
SEO & Security Audit for Websites. Lighthouse & Security Headers crawler, Sitemap/Keywords/Images Extractor, Summarizer, etc ...


Open source Audits Toolkit

OSAT is a collection of tools created help you in your quest for a better website. All of these tools have been grouped into a single web app.

I've grown tired of SEO agencies making us pay hundreds of euros for simple tools. I decided to develop OSAT to help users find issues on their website and increase their SEO for free.

Why you need it

  • It's free, easy and open source.
  • It has a growing list of features
  • It's easy to install


  • Authentification - A fully featured authentification system for the front & back
  • RBAC/Organizations - Create different organizations and give different access to each org to your users.
  • Lighthouse Score - Run Lighthouse Audits and keep track of your scores
  • SERP Rank - Get the rank of your website on google for specific queries
  • Keywords Finder - Find all the keywords of an article.
  • Extract Headers/Links/Images - Easily extract all the links on your website and their status codes, the headers of a page and all the images.
  • Sitemap Extractor - Extract all the urls of a website from its sitemap
  • Summarizer - Summarize any text from any length. Awesome for excerpt !
  • Security Audit - Audit Headers, Redirect, etc to make sure you website is secure.


Go to Login: demo Password: demodemo

Admin part is


git clone
cd seo-audits-toolkit
docker-compose pull ## docker-compose build if you want to build it on your own
docker-compose --env-file .env-example up -d

Init the project

docker exec -it osat-server python flush
docker exec -it osat-server python loaddata init_data.json


You can access the dashboard by going to localhost:3000

Login: admin Password: admin


If needed create a .env file with information that you would like to change


Create organization

You need to go to Org -> Organization and create a new organization. You can create as many as you want. Organization are used in order to implement RBAC in the project and only display information about an organization to users of this organization. Here is a quicklinkg to access it http://localhost:8000/admin/org/website/

Add user to organization

Once your organization is created. You need to add your users to this organization. Go to Organizations -> Organizations Users and add your users to the organization you want. http://localhost:8000/admin/organizations/organizationuser/

Useful Links


Please feel free to add any contribution. If you've been working on a script that could be integrated in this app. Please feel free to do it. Don't hesitate to open issues to ask questions. I've tried to document the code as much as I could to ease the integration


You can just add a django module and I'll take care of intregrating it in the front.


I've used React Admin to build the front-end. If you want to help me improve the UI or add new functionnalites. Please feel free to contribute.


I'm not a python nor a frontend developer.