
Set of API endpoints to be consumed by a store manager application



Set of API endpoints to be consumed by a store manager application


The Program offers the following set of endpoints:

EndPoint Functionality Notes
GET /products Fetch all products Get all available products.
GET /products/[productId] Fetch a single product record Get a specific product using the
GET /sales Fetch all sale records Get all sale records.
GET /sales/[saleId] Fetch a single sale record Get a specific sale record using its id
POST /sales Create a sale order Create a sale record.
POST /products Create a product Create a product.

Getting started

These instructions will get you a copy of the program on your local machine for development and testing purposes. The instructions are tailored for uses of LINUX OS particularly UBUNTU


What things you will need to run the application

    version: 3.6
Pip for python3
    $ sudo apt-get install python3-pip
Flask to build the application
    version: 1.0.2
    $ pip install flask
Virtualenv to create a virtual environment
    version: 16.0.0
Pytest to perform tests
    version: 3.9.1
    $ pip install pytest -U

Alternatively, run pip install -r requirements.txt to install all the necessary tools

Built With

Flask - microframework for Python


To have a copy of the project on your machine, run the command below in your preferred directory:

git clone

After cloning, you will have a folder named Store_Manager_APIs

How to use

  1. Navigate to Store_Manager_APIs
  2. Create a virtual environment by running:
    python3 -m venv <name of virtualenvironment>
  3. Activate the virtual environment
    source <name of virtualenvironment>/bin/activate
    You should see the name of the virtual environment placed right before your current path/directory in brackets()
  4. Run the application
    export then
    flask run
  5. Follow the instructions


  1. Run pytest or pytest tests/<test_file_name> in the directory of the project to run unit tests
  2. Test with Postman by pasting the url for Products or for Sales into the url section and call the GET/POST methods accordingly. (For the POST requests, enter the data as raw application/json)


Deployed on heroku. Visit the this link to interact with the deployed app


Daizy Obura