
Template for fastapi and postgres development, with devcontainers (ready for codespaces)

MIT License



This is a template created to develop fastapi applications that connect to a postgres database. The intention of local development is a devcontainer, using vscode; But you it should work with any editor/environment. In order to allow other IDEs to use it without vscode, the configuration happens in a specific docker-compose.yml file, and the image built is in the Dockerfile at root level.

NOTE: Some modification may be necessary to work with different setups

In this project you will see 3 containers running:

  • app: the container you are working on, and where your codebase is located
  • db: a postgres database to connect locally
  • adminer: a GUI to access the database (port 8080)

packages used

  • fastapi (API)
  • SQLAlchemy (ORM)
  • alembic (DB migrations)
  • poetry (package management)
  • uvicorn (server application)


Create a new project using this as a template. Then, change the project name in pyproject.toml file. Rebuild the container, and everything should work fine.

NOTE: If something goes wrong when running this initial setup, try to update poetry packages and rebuild the container.

Project Structure

If you already are familiar with the structure, feel free to skip this section

Let's separate the content of this project in two: code and infrastructure.

Everything related to code is what you would expect in any python project:

  • .env & local.env: environment variables you will need in your code
  • poetry.lock & pyproject.toml: used by poetry to manage your packages
  • src/: The source folder where you application sits. Your code should be here

Then you have infrastructure. Those files are needed to make everything work in codespaces, vscode, etc:

  • .devcontainer/: folder that contain the files that allow codespaces and vscode to setup your environment inside a docker container.
  • .vscode/: folder that contains the configuration for executing and debugging. This is a generic configuration, and you can modify it, if your project needs it. Remember this is shared amongst other developers, so do not add settings only valid for you.
  • Dockerfile: is the configuration for your environment. This file is exposed so you can change your environment like updating the python version.


Alembic is installed, and it runs the initial migration, already prepared. In a new project, you should delete the existing migration, and create a new one based on your configuration.

In alembic's env.py the target metadata was set based on user model. Change this, according to your needs. Alembic.ini was also modified, but you don't need to change it.

NOTE: alembic configuration is based in the user model. If you remove this moodel, you have to change it in env.py as well

quick help on migration

before migration, you need to create a new revision:

alembic revision -m "migration description" --autogenerated

This will create a new revision, based on your changes in the models.

To apply update the database to the latest migrations, use the following command:

alembic upgrade head

For more information about alembic, check the official documentation