
A really easy way to display your spotify listening status on READMEs and Website.

APACHE-2.0 License


Spotify playing README

A really easy way to display your spotify listening status on READMEs and websites!


Here's the embed of the card from website.

Customized card, with theming

Security notice

As a security notice, We're not storing any of the sensitive tokens. We just store the refresh tokens securely used for generating access tokens, and to get the status data, with only read permissions and scopes. You can check it in the configuration file for the scopes.

URL Parameters

  • id: Your spotify ID
  • theme: The card theme
  • image: If cover image to be included
  • color_theme: The color theme for the Card
  • bars_when_not_listening: If bars should be shown when not listening
  • bg_color: The background color for the card
  • title_color: The title color for the card
  • text_color: The text color for the card
  • hide_status: If the status for song should be shown.

NOTE: You can generate the card easily by visiting the panel. Check the repo description link for it.

Setting up the development environment

Install the dependencies

The project uses pipenv for dependencies. Here's how to install the dependencies.

pipenv sync -d

Setting up Spotify API for the project

  • Go to the developer panel at spotify. Panel URL
  • Make an APP, Specify the name, and description.
  • Add http://localhost:5000/callback to the URLs for development. Add the respective IP / Domain / Host
    if you're self hosting this App with the path of /callback to the end.
  • Take a note of the Client ID, and Client Secret for setting up .env

Setting up Firebase

  • Go to the firebase panel.
  • Make a new project, and setup as a Web SDK and enable it.
  • Go to Settings, and the web apps section, and copy the config, and keep a note.
  • Then go to the Services account tab, then the Database secrets, select the Database we're
    using and copy the API.
  • Copy the domain from Realtime Database section in left, after initializing it.
  • Finally, For service accounts, Go to the Services account tab. Then download the service
    account credentials and save it. Once done, Open VSCode, Download Base64 Encode extension,
    if you don't already have it. The Copy and Paste the JSON file contents in the .env and
    Encode it using Base64 after that.

Setting up .env

Configure the environmental variables by renaming the .env.example file to .env with the respective values for it.

Here's the info about the .env variables

  • BASE_URL: This is the basic URL for getting the Callback URLs and more, set it
    to localhost:5000 in development mode.
  • SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID: This is the spotify client ID.
  • SPOTIFY_SECRET_ID: This is the Spotify Secret.
  • FB_API_KEY: This is the API key for firebase, from Database secrets.
  • FB_DOMAIN: This is the domain from Realtime Database section.
  • FB_PROJECT_ID: This is the Project ID from normal firebase config.
  • FB_STORAGE_BUCKET: The storage bucket from the normal firebase config.
  • FB_MESSAGING_ID: The messaging ID from normal firebase config.
  • FB_DATABASE_URL: The database URL from firebase config.
  • FB_SERVICE_ACCOUNT: The service account credentials obtained from the settings and encoded using base64.

NOTE: Use the VSCode Base64 encode extension to encode the contents of the Service Account JSON file.

You can change the port when self hosting / running by adding a port parameter to flask_app's run function. You can do so like this, port=<the-port-you-need>)

Once done, Run the server using pipenv run start. It should boot up at localhost:5000 in development mode, or the settings you have provided.

Deploying your own instance

To deploy your own instance, You need a proper hosting platform to run Python webapps. You can use Heroku, PythonAnywhere, Your own server or anywhere else.

To self-host your instance, The steps are given above on how to do it. The instructions on option configuration is also given. It is recommended to run with Debug mode off, and Your specific host and port.

You can do so, like this:

  • Turn debug off, by toggling the Debug option to False in
  • Change host and port:, host="<your-host>", port=<your-port>) by replacing
    the values given inside the angle brackets.

Here is the workflow on setting up:

  • Setup Spotify API and note it.
  • Setup Firebase for data store and note the API.
  • Fill the values as said in .env.
  • Configure the options as needed.
  • Install dependencies using pipenv.
  • Run using pipenv run start.
  • And, you should be good to go.

Note: You can use the self hosted instance already running, or Self host your own instance like this.

TODOs Planned

There are several things planned for this project. Here are the TODOs, Kept public for reference, and transparent-ness.

  • FAQ
    • How to contribute
    • How to add a theme
    • How to work with options
    • Adding more features
    • Customization
  • Improve the current themes
  • Add more themes
  • Add more customization options
    • Previews when customizing the card
    • Allow customizing Background and font color (Will be redeveloped, with all security issues fixed)
    • Marquee show
    • Display bars when not listening.
    • Allow linking to your profile along with the link.
    • Color Theme
    • Abiltiy to Hide status
    • HTML Image tag generation
    • Add same color to either of the text / title, if either of them is left empty, so the color pallet is fine.

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome. After cloning & setting up project locally, you can just submit a PR to this repo and it will be deployed once it's accepted.

⚠️ It’s good to have descriptive commit messages, or PR titles so that other contributors can understand about your commit or the PR Created. Read conventional commits before making the commit message.

Show your support

We love people's support to grow, improve and give the best. Be sure to drop a 🌟 if you like the project, and also contribute, if you're interested!

Inspired by Novatorem