
Some utilities to wrap the sigrok project's python analyzers to be used in Saleae Logic 2.x

MIT License


Convert Sigrok Decoders to Logic 2.x Analyzers

What the heck?

Starting from Saleae Logic 2.2.6 it supports so called High level analyzers for SPI, I2C, UART written in python.

Sigrok has a plenty of analyzers written also in python.

It all adds up: let's write a wrapper to joy the sigrok analyzers withint the Saleae Logic.


The plan is to create a 'fake' which will do the Logic input frame -> sigrok frame -> sigrok decoder -> sigrok decoded frame -> Logic frame conversion. (And the settings/annotiation conversion in the similar way.)

Other than this a wrapper class will be generated for each sigrok analyzer which will be compatible with the Logic analyzer format.

The generation of these classes is automated by the script:

It will select the supported (I2C/SPI/UART based) analyzers from the libsigrokdecode submodule.

Achtung, warning, pozor!

The code is pretty rough it did not even been tested with Logic yet.

Stay tuned!