
Python script to transcribe Galaxy ToolShed packages into a tap for resuse with Homebrew.


This repository contains a script that attempts to convert package repositories from a Galaxy Tool Shed (i.e. those repositories defining software installations - not those defining the tool XML Galaxy uses to create forms and command lines) into a Homebrew tap installable and usable via platform-brew.

The latest experimental tap created with this script can be found here. This scirpt has known limitations however and so not all recipes are functional.

To test tool shed installs using brew - install brew, install platform-brew, and tap homebrew-toolshed and use platform brew to test things out.

% ruby -e "$(wget -O-" # if needed
% brew tap jmchilton/platform
% brew install --HEAD platform-brew
% brew tap jmchilton/toolshed
% brew vinstall jmchilton/toolshed/devteam_packageemboss500 1.0 --without-architecture
% . <(brew env jmchilton/toolshed/devteam_packageemboss500 1.0)
% etandem 
Looks for tandem repeats in a nucleotide sequence

The shed2tap script to create the toolshed tap used in the above example can be ran as follows:

% virtualenv .venv; . .venv/bin/activate
% pip install -r requirements.txt
% python --help
Usage: [OPTIONS]

  --tool_shed [toolshed|testtoolshed]
                              Tool shed to target.
  --owner TEXT                    Limit generation to specific owner.
  --name_filter TEXT              Apply regex to name filters.
  --git_user TEXT
  --brew_directory TEXT
  --help                          Show this message and exit.
% python --git_user jmchilton --tool_shed toolshed