
a python script for downloading ebooks from springerlink.com



This script is apparently against the licensing contract between universities and Springer. See e.g.: http://www.bib.hm.edu/aktuelles/news/newsdetail_9984.de.html

I do not actively maintain this script anymore. Please use an alternative or one of the excellent forks of this script which add some more functionality. See e.g. http://tovotu.de/dev/518-Neuer-SpringerLink-Downloader/

= Download Script for Ebooks hosted on Springerlink.com =

author: Milian Wolff [email protected] / http://milianw.de licencse: GPL v3 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html) language: Python (v2.4 compatible)

== Explanation ==

springer_download.py is a command-line utility to download educational ebooks from http://springerlink.com. You have to have access to the contents hosted on this site. The script is not a way to obtion illegal copies of those ebooks. Instead it is intended to be used e.g. from your University account which often have free access to the contents of SpringerLink.

The script downloads all chapters of a book and merges them into one PDF file.

== Usage ==

./springer_download.py [OPTIONS]

Options: -h, --help Display this usage message -l LINK, --link=LINK define the link of the book to start downloading -c ISBN, --content=ISBN define the book to download by it's ISBN

LINK: The link to your the detail page of the ebook of your choice on SpringerLink. It lists book metadata and has a possibly paginated list of the chapters of the book. It has the form: http://springerlink.com/content/HASH/STUFF Where: HASH is a string consisting of lower-case, latin chars and numbers. STUFF is optional and looks like ?p=...&p_o=... or similar. Will be stripped.

== Thanks ==

A big thank you goes to Springer for hosting all these books and giving free access to students.

== Legal Note: ==

Springerlink is © Springer and part of Springer Science+Business Media.