
Produce GIFs from shell commands

MIT License



Produce GIFs from shell commands using asciinema and agg.

Table of contents:

Image creation

Create your own Dockerfile, for example:

# Preferably set up your environment in a separate layer
FROM ubuntu as setup

cat <<'EOF' > /script.sh
awk 'BEGIN{
  s="/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\"; s=s s s s s s s s;
  for (colnum = 0; colnum<77; colnum++) {
    r = 255-(colnum*255/76);
    g = (colnum*510/76);
    b = (colnum*255/76);
    if (g>255) g = 510-g;
    printf "\033[48;2;%d;%d;%dm", r,g,b;
    printf "\033[38;2;%d;%d;%dm", 255-r,255-g,255-b;
    printf "%s\033[0m", substr(s,colnum+1,1);
  printf "\n";
RUN chmod +x /script.sh

FROM ofekmeister/terminal-demo

# Then copy what is necessary from previous layers
COPY --from=setup /script.sh /script.sh

Then build the image:

$ docker build . -t demo

[!TIP] Although it's recommended to use ofekmeister/terminal-demo as the final layer, the image is based on buildpack-deps so if you want to use it directly as the base layer it should already contain most of the necessary tools and development headers.


You'll need to mount a directory to /record in the container that contains a TOML file named config.toml with the commands you want to run. For example:

commands = """
# We are about to test for truecolor support
. /script.sh

The serialized recording and output GIF will be saved in this directory as well.

$ docker run --rm -v $PWD:/record demo

Extra arguments

The image entrypoint is a script that will forward all arguments to agg. For example, to see the available options run:

$ docker run --rm -v $PWD:/record demo --help



You can specify the commands to run as a multi-line string in the commands field of the TOML file. For example:

commands = """
echo "Hello, world!"
echo "Goodbye, world!"

If any commands must span multiple lines or you want extra control, you can use an array of command tables with a required text field. For example:

text = "echo 'Hello, world!'"
text = '''
echo How \
    are \
    you, world?
text = "echo 'Goodbye, world!'"

Commands have the following optional fields:

Field Default Description
delay 0.03 Seconds between each keypress; set to 0 to disable.
wait 0.1 Seconds to wait before running the next command. If there is no delay, then the default will instead be 0.25.


You can change the shell prompt by setting the top-level prompt field. The following is the default:

prompt = "\u001b[0;32m❯ \u001b[0m"

If the prompt uses characters that represent placeholders, like the hostname, the session will hang looking for the prompt in order to know when to proceed with the next command. In this case, you can set the prompt-pattern field to a regular expression that matches the prompt.

For more information about ANSI escape codes, see this guide.


The image provides the following fonts that you can use in the --font-family agg option:

  • Cascadia Mono NF from Cascadia Code v2404.23
  • FiraCode Nerd Font Mono from Nerd Fonts v3.2.1
  • FiraMono Nerd Font from Nerd Fonts v3.2.1
  • JetBrainsMono NF from Nerd Fonts v3.2.1

Monochrome-only emoji support comes from Google's Noto Emoji v15.1.


If you encounter unexpected or lack of output for the first command prompt, try re-running. This is a known issue but rare enough that I've been unable to reproduce it for debugging.