ,
                       :us-east-2a ,
                       :us-east-2b ,
                       :us-east-2c ,
                       :us-gov-east-1a ,
                       :us-gov-east-1b ,
                       :us-gov-east-1c ,
                       :us-gov-west-1a ,
                       :us-gov-west-1b ,
                       :us-gov-west-1c ,
                       :us-west-1a ,
                       :us-west-1b ,
                       :us-west-1c ,
                       :us-west-2a ,
                       :us-west-2b ,
                       :us-west-2c ,
                       :us-west-2d ;
           :pricingModel :AWSLambdaPricing ;
           :supportedPackages wd:Q15206305 ,
                              wd:Q161053 ,
                              wd:Q21622213 ,
                              wd:Q251 ,
                              wd:Q28865 ,
                              wd:Q37227 ,
                              wd:Q756100 ;
           :maxAllowedRAM "10240"^^xsd:positiveInteger ;
           :maxAllowedStorage "75"^^xsd:positiveInteger ;
           :maxConccurency "1000"^^xsd:positiveInteger ;
           :maxTimeAllowed "900"^^xsd:positiveInteger ;
           :minRequiredRAM "128"^^xsd:positiveInteger ;
           rdfs:comment ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
           rdfs:label "AWS Lambda"^^xsd:string .

Model an OpenFaaS environment

:OpenFaaS rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                   :ServerlessExecutionEnvironment ;
          :cpuArch wd:Q272629 ;
          :datacenter :FIIDatacenter ;
          :supportedPackages wd:Q15206305 ,
                             wd:Q28865 ;
          :maxAllowedRAM "2048"^^xsd:positiveInteger ;
          :maxAllowedStorage "10"^^xsd:positiveInteger ;
          :maxConccurency "5"^^xsd:positiveInteger ;
          :maxTimeAllowed "360"^^xsd:positiveInteger ;
          :minRequiredRAM "128"^^xsd:positiveInteger ;
          rdfs:comment "A custom instalation of OpenFaas datacenter on commodity hardware."^^xsd:string ,
                       ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
          rdfs:label "OpenFaaS"^^xsd:string .

CovidTracker Application

This application has geographical requirements but because of it's sensitivity we don't care about the cost. We only impose a timeout per request of 30s as a best practice (also this is an app produced by Romania Gourmand, we don't expect it to be efficient)

:CovidTracker rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                       :Application ;
              :code :CovidTrackerCode ;
              :requirements :Max30sRuntime ,
                            :OnlyRomaniaGeoRestriction ;
              :maxPricePerMillionExecution "0.0"^^xsd:double .

:CovidTrackerCode rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                           :Code ;
                  :programmingLanguage wd:Q28865 ;
                  :sourceCode "cHJpbnQoJ0NvdmlkIFRyYWNrZXInKQo="^^xsd:base64Binary .

:OnlyRomaniaGeoRestriction rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                                    :GeographicalRequirement ;
                           wdt:P361 wd:Q218 .

:Max30sRuntime rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                        :ExecutionTimeRequirement ;
               :maxTimeAllowed "360"^^xsd:positiveInteger .


This application has more complex requirements:

  • max 10s of execution time
  • Only x86 architecture
  • Max 512MB ram
  • Also a cost requirement
:EchoServer rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                     :Application ;
            :code :EchoServerCode ;
            :requirements :AtLeast100Replicas ,
                          :Cpu_x86 ,
                          :Max10seconds ,
                          :Max512MB ;
            :maxPricePerMillionExecution "75.0"^^xsd:double .

:EchoServerCode rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                         :Code ;
                :programmingLanguage wdt:Q15206305 ,
                                     wdt:Q28865 ;
                rdfs:comment "Docker File with a echo server" ;
                foaf:homepage ""^^xsd:anyURI .

:AtLeast100Replicas rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                             :ConcurrencyRequirement ;
                    :minConcurrency "100"^^xsd:positiveInteger .

:Cpu_x86 rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                  :CPURequirement ;
         :cpuArch wd:Q272629 .

:Max10seconds rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                       :ExecutionTimeRequirement ;
              :maxTimeAllowed "10"^^xsd:positiveInteger .

:Max512MB rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                   :MemoryRequirement ;
          :maxAllowedRAM "512"^^xsd:positiveInteger .

SPARQL Examples

For more example see this list

Get all execution environments

PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX faas: <>
  ?subject rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual .
  ?subject rdf:type faas:ServerlessExecutionEnvironment .