
A CLI tool for sending event invitations to a large number of attendees.

GPL-3.0 License


Send Event Invites

A CLI tool for sending event invitations to a large number of attendees.

The tool has been made in such a manner that it is very easy to add new calendar APIs and use them.

API support

Currently the client supports only Google Calendar.

Get CSV file from Google Group

To export your Groups list into a .csv file:

  • Sign-in to Google Groups
  • Click My Groups > check the name of the group
  • In the upper right corner, click Manage
  • Near the top right corner of the page, click Export Members

Using the client

  • To use the client, clone the repository.
    git clone
  • cd send_event_invites
  • pip install pipenv && pipenv install
  • python3 -m src if "attendees.csv" in src directory
    python3 -m src -p=[path_to_csv_file] otherwise

Accepted arguments

Usage: [OPTIONS]


  A CLI tool which sends email invites using the implemented API (currently
  GCalendar) to the address stored in attendees.csv or as path provided by
  --path param.

  --version                  Show the version and exit.
  --api [google]             API to use with the tool,
                             default is "google"
  -p, --path PATH            path to the csv file containing
                             email address of attendees, default is
                             "attendees.csv" in src directory
  -sd, --start-date TEXT     start date of the event, eg 2017-02-28 for
                             28 february 2017
  -st, --start-time TEXT     start time of the event. eg. 17:00
  -l, --location TEXT        location of the event
  -sum, --summary TEXT       summary of the event
  -ed, --end-date TEXT       end date of the event (same as start date, if not
                             provided), eg 2017-02-28 for 28 february 2017
  -et, --end-time TEXT       end time of the event. eg. 17:00
  -desc, --description TEXT  long description describing the event [optional]
  --help                     Show this message and exit.


Contributions to the project are welcome; a couple of very easy issues are present in the issue tab.

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