
Welcome to the Spotify Insights Data Pipeline Project where I analyze data from my Spotify listening history ~


Spotify Insights Data Pipeline Project

This project is a developed data pipeline that retrieves data from the Spotify Web API and presents insights on my listening history in a streamlit app.

Table of Contents


  • Figure 1. Table listing the top ten most listened to songs in the final streamlit application.
  • Figure 2. Analysis of the audio features of the top 10 songs listened to.
  • Figure 3. Diagram of the tools used in this project.

Data Sources


  • Figure 4. Airflow DAG modelling the tasks in this workflow.
  • Figure 5. Sample view of the data in BigQuery.


The purpose of this project was to design and develop a modern data pipeline that interacts with the Spotify Web API and displays user listening history and audio analysis (specifically, using my personal spotify account).

Streamlit Application

Access the reported results in the application here:

Find the code for the streamlit application here:

Figure 1. Table listing the top ten most listened to songs in the final streamlit application.

Figure 2. Analysis of the audio features of the top 10 songs listened to.

Data Stack

  • Development Platform: Docker
  • Infrastructure as Code (IAC): Terraform
  • Orchestration: Apache Airflow
  • Data Lake: Google Cloud Storage
  • Data Warehouse: Google Big Query
  • Transformations: Apache Spark
  • Data Visualization: Streamlit Cloud


Figure 3. Diagram modelling the tools used in this project.

Data Sources

  • Access tokens for two types of API requests are renewed every time that the directed acyclic graph (DAG) is run

  • Client Credentials

    • The purpose of using this type of request is to obtain audio feature data for each track using track_id's
    • This type of API request requires a user to obtain a Client Secret and Client ID obtained from the My App page of the user's dashboard. It is after converted to base-64 encoding
  • Authorization Code

    • The purpose of using this type of request is to obtain the recently played tracks for a specific user profile
    • This type of API request also requires the Client Secret and Client ID converted to base-64 encoding as described above
    • It is also required to obtain an authorization code through accessing an authorization url using: client id, redirect uri, and scope (in this case, scope is user-read-recently-played)
    • Example:{CLIENT_ID}&response_type=code&redirect_uri={REDIRECT_URI}&scope={SCOPE}
    • With the base-64 encoded client id and client secret and the authorization code, user can obtain temporary access token and refresh token
    • Refresh token is used in this project to make requests to the API without the need to repeatedly access the url and obtain a new authorization code prior
  • See Spotify Documentation for information on submitting requests to the Spotify Web API.


  • Google Cloud Platform
    • Services account and project
    • IAM user permissions and API's
    • Credentials keyfile and ssh client
    • VM instance
  • VM Instance
    • Anaconda, Docker, Terraform, Spark installation
    • GCP credentials retrieval
  • Docker
    • Docker build context and volume mapping
  • Terraform
    • Configure GCP provider with credentials
    • Resource configuration (i.e., storage bucket, dataset)

Workflow Orchestration

  • Apache Airflow orchestrates the workflow, managing the tasks of data ingestion, storage, and transformation
  • Python and Spark operators execute tasks defined in a Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAG) and are triggered on an hourly schedule

Figure 4. Airflow DAG modelling the tasks in this workflow.

Workflow Summary

  1. get_recent_tracks_task
    • Retrieves access tokens and submits API requests to obtain the recently played tracks and audio features from the Spotify API
    • If the response returns empty (i.e., no new songs are found), the entire workflow stops and tasks are marked as skipped (pink) in Airflow
    • Uses Pandas library to manipulate dataframes, and saves data to a local .csv
  2. upload_gcs_task
    • Uploads local .csv to Google Cloud Storage Bucket
    • Submits a BigQuery load job with a defined schema.json to copy data from the .csv in GCS to BigQuery
  3. delete_local_task
    • Deletes the local directory containing the .csv
  4. spark_submit_task
    • Creates a Spark session on a standalone cluster
    • Spark job reads from the BigQuery main table and creates a new table of the top ten tracks using pyspark functions
    • Writes summary table to the BigQuery dataset

Figure 5. Sample view of the data in BigQuery.

Data Warehouse Transformations

  • Apache Spark is used to apply basic transformations to the data in BigQuery and write a new summary table of the top ten tracks
  • The Spark job operates on a standalone cluster and uses the spark-bigquery and gcs-connector:hadoop3 jars to read and write to BigQuery

Figure 6. Spark Master UI.