A better SmartyStreets/LiveAddress API library for Python

BSD-3-CLAUSE License



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A wrapper for the SmartyStreets address validation and geolocation API.

Other Python libraries exist but skip out on multiple address submission and make opinionated decisions about how to transform the return data.

.. note:: This project is not affiliated with the SmartyStreets service or company in any way.

Features aims to provide a sane, tested, and feature complete wrapper to the SmartyStreets LiveAddress API, including address lookup for validation and geolocation, as well as zipcode lookup and validation.

Installation requires the httpx library <>_ and will install it if it is found missing.

pip install

Basic usage

API client

Create a client instance with your key::

from smartystreets import Client
client = Client(AUTH_ID, AUTH_TOKEN)

Create a client instance with SmartyStreets configuration options::

client = Client(AUTH_ID, AUTH_TOKEN, standardize=True, invalid=False,

These options correspond to the x-standardize-only, x-include-invalid, and x-suppress-logging headers for opening up results to standardized but not necessarily deliverable addresses, including invalid delivery addresses, and toggling SmartyStreets API logging, respectively.

Since the SmartyStreets API only permits up to 100 addresses to be looked up at once the client will raise an exception if more than 100 are provided. You can turn off this functionality using the truncate_addresses option, which will silently truncate the list to the first 100 addresses::

client = Client(AUTH_ID, AUTH_TOKEN, truncate_addresses=True)

Address lookup

Simple address lookup::

client.street_address("100 Main St Richmond, VA")

Multiple simple street addresses::

client.street_addresses(["100 Main St Richmond, VA", "100 Main St Richmond, VA"])

Note that these are different function names.

You can also use dictionaries including detailed data::

    'input_id': 'k1d8j',
    'street': '100 Main st',
    'city': 'Richmond',
    'state': 'VA',
    'candidates': 2,

And multiple detailed lookups::

        'input_id': 'k1d8j',
        'street': '100 Main st',
        'city': 'Richmond',
        'state': 'VA',
        'candidates': 2,
    }, {
        'input_id': 'z29ir',
        'street': '400 Main st',
        'city': 'Richmond',
        'state': 'VA',
        'candidates': 2,

.. note:: You cannot mix the simple street lookup style and the detailed dictionary lookup style in the same API call. This is a library restriction.

Return data

Just as important as a clean interface for working with the API is a helpful way of working with the returned data.

Returned data is presented as either a single SmartyAddress or a SmartyAddresses collection. Each is based on builtin types so that you always have access to the underlying data exactly as it was returned, but with added convenience methods.

Address geolocation

Where is it?::

    >>> address = client.street_address("100 Main St Richmond, VA")
    >>> address.location

Accuracy is subject to address inputs and available data.

Address verification

Is this a deliverable address?::

>>> address.confirmed

The value here does not necessarily mean this is an exact mail address (e.g. with apartment number). The SmartyStreets API will return a code indicating the complete DPV status.

Multiple addresses: input ID lookup

You can look up an address by the `input_id` parameter (provided you include
one in the request)::

    >>> addresses = client.street_address([{'input_id': '123', 'street': ...}])
    >>> addresses.get('123')
    {'input_id': '123', 'street': ... }

The `get` method is used because the `SmartyAddresses` object's default lookup
is against the list index.

Zipcode lookup


Response errors

The following documented response codes raise specific exceptions based on a
`SmaryStreetsError` class.

- 400 Bad input. Required fields missing from input or are malformed.
- 401 Unauthorized. Addressuthentication failure; invalid credentials.
- 402 Payment required. No Addressuthenticationctive subscription found.
- 500 Internal server error. General service foundailure; retry request.