
Proposed infrastructure for indexing RNA sequencing data



Genomic data is being accumulated at an exponential rate. The need to parallelize data analysis and storage is becoming stronger. In this paper, there's a proposal for scaling indexing on RNA splicing data. Distributing the data across several servers will allow for parallelized jobs to run on top of it, leveraging the power of data locality. Moving to a cloud infrastructure allows achieving such distribution while keeping reproducibility high.

Here is an explanation of each folder, its contents and how to run it.


Contains Python scripts to run perfomance queries in different database settings on a local machine. It also includes csvs and Excel sheet with all the data as generated in my personal laptop.


Requirements: python3, virtualenv Data requirements:

  • Postgres database with intron table containing all GTEx junction data indexed
  • Postgres database with intron_chr1 table containing chromosome 1 GTEx junction data indexed
  • SQLite database in project root folder as junctions.sqlite with intron table containing all GTEx junction data indexed
  • SQLite database in project root folder as junctionschr1.sqlite with intron table containing chromosome 1 GTEx junction data indexed


  • virtualenv env --python=python3
  • source env/bin/activate
  • pip3 install requirements.txt
  • python analysis/ (replace scipt with script name)


Contains Kubernetes object definition for each of the services defined in the paper.


Requirements: Kubernetes cluster, kubectl configured to access the cluster.

  • kubectl create -f kubernetes/chr1ps.yaml
  • kubectl create -f kubernetes/ui.yaml

Postgres Docker

Contains files to create custom postgres container.


Requirements: Local Postgres instance


  • cd postgres-docker
  • wget -nc
  • ./

Docker container creation

Requirements: docker, hosted tsv with chromosome 1 data.

  • make for building image
  • make push for pushing image to Docker Hub repository

Note that currently is configured to push to my Docker Hub repository (casassg). Replace with your user or desired repository name.


Contains scripts to populate databases for local testing.


  • junctions.bgz downloaded from snaptron web server: curl -o junctions.bgz
  • Running postgres server in local machine.

UI Docker

Contains code for UI and API server.


Requirements: python3, virtualenv Data requirements:

  • Postgres database with intron table containing chromosome 1 GTEx junction data indexed


  • virtualenv penv --python=python3
  • source penv/bin/activate
  • pip3 install requirements.txt
  • python ui-docker/

Requires changes in the code to point to localhost instead of the remote name server. It also needs to change username and database according to your local Postgres set up.

Docker container creation

Requirements: docker

  • make for building image
  • make push for pushing image to Docker Hub repository

Note that currently is configured to push to my Docker Hub repository (casassg). Replace with your user or desired repository name.
