
Pelican plugin to list similar posts to articles, based on a vector space model.

GPL-3.0 License


Similar Posts: A Plugin for Pelican

Similar Posts is a Pelican plugin that adds the similar_posts variable to every published article's context.

The inputs to the similarity measurement algorithm are article tags. Thus, for this plugin to be of any use, at least some of your articles must have a tags element in their metadata.

The similar_posts variable is a list of Article objects, or an empty list if no articles could be found with at least one tag in common with the given article. The list is sorted by descending similarity, then by descending date.


This plugin is compatible with Python 3.8 through 3.11. Python 3.12+ is not currently supported due to incompatibilities with one or more of the dependencies listed below.

It depends on Gensim, which has its own dependencies such as NumPy, SciPy, and smart_open.


This plugin can be installed via:

python -m pip install pelican-similar-posts

As long as you have not explicitly added a PLUGINS setting to your Pelican settings file, then the newly-installed plugin should be automatically detected and enabled. Otherwise, you must add similar_posts to your existing PLUGINS list. For more information, please see the How to Use Plugins documentation.


By default, up to five articles are listed. You may customize this value by defining SIMILAR_POSTS_MAX_COUNT in your Pelican settings file. For example:


You may also define SIMILAR_POSTS_MIN_SCORE in the settings file. It defaults to .0001. A value of 1.0 would restrict the list of similar posts to articles that have the same set of tags. Any value greater than 0.0 acts as a similarity threshold, but to play with this you'll probably have to find a proper value empirically. When running Pelican with the --debug option, extra messages show the scores of the similar posts.

You can output the similar_posts variable in your article template. This might look like the following:

{% if article.similar_posts %}
    {% for similar in article.similar_posts %}
        <li><a href="{{ SITEURL }}/{{ similar.url }}">{{ similar.title }}</a></li>
    {% endfor %}
{% endif %}

Similarity Score

The measure of similarity is based on the vector space model, which represents text documents as vectors. Each vector component corresponds to one of the terms that exists in the corpus. Thus the corpus may be represented as a matrix whose lines correspond to documents, and whose columns correspond to terms.

In this implementation, terms (tags) are weighted using the tf-idf model, which essentially means that terms that are rare across the whole corpus have greater values than those that are very common. The idea is that a term that is present in a great number of documents does not provide much specificity; it does not help relate a document to another in particular as much as a term that occurs in only a few documents.

Say we have a corpus with five terms. A document's vector might look like:

[.9, .1, .0, .0, .3]

This document has three terms. The first one has a high value, meaning it is relatively rare across the whole corpus. The second one has a low value, meaning it is much more common. The next two terms are absent from this document, while the last term is present and also somewhat common in the corpus, although not as common as the second term. If, for example, another document contains only the first and last terms, it should be considered more relevant to this document than another that would have just the first and second terms, or just the second and last terms.

We measure the similarity of two documents by computing the cosine of the angle between their unit vectors. The resulting "score" is bounded in [0, 1]. Two vectors with the same orientation have a cosine similarity of 1. The lower the value, the greater the angle between the vectors; the more "dissimilar" the documents are.

Comparison with the Related Posts plugin

The Related Posts plugin relates articles that have the greatest number of tags in common, without any tag weighting. If many articles match with the same number of tags, they all get the same score. On most web sites, the list of recommended articles is short, so the most relevant ones will often be left out if all have the same score.

Perhaps to circumvent this problem, the plugin allows one to manually link related posts by slug. However, that creates a content maintenance burden; old posts will not link to newer ones, unless they are manually edited to add them.


Contributions are welcome and much appreciated. Every little bit helps. You can contribute by improving the documentation, adding missing features, and fixing bugs. You can also help out by reviewing and commenting on existing issues.

To start contributing to this plugin, review the Contributing to Pelican documentation, beginning with the Contributing Code section.


This project is licensed under the General Public License (GPL) 3.0.