
Social and fun boardgame about IT. Best with đŸģ

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ship-it-boardgame - Version 0.0.11 aka "The Great Purge" Latest Release

Published by sobolevn 4 months ago

  • Added explicit "game variants" to the rules
  • Removed Orchestrator card
  • Removed Queue card
  • Removed Deadline card
  • Removed Cherrypick card
  • Added Handshake card
  • Increased the number of Burnout cards by 2
  • Increased the number of Man in the Middle cards by 1
  • Changed Legacy color from purple to light grey
  • Added 🕑 icon to more cards: Manual, Friday
  • Reworked Frontend social interaction, again
  • Tweaked multiple wordings on cards
  • Tweaked rules
ship-it-boardgame - Version 0.0.10

Published by sobolevn 5 months ago

  • Added new Man in the Middle card
  • Removed Supply chain card
  • Removed Agile card
  • Created Legacy card category
  • Renamed New Release to Crutches
  • Changed CI and Certificate cards, now they can be placed even
    after the initial component deployment
  • Reworked RFC description: mention card name and that player cannot lie
  • Added new explanation to sudo card
  • Increased the number of Cherrypick cards by 1
  • Increased the number of Burnout cards by 1
  • Reworked Burnout card to be a reaction
  • Explicitly mention that Error and Concrete error freeze cards for 1 turn
  • Explicitly mention who you can attack and who you can defend
  • Changed reaction icon from â™ģī¸ to ↩ī¸
  • Added 🕑 icon to cards that should stay at your table for a turn (DDoS)
  • Added 🛡 icon to cards with provocation (Monitoring, Firewall)
  • Tweaked several wordings in rules and cards
  • Tweaked multiple social interactions' wordings
  • Tweaked several jokes
  • Improved short rules

Printed (1 deck)!

ship-it-boardgame - Version 0.0.9

Published by sobolevn 5 months ago

  • Added new Agile card
  • Clarified Legacy rules
  • Clarified Redirect rules
  • Simplified Monitoring and Firewall rules: they now don't interact with sudo
  • Changed Supply chain card: it does not have ⚙ī¸ effect anymore
  • Tweaked Frontend social interaction, again
  • Tweaked some minor wordings on multiple cards
  • Tweaked multiple other social interactions a bit
  • Fixed fonts on multiple cards
  • Added "Pytup" rule special card

Printed (15 decks)!

ship-it-boardgame - Version 0.0.8

Published by sobolevn 7 months ago

  • Added new buffs ⚙ī¸ for some cards when you have deployed components
  • Added new Cherrypick card
  • Added new Legacy card
  • Added new Eventbus card
  • Reworked P2P card completely
  • Added new Burnout card
  • Buffed Orchestrator card
  • Added new effect to Hacker's paws when there are no deployed components
  • Decreased the number of Orchestrator cards by 1
  • Increased Cancel cards by 2
  • Decreased Supply chain cards by 1
  • Increased Hype cards by 1
  • Decreased Hacker's paws cards by 1
  • Added Queue icon to Cloud card
  • Added ⚙ī¸ icon to CI and Certificate to indicate how they are played
  • Changed Frontend's social interaction, once again
  • Tweaked some cards' wordings
  • Tweaked rules for a bit
  • Improved multiple jokes
  • Added Table Top Simulator support and docs
  • Improved short rules card

Printed (5 decks)!

ship-it-boardgame - Version 0.0.7

Published by sobolevn 8 months ago

  • Added the game logo
  • Added the short rules summary card
  • Added the hand limit
  • Added the mechanic to draw cards when your hand is empty
  • Added Deadline event card
  • Specified the starting player
  • Added icons to the Cloud card, so you can tell what card it replaces
  • Added Error and Vulnerability icons
  • Highlighted card types in the descriptions
  • Fixed Cloud wording and updated its rules
  • Updated game-process.schema to include Cloud and Architecture cards
  • Updated rule-card to include Telegram link
  • Fixed multiple card wordings
  • Added new effect to 500 and 0 day
  • Decreased the amount of 500 and Friday cards by 1
  • Decreased the amount of sudo and Cancel cards by 1
  • Decreased the amount of DDoS by 1
  • Increased the amount of RFC cards by 1
  • Decreased the amount of CI cards by 1
  • Removed social pseudo-interaction from Critical error
  • Remove social interaction from 0 day
  • Changed + sudo? part on all cards to be $
  • Moved special â™ģī¸ sign of reaction cards to the top
  • Changed Application's joke
  • Changed Frontend's social interaction
  • Changed Meta cards' color from yellow to brown

Printed (12 decks)!

ship-it-boardgame - Version 0.0.6

Published by sobolevn 9 months ago

  • Added Redirect meta card
  • Added Manual meta optional card
  • Removed Research card
  • Increased the number of sudo and Cancel cards by 1
  • Decreased the number of Cloud cards by 1
  • Decreased the number of Not a bug cards by 1
  • Buffed OpenSource card
  • Improved Microservices's joke rendering
  • Improved wordings on some cards
  • Now Critical error has a new social interaction
  • Improved card's schema
  • Improved rules' wordings
  • Now using for schemas
  • Added schemas for how cards should be on the table
ship-it-boardgame - Version 0.0.5

Published by sobolevn 9 months ago

  • Removed Cache card: it was not balanced for Application architecture
  • Changed card design, make them easier to read in your hand
  • Renamed Critical vulnerability to Specific vulnerability
  • Renamed Nope to Cancel
  • Changed the amount of DDoS cards from 2 to 3
  • Clarified how Cloud works
  • Clarified that Cancel cancels the whole card
  • Made reaction cards explicit: now they have a special â™ģī¸ sign
  • Added jokes to "Architecture" cards
  • Improved multiple wordings
  • Removed "deploy" word from cards, it was very complex for non-IT people
ship-it-boardgame - Version 0.0.4

Published by sobolevn 9 months ago

  • Increased the maximum amount of players to 5 people
  • Removed Merge card
  • Added New release card
  • Removed any notices of "Exchange" mechanics from the rules
  • Reworked OpenSource card
  • Reworked Orchestrator card
  • Renamed [Critical] Security issue to [Critical] Vulnerability
  • Reworked Nope card, it no longer works against deployment components
  • Clarified rules about sudo
  • Changed several social interactions
  • Changed how social interactions should be regulated
  • Changed the amount of multiple cards: now there should be more defence
  • Social interaction is no longer optional
ship-it-boardgame - Version 0.0.3

Published by sobolevn 9 months ago

  • Moved DDoS and Supply chain to Meta category
  • Added Nope card to Meta category
  • Added sudo category
  • Added Critical security issue card
  • Changed the number of defence and attack cards
  • Changed the number of event cards
  • Now Architecture cards will have different back cover
  • Reworked social interactions for Garbage collector
  • Added explicit card type name for all cards
  • Small rules adjustments
ship-it-boardgame - Version 0.0.2

Published by sobolevn 9 months ago

Version 0.0.2

  • Added new card Hacker's paws
  • Changed Microfrontends card to require only 2 Frontend cards
  • Added Microservices card
  • Removed one Application card
  • Changed the number of Frontend cards from 5 to 4
  • Added one more Error card
  • Changed the number of RFC from 5 to 3
  • Increased the number of Research from 2 to 3
  • Reworked the Reuse card into Garbage collector,
    now there are 3 Garbage collector cards. It used to be 2 Reuse cards
  • Moved the social interaction from Bug to Specific bug
  • Social interactions are reworked to have more replayability
  • Better wordings and more complete rules
  • Addressed printing issues in card design
ship-it-boardgame - Version 0.0.1

Published by sobolevn 10 months ago

Initial release