
Telegram bot for RSS feeds


Telegram RSS

An intelligent RSS reader for Telegram that learns your preferences, and summarizes articles for you.


Telegram provides an excellent interface for sharing articles with others, as well as an amazing "instant view" interface on supported websites. This makes Telegram an excellent platform for reading feeds.

On the other hand, many feeds contain only a select number of articles that interest the reader. Hence, from user feedback we can learn preferences and filter out articles that we are unlikely to read, allowing us to add a large number of feeds while preserving sanity.

Finally, a short summary of the article can be posted along with the article link to better inform the reader on whether the article is worth reading.

Getting Started

We use Docker for deployment.

docker build -t telegram-rss .
docker run telegram-rss


  • Manage RSS Feeds
  • Learn user preferences
  • Summarize articles


None comes to mind yet.