
Record your terminal and share it with the world on a web page.

OTHER License


Terminal Duplicator

An easy way for sharing your terminal content in real time through a web page. +

This is a demo project winning 1st award on "2016 hackathon ".



  • Python 3 (can be invoked with python3, otherwise edit record.sh)
  • requests (pip3 install requests)

Clone master branch and run record.sh. This will start a new shell with its content broadcasted to web.

URL can be displayed by sending USR1 to record process (kill -USR1 `cat /tmp/terminal-dup.pid` ). To be more user-friendly, source rc.sh in the end of your shell's rc script.

We use Wilddog to deliver data. Online clients are limited to 50 for free account so you can register one yourself and change API URL (in web service and use record.sh -u https://example.wilddogio.com/ to start service).


  • Jamesits
  • Joway
  • WPH95


This software, except all extern library used by this software, is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 International.