
Testing Github Actions and building sphinx


Demo of Sphix + github actions to deploy it

This demonstrates building a Github Action workflow. Main points:

  • Everything in .github/workflows

  • You can have multiple workflow files (presumably)

  • Similar to .travis.yml but with custom syntax

  • Each workflow has multiple steps. Each step can be an inline shell script or reference to another action. Actions are written with uses: and refer to another Github repository where the action is defened. Thus, there is more reusability of certain building blocks.

  • For example, the repo is not automatically checked out (because you could have actions that run on issues only which comment on the issue). You check out a repository with - uses: actions/checkout@v1 which uses the environment variables to check out the repository to ..


Useful reading


This repo doesn't do "build on PR, deploy on master" - need to find the syntax to do that.

Deployment does not currently work with GITHUB_TOKEN because pushing back to the repo with this token does not trigger the Github Pages building actions. See https://github.com/maxheld83/ghpages/issues/1 and basically every other Github Pages deploy action.

Workarounds are to make a Personal Access Token (which then has access to all your repositories - not good) or perhaps a deploy ssh key (which I haven't seen any pre-build action use).