
Mirror of https://gitlab.umich.edu/swmf_software/swmfpy

LGPL-3.0 License



A library of tools to make it easier to work with Python and Space Weather Modeling Framework (SWMF) together.


Note: swmfpy also is part of the SWMF and gets cloned into SWMF/share/Python for bundling purposes only. However, if you would like to develop for swmfpy make a clone and work that way and make a merge request.

There are two supported methods of installing swmfpy with with a virtual environment and without a virtual environment. Only use the virtual environment if your current environment is giving you trouble.

Without Python venv

Install with pip:

$ pip install swmfpy || python3 -m pip install swmfpy || python3 -m pip install --user swmfpy

Note: Depending on your system pip may be ran in other ways: python3 -m pip or python -m pip or pip

Then import it into your python project.

import swmfpy

With Python venv

Use this method if the above method is giving you trouble.

Set up a python 3 virtual environment:

$ python3 -m venv ~/.venv

This is important, make sure that it is in your .profile or .bash_profile:

$ echo "source ~/.venv/bin/activate" >> ~/.profile

Note: You might need to use activate.csh instead if using csh and activate.fish in your ~/.config/fish/config.fish instead if using fish shell. You are most likely using bash so no need to worry.

Next install the software. This will take a long time as you will be compiling numpy from scratch.

$ source ~/.venv/bin/activate
$ python3 -m pip install --user wheel -vvv
$ python3 -m pip install --user cython -vvv
$ python3 -m pip install --user swmfpy -vvv

If you are using tmux or GNU Screen on a supercomputer you can safely detach your session and power off your computer and come back another time.

This should be fully installed now. You should be able to import:

import swmfpy


If you have followed these carefully and still not been able to install please submit an Issue.


An auto-documented version can be found here.

However, documentation is included as docstrings. Use python's dir() and help() inbuilt functions to see documentation.

import swmfpy
help(swmfpy)  # To see list of functions
help(swmfpy.io.read_gm_log)  # To see the function documentation


If you are experiencing any issues or bugs please go to the Issues page on gitlab or github page and create an issue. Make sure you follow the templates.

How to cite

You can cite this software on LaTeX like this:

  author = {{Al Shidi, Qusai}},
  title = {swmfpy},
  url = {https://gitlab.umich.edu/swmf_software/swmfpy},
  version = {2020.5},
  date = {2020-06-19},