
A tactical RPG engine with online gaming support.



Tethical is a tactical RPG engine with online gaming support. If you don't know what is a tactical RPG, take a look at Final Fantasy Tactics or Disgaea. See the homepage at (http://tethical.kivutar.me).

Installation instructions for the developpers (Ubuntu Maverick)

Add the following PPA to your sources.list:

deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/panda3d/ppa/ubuntu maverick main

Install the dependancies

sudo aptitude install panda3d 

Get the source code

git clone [email protected]:Kivutar/tethical.git

Launch the server

cd server
python main.py

Launch the client

cd client
python main.py

Natty users should launch the client using python2.6

Installation instructions for the testers

Get the panda3d runtime for your OS and install it.

Download the game client and launch it.

in the actual state of the developpement, the server may be offline due to bugs or security issues, find me on the support channel (Kivutar @ #ffh on irc.esper.net) to get the server running.