
Sentiment Analysis with a simple LSTM network using TensorFlow

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Sentiment Analysis using TensorFlow


Sentiment Analysis using a simple LSTM network to classify short texts into 2 categories (positive and negative). The implemented LSTM network is structured as follows (note that the batch dimension is omitted in the explanation):

  • Embedding layer: Transforms each input (a tensor of k words) into a tensor of k N-dimensional vectors (word embeddings), where N is the embedding size. Every word will be associated to a vector of weights that needs to be learnt during the training process. You can gain more insight into word embeddings at Vector Representations of Words.
  • RNN layer: It's made out of LSTM cells with a dropout wrapper. The intuition of LSTM networks is nicely described at Understanding LSTM Networks. LSTM weights need to be learnt during the training process. The RNN layer is unrolled dynamically, taking k word embeddings as input and outputting k M-dimensional vectors, where M is the hidden size of LSTM cells.
  • Softmax layer: The RNN-layer output is averaged across k timesteps, obtaining a single tensor of size M. Finally, a softmax layer is used to compute classification probabilities.

Cross-entropy is used as the loss function and RMSProp is the optimizer that minimizes it.

TensorBoard provides a nice overview of the whole graph: TensorBoard graph


  • Python 3.5
  • Pip 9.0.1


  1. Install TensorFlow. See TensorFlow installation guide
  2. Run sudo pip install -r requirements.txt


To train a model, run python

Optional flags:

  • --data_dir: Data directory containing data.csv (must have at least columns 'SentimentText' and 'Sentiment') Intermediate files will automatically be stored here. Default is data/Kaggle
  • --stopwords_file: Path to stopwords file. If stopwords_file=None, no stopwords will be used. Default is data/stopwords.txt
  • --n_samples: Number of samples to use from the dataset. Set n_samples=None to use the whole dataset. Default is None
  • --checkpoints_root: Checkpoints directory root. Parameters will be saved there. Default is checkpoints
  • --summaries_dir: Directory where TensorFlow summaries will be stored. You can visualize learning using TensorBoard by running tensorboard --logdir=<summaries_dir>. Default is logs
  • --batch_size: Batch size. Default is 100
  • --train_steps: Number of training steps. Default is 300
  • --hidden_size: Hidden size of LSTM layer. Default is 75
  • --embedding_size: Size of embedding layer. Default is 75
  • --random_state: Random state used for data splitting. Default is 0
  • --learning_rate: RMSProp learning rate. Default is 0.01
  • --test_size: Proportion of the dataset to be included in the test split (0<test_size<1). Default is 0.2
  • --dropout_keep_prob: Dropout keep-probability (0<dropout_keep_prob<=1). Default is 0.5
  • --sequence_len: Maximum sequence length. Let m be the maximum sequence length in the dataset. Then, it's required that sequence_len >= m. If sequence_len=None, then it'll be automatically assigned to m. Default is None
  • --validate_every: Step frequency in order to evaluate the model using a validation set. Default is 100

After training the model, the checkpoints directory will be printed out. For example: Model saved in: checkpoints/1481294288


To make predictions using a previously trained model, run python --checkpoints_dir <checkpoints directory> For example: python --checkpoints_dir checkpoints/1481294288

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