
Code for the paper "Factorising Meaning and Form for Intent-Preserving Paraphrasing", Tom Hosking & Mirella Lapata (ACL 2021)

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Factorising Meaning and Form for Intent-Preserving Paraphrasing

This repo contains the code for the paper "Factorising Meaning and Form for Intent-Preserving Paraphrasing", Tom Hosking & Mirella Lapata (ACL 2021).


First, install TorchSeq and other dependencies using the following command:

python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Download our split of Paralex

Download our split of QQP

Download a pretrained checkpoint for Paralex

Download a pretrained checkpoint for QQP

Model zip files should be unzipped into ./models, eg ./models/separator-qqp-v1.2. Data zip files should be unzipped into ./data/.

Note: Paralex was originally scraped from WikiAnswers, so many of the Paralex models and datasets are labelled as 'wa' or WikiAnswers.

Replicating our results

The evaluation setup used for the paper had a small bug - the references were not lowercased before calculating BLEU scores, leading to lower BLEU and self-BLEU scores for QQP (Paralex is already lowercased so not affected). The overall ranking of systems should not be affected.

The easiest way to replicate both cased (as per the paper) and uncased (the correct method) is using the code snippet in ./examples/Replication-QQP.ipynb. Change the model and dataset paths to evaluate on Paralex.

Run inference over a custom dataset

Here's a snippet to run Separator on a custom dataset:

import json
from torchseq.agents.para_agent import ParaphraseAgent
from torchseq.datasets.json_loader import JsonDataLoader
from torchseq.utils.config import Config

import torch

# Which checkpoint should we load?
path_to_model = '../models/separator-wa-v1.2/'

# Define the data
examples = [
    {'input': 'What is the income for a soccer player?'},
    {'input': 'What do soccer players earn?'}

# Change the config to use the custom dataset
with open(path_to_model + "/config.json") as f:
    cfg_dict = json.load(f)
cfg_dict["env"]["data_path"] = "../data/"
cfg_dict["dataset"] = "json"
cfg_dict["json_dataset"] = {
    "path": None,
    "field_map": [
        {"type": "copy", "from": "input", "to": "s2"},
        {"type": "copy", "from": "input", "to": "s1"},
        {"type": "copy", "from": "input", "to": "template"},

# Enable the code predictor
cfg_dict["bottleneck"]["code_predictor"]["infer_codes"] = True

# Create the dataset and model
config = Config(cfg_dict)
data_loader = JsonDataLoader(config, test_samples=examples)
checkpoint_path = path_to_model + "/model/"
instance = ParaphraseAgent(config=config, run_id=None, output_path=None, silent=True, verbose=False, training_mode=False)

# Load the checkpoint
# Finally, run inference
_, _, (pred_output, _, _), _ = instance.inference(data_loader.test_loader)


['what is the salary for a soccer player?', 'what do soccer players earn?']

There are more examples in examples/.

Training a model on QQP/Paralex

You can train a predefined model using:

torchseq --train --config ./configs/separator_wa.json


torchseq --train --config ./configs/separator_qqp.json

Training a model on a custom dataset

To use a different dataset, you will need to generate a total of 4 datasets. These should be folders in ./data, containing {train,dev,test}.jsonl files.

A cluster dataset, that is a list of the paraphrase clusters

{"qs": ["What are some good science documentaries?", "What is a good documentary on science?", "What is the best science documentary you have ever watched?", "Can you recommend some good documentaries in science?", "What the best science documentaries?"]}
{"qs": ["What do we use water for?", "Why do we, as human beings, use water for?"]}

A flattened dataset, that is just a list of all the paraphrases

The sentences must be in the same order as in the cluster dataset!

{"q": "Can you recommend some good documentaries in science?"}
{"q": "What the best science documentaries?"}
{"q": "What do we use water for?"}

The training triples

Generate this using the following command:

python3 ./scripts/  --use_diff_templ_for_sem --rate 1.0 --sample_size 5 --extended_stopwords  --real_exemplars --template_dropout 0.3 --resample --dataset qqp-clusters

Replace qqp-clusters with the path to your dataset in "cluster" format.

A dataset to use for evaluation

For each cluster, select a single sentence to use as the input (assigned to sem_input) and add all the other references to paras. tgt and syn_input should be set to one of references.

{"tgt": "What are some good science documentaries?", "syn_input": "What are some good science documentaries?", "sem_input": "Can you recommend some good documentaries in science?", "paras": ["What are some good science documentaries?", "What the best science documentaries?", "What is the best science documentary you have ever watched?", "What is a good documentary on science?"]}
{"tgt": "What do we use water for?", "syn_input": "What do we use water for?", "sem_input": "Why do we, as human beings, use water for?", "paras": ["What do we use water for?"]}

Train the model

Have a look at the patches, eg configs/patches/qqp.json, and create a patch that points to your dataset, then run:

torchseq --train --config ./configs/separator-wa.json --patch ./config/patches/qqp.json


    title = "Factorising Meaning and Form for Intent-Preserving Paraphrasing",
    author = "Hosking, Tom  and
      Lapata, Mirella",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)",
    month = aug,
    year = "2021",
    address = "Online",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "",
    pages = "1405--1418",