
Stylish ANSI terminal colors and helpers.

MIT License



Stylish ANSI terminal colors and helpers.


from snazzy import enable_colors, green, wrap


print("That looks " + green("good") + ", right?")

Note two things:

  1. snazzy is inactive by default, so we have to call enable_colors() first.
  2. The function green(<text>) wraps the text in ANSI escape sequences to apply
    green foreground color and reset to the default color afterwards.

The function green(<text>) is only a convenience shortcut for wrap(<text>, ...):

assert green("good") == wrap("good", fg="green")

However wrap() is more powerful and flexible, since it also allows to set background color and attributes (bold, italic, underline):

print(wrap("white on blue", "white", bg="blue"))
print(wrap("ERROR:", "yellow", bg="red", bold=True) + " that went wrong.")

Alternative pattern, using a context manager:

with Snazzy(fg="green", bg="black"))
    print("This is so eighties...")

The context manager pattern is syntactic sugar for this explicit code:

print(ansi("green", bg="black"), end="")
print("This is so eighties...")
print(ansi_reset(), end="")

Available Formats


Color keys can be used as foreground or background using the fg=COLOR and bg=COLOR option respectively. Note: Not all platforms implement all features see here for an overview.

These are well supported in most terminals:

"black", "red", "green", "yellow", "blue", "magenta", "cyan", "white".

These are less good supported:

"li_black", "li_red", "li_green", "li_yellow", "li_blue", "li_magenta", "li_cyan", "li_white".

These are less supported:

"da_black", "da_red", "da_green", "da_yellow", "da_blue", "da_magenta", "da_cyan", "da_white".

We can also pass RGB tuples like so if the platform supports it:

print(wrap("white on blue", (255, 255, 255), bg=(0, 0, 200)))


The following effects are available:

"bold", "dim", "italic", "underline", "blink", "inverse", "hidden", "strike".

("b", "i", and "u" may be used as alias for bold, italic, and underline.)

Format Reset

The following codes reset distinct formattings to default values:

"reset_all", "reset_fg", "reset_bg", "reset_bold_dim", "reset_italic", "reset_underline", "reset_blink", "reset_inverse", "reset_hidden", "reset_strike".

(The wrap() methods appends this automatically to the wrapped text.)

Enable Colors

Snazzy is disabled by default, because not all terminals and platforms support ANSI codes, resulting in ugly text. Also, when output is redirected to log files, we want to suppress those escape sequences. Finally, a command line tool that uses snazzy might want to offer a command line argument --no-color to disable colors:

if not args.no_color:

Until explicitly enabled, no escape sequencrs are generated, so the the wrappers behave transparently:

from snazzy import red, enable_colors

assert red("error") == "error"

assert red("error") == "\x1b[91merror\x1b[39m"


The emoji(s, fallback) method allows to emit emojis and other fancy unicode characters, but fallback to a replacement string if the terminal does not support this.

print("{} this is a bug.".format(emoji("", red("X"))))
print(emoji("✨ 🍰 ✨", ":-)"))

Note: Currently we assume that on Windows CMD and Powershell don't support emojis, but 'Windows Terminal' does. Linux and macOS platforms are supposed to support emojis.


The cleanup_ansi_codes(s) method removes ANSI codes from a string:

s = wrap("foo", underline=True)
assert s == "\x1b[4mfoo\x1b[24m"
assert cleanup_ansi_codes(s) == "foo"