
Automated installation + configuration of Sublime Text in OSX, Linux, and Windows

MIT License


Sublime Text Seed

Automated installation + configuration of Sublime Text in OSX, Linux, and Windows.

The setup script loads a 'seed' configuration. Meaning, it provides a quick/easy path for new and existing Sublime Text users to quickly get up and running.

This package:

  1. Installs Sublime Text 3
  2. Installs Package Control
  3. ./themes -> Loads Themes
  4. ./user-settings -> Loads Configuration files
  5. ./license -> Loads License

The setup script works transparently across all platforms by leveraging python as well as OS-specific package managers.


Run the following to install and config Sublime Text


Restart the editor when prompted to do so. To view the package installation progress open the Sublime Text console.

Note: This WILL overwrite the existing configuration but it will prompt before replacing the license.


A default configuration is included with this package. Feel free to fork the project and add your own custom configuration.

General Settings


	"highlight_modified_tabs": true,
	"tab_size": 2,
	"translate_tabs_to_spaces": true,
	"draw_white_space": "all",
	"ignored_packages": [

Note: Tabs aren't translated to spaces by default to avoid introducing unrelated changes to a commit while editing preexisting codebases.



A stylish low-contrast theme.


	"theme": "predawn-DEV.sublime-theme",
	"color_scheme": "Packages/User/SublimeLinter/predawn (SL).tmTheme"


Sublime Text is powerful on its own but the following add-ons unlock the full potential.

Package Control

Package management to simplify the process of adding/removing modules.

Common Commands

  • Package Control: Install Package (Command Palette + p + c + i)
  • Package Control: Remove Package (Command Palette + p + c + r)

Package Control-Settings

		"Package Control",
		"Can I Use",
		"Markdown Preview", 

Package Details


Base package required to enable linting in SublimeText3.

Note: Since the 3.x release of Sublime Text, SublimeLinter no longer includes linters for specific languages by default.


JavaScript linting for Sublime Text.

Requires jshint to be installed via NPM (Node Package Manager).

sudo npm install -g jshint


CSS linting for Sublime Text.

Requires csslint to be installed via NPM (Node Package Manager).

sudo npm install -g csslint


JSON linting for Sublime Text.


Adds additional options to the sidebar.

The following settings are included to improve the look-and-feel.


	"sidebar_medium": true,
	"tabs_small": true


Displays matching brackets to the left of the line numbers.

Useful for navigating complex code with multiple layers of nesting.


Used to quickly scaffold html using a shorthand syntax.


Automatically adds CSS prefixes required cross browser compatibility.

Can I Use

Used to look up a tag's compatibility.

Triggered via ^ + + f | CTRL + ALT + f


Code completion for SublimeText.


Launch a terminal window from inside Sublime Text.


Launch a browser tab to preview Markdown from Sublime Text.

Available via the Command Palette (ie + + p | SUPER + SHIFT + p)

Use Command Palette + m + b + p as a shortcut to quickly preview a Markdown file in the browser.


Maintain consistent code formatting/style across multiple editors and developers.

Configured by including an .editorconfig file the project root.

To determine which settings to use see the Official Documentation.


Autocompletes filenames used in 'src' or 'href' attributes.


Used to edit text fields in the browser directly in Sublime Text.

Select a textarea, start the plugin in Chrome, and code edited directly in Sublime Text will be reflected in the textarea.

Requires a Chrome Extension.

LiveReload [Not Installed]

Automatically reloads the browser when files are saved in SublimeText.

Requires a Chrome Extension.

Note: Not available in Linux or Windows. Install manually via Package Control to use in OSX.