
Real-time sign language detection using CNN and MediaPipe for hand landmark recognition. Implements deep learning models to classify sign language gestures from live video input.


Real-Time Sign Language Detection

This project implements a real-time sign language detection system using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and MediaPipe for hand landmark detection. The system captures live video input, processes hand gestures, and classifies them into corresponding sign language alphabets.

Project Structure:

  • Defines the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture used for classifying hand gestures.
  • Handles the detection of hand landmarks using MediaPipe and processes them for use by the CNN model.
  • Integrates MediaPipe to perform real-time hand detection through the webcam.
  • The main script that ties everything together, using the CNN model and MediaPipe for real-time sign language detection.
  • Script used for training the CNN model on a dataset of hand gestures.
  • Script for testing the performance of the trained CNN model on a test dataset.
  • CNN_model_alphabet_SIBI.pth: Pre-trained CNN model weights used for classification.

How to Run the Project:

  1. Install Dependencies

Make sure you have Python installed on your system. You can install the required Python packages using pip:

pip install -r requirements.txt

If you don't have a requirements.txt file, you can manually install the necessary packages:

pip install opencv-python mediapipe torch numpy pandas

  1. Running Real-Time Detection

To start the real-time sign language detection, run the following command:


This will activate your webcam and start detecting and classifying hand gestures in real-time.

  1. Training the Model (Optional)

If you want to train the CNN model from scratch, you can run:


This script will use a dataset of hand gestures to train the model.

  1. Testing the Model (Optional)

To test the performance of the trained CNN model on a test dataset, you can run:


How It Works:

  1. Hand Landmark Detection:

    • The system uses MediaPipe to detect and track hand landmarks in real-time from the webcam feed.
  2. Feature Extraction:

    • The detected hand landmarks are processed and used as input features for the CNN model.
  3. Gesture Classification:

    • The CNN model classifies the input features into one of the predefined sign language alphabets (A-Z).
  4. Real-Time Feedback:

    • The classified gesture is displayed in real-time, providing immediate feedback to the user.


  • Python 3.x
  • OpenCV
  • MediaPipe
  • PyTorch
  • Pandas


Contributions are welcome! If you have any ideas, suggestions, or improvements, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.


For any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact me at [[email protected]].