
Web App Development: Rango Assessment Repository


Tango with Django 2 (UofG WAD2 Rango Assessment)

This repository is used for WAD2 Assessment that requires to learn Django Web Framework by reading Tango with Django 2 by Leif Azzopardi and David Maxwell (Version 2020-01a). Progress is tested through the Model Solution by David Maxwell.

Using this Repository

Since this repository uses a virtual environment with specific packages, it is essential to activate it specifically.

Virtual Environment

If you haven't already created a virtual environment, you can do so using either of the following:

  • Anaconda Prompt

    $ conda create -n rango python=3.7.2

  • Python (Windows)

    $ python -m venv rango

  • Python (macOS / Linux)

    $ python3 -m venv rango

You can then activate the environment once created.

  • Anaconda Prompt

    $ conda activate rango

  • Python (Windows)

    $ .\rango\Scripts\activate

  • Python (macOS / Linux)

    $ source rango/bin/activate

This project uses Anaconda Prompt specifically as instructed.

Installing packages

A requirements.txt file mentions all the packages along with their versions used for this project. You can install them using:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Running the App

The main Python file is manage.py. The app can be run using

$ python manage.py runserver

and then use a browser to go to

Running the Tests

As mentioned in the Model Solution, the following needs to be done:

  1. The rango virtual environment needs to be active.

  2. From the model solution repository, the chapter test should be copied to the rango folder on this repository which is at the same level as manage.py.

  3. Run the following command

    $ python manage.py test rango.tests_chapterX.py

    where X is the chapter number. If an error appears mentioning a .py attribute, run

    $ python manage.py test rango.tests_chapterX

    The test will mention all fails or print OK at the end if the app passes.

About the Assessment

This repository will be assessed through automated testing.

Checkpoint 1

The first test, scheduled for 31 January 2020, would include tests for Chapters 3-10. This checkpoint is worth 10% of the overall mark. Passing any chapter test would award full marks. Report: Passed 80 tests and failed 37 tests. Made 19 commits. Grade: 10% out of 10%

Checkpoint 2

The second test, scheduled for 14 February 2020, would include tests for Chapters 3-10 (again), however, all tests must pass. This is worth 90% of the overall mark. In basic terms, the Rango app should be successfully completed. Report: Passed 117 tests and failed 0 tests. Made 33 commits. Grade: 90% out of 90%


It is expected to have at least one commit per chapter. Commit times will also be checked as they allow to detect plagiarism. For instance, a GitHub repository where all commits were made on the same day and over one week, will be flagged, and will be closely inspected through code, commit messages and history to determine course of action.

Marking Scheme

When the automated tests are run after Rango checkpoint 2, 1 mark will be awarded for each test passed and 0 marks for each test failed (or terminated early due to an error). The total marks gained will then be expressed as a percentage of the total number of tests N. The percentage P will then be adjusted to take account of the number of commits C made. The overall percentage Q for checkpoint 2 will then be P multiplied by min{C,8}/8. So, for example, for only 4 commits, Q will be P divided by 2. The final percentage R will be made up of the mark from checkpoint 1 weighted at 10% and the mark (i.e., Q) from checkpoint 2 weighted at 90%. R will then be converted to a band which will be the mark for this component of the assessment.