
Experimenting with a python DSL for interactive text based menu systems

OTHER License



The start of a coroutine based Python messaging engine; experiments in writing a python DSL for interactive text based menu systems.


You'll need to install this stuff

  • Python 2.6
  • generator_tools (w/ pip or easy_install)
  • django (for the current database backend)
  • twisted (for the USSD and XMPP runners)
  • wokkel (an XMPP lib on top of Twisted)
  • python-ssmi (from - which isn't open-sourced yet unfortunately)

To run the tests make sure you have the following packages installed:

  • Nose
  • Nose-exclude

Run the tests with nosetests from the command line. The file setup.cfg specifies the default options for nose. If you want coverage run nosetests -c coverage.cfg, it will generate coverage data for the alexandria module and generate an HTML report at tmp/coverage/index.html.

Currently both django and wokkel are available in the ./lib/ directory. Add the directory to your $PYTHONPATH to be able to load to modules.


There are currently 3 options for running the menus, USSD, XMPP and a command line runner.

On OS X twistd, the Twisted application runner, sometimes complains about not being able write to a dropin.cache folder. Running twistd with sudo will fix that for you. Also, when using python2.6 or later the current Twisted version will raise warnings about the md5 and sha modules being deprecated, those are ugly but not harmful.

Alexandria has two plugins for Twisted, ussd and xmpp. Running twistd in the root folder should list those under the available commands. Each plugin has several options running twistd [ussd|xmpp] --help will print those for you.

Running a menu over USSD

Running twistd ussd --menu=examples.devquiz will start the menu in examples/ You will be prompted for any other options that weren't specified on the command line but which are required. These are mostly options for connecting to the USSD gateway with, currently TruTeq.

$ twistd --pidfile=tmp/ ussd --menu=examples.devquiz
username: <your truteq username>
hostname: <your truteq hostname>
password: <your truteq password>
port: <your truteq port number>

Stop the process with a SIGHUP - kill -HUP \cat tmp/``

While developing add the -n or --nodaemon option to keep the application running in the foreground.

If going into production add the --logfile=logs/twistd.ussd.log option to redirect the logging to the given file.

Running a menu of XMPP

Running a menu over XMPP is similar to the USSD transport. It only differs in the options required.

$ twistd --pidfile=tmp/ xmpp --menu=examples.devquiz
username: <your gtalk / xmpp username>
password: <your gtalk / xmpp password>
host: <your gtalk / xmpp host, defaults to `talk`>
port: <your gtalk / xmpp port, defaults to `5222`>

The XMPP plugin currently doesn't accept a --menu option yet, it is hard coded into alexandria/twisted/ This will change soon.

Running a menu on the command

Alexandria provides a command line client for testing menu's with. It currently expects 1 single argument, an MSISDN for the connecting client as it imitates a USSD session. It, like the XMPP transport, does not yet provide a --menu option.

Example: ./command-line-client 27761234567

Returning blank will end the connection and close the process.


In order of importance:

  1. Write tests and documentation

  2. All transports allow a --menu option to specify what menu to run.

  3. Allow for tree like menu structures, see the example below.

  4. Create a request type object that has access to the menu system and the session storage. Simplifies the current ms, session = yield stuff a little bit.

  5. Data store needs to be more pluggable. It can currently be changed but it is ugly and requiring all of Django just for the models is a bit of an overkill, either we choose to make use of all of Django or write a simple little db layer for access an sqlite3 database.


prompt("What is your favorite programming language?", name="start", options={
    "python": prompt('You rock! What version?', {
        "2.3": prompt("Oooh very old"),
        "2.4": prompt("Nicer...")
    "ruby": prompt("Sweet, what runtime?", {
        "mzr": prompt('classic'),
        "jruby": prompt('edgy')
        # nesting deeper
                                    # ability to jump to a named anchor