
I/O Automata Simulator

MIT License


simio is an I/O Automata simulator, that aims to provide students of distributed systems with tools for visualizing the behaviour of I/O automata in arbitrary networks.

To build the toolkit, run make in the root of the repository.

Writing automata

The simulator expects automata definitions to be written in a thin Domain-Specific Language that wraps Python. Example implementations of common distributed algorithms can be seen in examples/specs. The language and simulation is more thoroughly described in the tech report, which can be generated in the doc/ directory using make report.pdf.

When writing specifications, there are a few special pieces of state available to you:

  • self.i is a unique per-node identifier
  • in outgoing transitions (i.e., those defined as tasks that have a
    Transition-Output), a variable named to holds the unique
    identifier of the neighbour currently being sent to.
  • in incoming transitions (i.e., those that appear in
    Signature-Input, and connect with an outgoing transition), a
    variable named fr holds the unique identifier of the neighbour that
    sent the current message.

In addition, an automata can, at any point, call the mark function to change the color of the current node in the visualization, or the label function to change the textual annotation for that node.

The simio parser, src/parser/, should be invoked on the automaton specification to generate an executable automaton file:

# Note that the output file *must* currently be called
./src/parser/ -f examples/specs/paxos.ioa >

Defining network graphs

A network graph should first be defined using the Graphviz DOT format. All edges represent a FIFO channel, and all nodes in the graph will be running a single instance of the automaton. Example graphs can be seen in examples/graphs.

Visualizing behavior

To visualize how a given automaton behaves on a given graph, invoke the simulator using:

./src/simulator/ -s .2 -g examples/graphs/complete.gv

This will open up a live view of the simulation in a new window, powered by the simio renderer. If nothing opens, you're probably missing python2-pyinotify. The -s option specifies the time delay between each step of the simulation, and allows speeding up or slowing down the visualization. -t can be used to keep every intermediate visualization of the run.

The simulator's STDOUT will contain anything printed inside the running automaton instances, while STDERR will contain messages from the simulator.

Included examples

To run one of the included examples, call make, and then run one of the scripts in examples/demos. Demos for Bellman-Ford, Paxos, Peterson's leader-election algorithm, and Luby Maximal Independent Set are given. You might want to run the examples with -s .2 so the simulation does not run too quickly to follow.