
A clone of the mercurial sphinx-contrib repository.

OTHER License


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README for sphinx-contrib

This repository contains a collection of Sphinx_ extensions maintained by their respective authors. It is not an official part of Sphinx.

.. _Sphinx: http://bitbucket.org/birkenfeld/sphinx


Use setup.py in the subdirectory for the individual extension::

cd dir python setup.py build sudo python setup.py install


If you want to add your own extension, please write an e-mail to [email protected] and give your bitbucket user name; you will then get write access to the public repo at http://bitbucket.org/birkenfeld/sphinx-contrib.

Send wishes, comments, patches, etc. for individual extensions to their author as given in the module.

List of extensions

.. Note that this will be viewed using the bitbucket web interface .. .. which supports a subset, but not the full sphinx markup. ..

  • aafig: render embeded ASCII art as nice images using aafigure_.
  • actdiag: embed activity diagrams by using actdiag_
  • adadomain: an extension for Ada support (Sphinx 1.0 needed)
  • ansi: parse ANSI color sequences inside documents
  • autorun: Execute code in a runblock directive.
  • blockdiag: embed block diagrams by using blockdiag_
  • cheeseshop: easily link to PyPI packages
  • clearquest: create tables from ClearQuest_ queries.
  • coffeedomain: a domain for (auto)documenting CoffeeScript source code.
  • context: a builder for ConTeXt.
  • doxylink: Link to external Doxygen-generated HTML documentation
  • email: obfuscate email addresses
  • erlangdomain: an extension for Erlang support (Sphinx 1.0 needed)
  • exceltable: embed Excel spreadsheets into documents using exceltable_
  • feed: an extension for creating syndication feeds and time-based overviews
    from your site content
  • gnuplot: produces images using gnuplot_ language.
  • googleanalytics: track html visitors statistics
  • googlechart: embed charts by using Google Chart_
  • googlemaps: embed maps by using Google Maps_
  • httpdomain: a domain for documenting RESTful HTTP APIs.
  • hyphenator: client-side hyphenation of HTML using hyphenator_
  • lilypond: an extension inserting music scripts from Lilypond_ in PNG format.
  • mscgen: embed mscgen-formatted MSC (Message Sequence Chart)s.
  • nicoviceo: embed videos from nicovideo
  • nwdiag: embed network diagrams by using nwdiag_
  • omegat: support tools to collaborate with OmegaT_ (Sphinx 1.1 needed)
  • osaka: convert standard Japanese doc to Osaka dialect (it is joke extension)
  • paverutils: an alternate integration of Sphinx with Paver_.
  • phpdomain: an extension for PHP support
  • plantuml: embed UML diagram by using PlantUML_
  • rawfiles: copy raw files, like a CNAME.
  • requirements: declare requirements wherever you need (e.g. in test
    docstrings), mark statuses and collect them in a single list
  • rubydomain: an extension for Ruby support (Sphinx 1.0 needed)
  • sadisplay: display SqlAlchemy model sadisplay_
  • sdedit: an extension inserting sequence diagram by using Quick Sequence.
    Diagram Editor (sdedit_)
  • seqdiag: embed sequence diagrams by using seqdiag_
  • slide: embed presentation slides on slideshare_ and other sites.
  • swf: embed flash files
  • sword: an extension inserting Bible verses from Sword_.
  • tikz: draw pictures with the TikZ/PGF LaTeX package_.
  • traclinks: create TracLinks_ to a Trac_ instance from within Sphinx
  • whooshindex: whoosh indexer extension
  • youtube: embed videos from YouTube_
  • zopeext: provide an autointerface directive for using Zope interfaces_.

.. _aafigure: https://launchpad.net/aafigure

.. _gnuplot: http://www.gnuplot.info/

.. _paver: http://www.blueskyonmars.com/projects/paver/

.. _Sword: http://www.crosswire.org/sword/

.. _Lilypond: http://lilypond.org/web/

.. _sdedit: http://sdedit.sourceforge.net/

.. _Trac: http://trac.edgewall.org

.. _TracLinks: http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracLinks

.. _OmegaT: http://www.omegat.org/

.. _PlantUML: http://plantuml.sourceforge.net/

.. _PyEnchant: http://www.rfk.id.au/software/pyenchant/

.. _sadisplay: http://bitbucket.org/estin/sadisplay/wiki/Home

.. _blockdiag: http://blockdiag.com/

.. _seqdiag: http://blockdiag.com/

.. _actdiag: http://blockdiag.com/

.. _nwdiag: http://blockdiag.com/

.. _Google Chart: http://code.google.com/intl/ja/apis/chart/

.. _Google Maps: http://maps.google.com/

.. _hyphenator: http://code.google.com/p/hyphenator/

.. _exceltable: http://packages.python.org/sphinxcontrib-exceltable/

.. _YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/

.. _ClearQuest: http://www-01.ibm.com/software/awdtools/clearquest/

.. _Zope interfaces: http://docs.zope.org/zope.interface/README.html

.. _slideshare: http://www.slideshare.net/

.. _TikZ/PGF LaTeX package: http://sourceforge.net/projects/pgf/

For contributors

When adding or updating your extension, please adhere to these guidelines:

  • Use make-ext.py to set up your extension subdirectory.
  • Each extension must be either a submodule or subpackage of the
    sphinxcontrib package. The sphinxcontrib/__init__.py file in your
    package must not be changed.
  • Each extension must be listed in this file under "List of extensions" above.
  • Each author should be listed in AUTHORS along with the extension name.
  • It would be good to have all extensions BSD licensed; otherwise make a note in
    an ext/LICENSE file.
  • Each extension can maintain a changelog and readme file; these files should
    be called ext/CHANGES and ext/README, respectively.
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