
Quick & easy to use nutritional supplement tracking software.

MIT License



Quick & easy to use nutritional supplement tracking software. Simple input via command line arguments. Data stored in CSV files. Provides output of various statistics when requested.

The intention of this project is to allow the user to track various types and amounts of nutritional supplements. This can be helpful when trying a new supplement, or changing things. As you will have a log of what you did, and when. The ability to run statistics and analysis on the data can be useful as well. Interpretation of the results presented is an exercise for the user ;)

Currently, there are no plans to add a GUI to this program. The decision was made because it will add an undue layer of complexity to a relatively simple design. Suppylement aims to be intuitive in it's use on the command line.

Suppylement is still a very new project, having only been created in the end of January 2020. The current state is still very much in-progress and very much unfinished. Most of the functionality has not yet been implemented. Work is underway, however. Without giving any sort of time estimates, I think the functional prototype milestone is not a very far reach once the time is made.


Note: Other versions of these packages may very well work just fine. This is simply the package versions used for this project, and specified in requirements.txt.

  • Python 3.6
  • Pandas 1.0.0
    • Numpy 1.18.1
    • Python-dateutil 2.8.1
    • Pytz 2019.3
    • Six 1.14.0


At the moment, the only supported installation is to directly clone this repository and either run the wrapper script, or run the Python program directly. In the future pip installation is planned to be supported.

The commands laid out below will clone this repository, create a new virtual environment for Suppylement to run in, install the dependencies and display the program's help text.

# Clone the repo
git clone
cd suppylement

# Create a new virtual environment and enable it
# Requires virtualenvwrapper. Substitute with your own flavor
# of virtual environment, if desired
mkvirtualenv suppylement
workon suppylement

# Install to user site-packages
pip install .

# Create blank data file
cp data/blank.csv data/data.csv

# To run via setuptools executable (recommended)
suppylement --help
# To run directly
python suppylement/ --help

# If using virtual environment, to disable it when finished run:

# Link the executable to `~/.local/bin` so that it's available in `$PATH`
ln -s /path/to/virtual_environment/bin/suppylement /home/user_path/.local/bin/suppylement


Suppylement aims to be simple and intuitive to use. The full set of arguments has not be decided on or implemented yet but anything that is can be listed with the -h or --help argument. Some basic examples are listed below. Note that some (most) functionality is currently not fully implemented.

# Display help
suppylement --help
suppylement log --help

# List most recent 5 entries
suppylement list
# List most recent 20 entries
suppylement list --most-recent 20

# Log a new entry
suppylement log 1000 VitaminC
suppylement log 250 magnesium-citrate

# Delete the most recent entry
suppylement rm
# Delete the most recent 5 entries
suppylement rm --most-recent 5

# View statistics
suppylement stats
# View full statistics
suppylement stats --full

Development Goals & Roadmap

Stub section for an overview of the current development direction, priorities, and goals. The roadmap is planned to be more of a list of features than an a full-fledged roadmap document.


This will be filled in with a brief overview of some general guidelines for contributing to this project. Also a link to the full text when created.