
TempMailBot is a Telegram bot that makes you temporary emails with access to mailbox!

MIT License


▋New Features

  • Support MIME messages (Link verification)
  • Added emoji to buttons.


Bot creates account for every user joins the bot.

  • /mail command to manage your account.
  • Smart username generator to generate readable usernames.
  • can List all mails and Show information for each.
  • can Delete All/One email when user don't want email anymore.
  • can Show all inbox messages in user email.
  • uses Inline keyboard instead of normal keyboard.

each user can have up to 100 mails, because Telegram does't allow us to use more than 100 buttons in each message Also note that now you can access to attachments (like confirm links) from your mailbox. you can use this for simple conversation or OTP verification and even MIME messages.

▋Clone Repository

To get started, first you need to clone this repository from github into your machine:

git clone https://github.com/Kourva/TempMailBot

and if you dont have git you can install it from your package manager!

▋Install Requirements

Then you have to install requirements before running bot

  1. Navigate to bot directory
  2. Install requirements using pip
cd TempMailBot
pip install -r requirements.txt

This will install pyTelegamBotAPI and Requests for you

▋Config your token

Now you have to get create bot from BotFather (If you don't have) and take your Token to starts working with your bot. After getting Token from BotFather replace the Token in utils.py in line 12 as follows:

# Bot token to use
Token = "6146793572:AAE7fbH29UPOKzlHlp0YDr9o06o_NdD4DBk"

This is just an example Token. Use yours instead

▋Launch the bot

Now you are ready to launch your bot in polling mode inside your terminal using python

python main.py

You can also use proxychains to run your bot via Tor proxy

proxycahins python main.py

Or in quiet mode

proxychains -q python main.py

To install proxychains install proxychains-ng and then edit the config file in /etc/proxychains.conf. In config file comment the strict_chain and un-comment dynamic_chain and its ready to use.

▋TOR new IP address

If you got any denied requests that blocked your Ip address, you can renew your IP

sudo killall -HUP tor

Thanks <3

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