
Telegram bing bot DALL-E 3

MIT License



Telegram bot using bing dalle-3


Live Show:

In any chat with the bot, send your message like prompt: something or /prompt something or @bot_name something. You can also send your message like /quota or quota? or @bot_name quota? to get the limit.

  • Using /prompt_pro or prompt_pro: will make use of GPT to rewrite your prompt.
  • Using /prompt_gem or prompt_gem: will make use of gemini to rewrite your prompt.
  • You can also send image then use startsword, prompt:or prompt_gem to draw based on the picture

note if you want to use prompt_gem you need:

  1. visit get the key
  2. export GOOGLE_GEMINI_KEY=${the_key} or save in config.toml file

How to

How to make your own DALL-E 3 bing tg bot.

Method 1 (Run Python directly)

[!IMPORTANT] This project requires openai-python which does not install on Python 3.12 due to a compatibility issue.

Read this first if you are new to code

  1. Make sure your ip can open not jump (can use GitHub to login)

  2. Use create a new png, F12 in chrome to get cookie string as bing_cookie

    Highly recommanded to use Edge or Chrome to get the cookie, and don't use incognito/privacy mode. We encountered errors when using cookie got by Firefox.

  1. Get tg token, ask Google or ChatGPT, need get it from BotFather
  2. pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. python '${tg_token}' '${bing_cookie}'
  4. you can also save your cookies to a new .cookies file in this directory, one cookie per line. then run python '${tg_token}'

You can provide multiple cookies, to increase the use limit. see:

usage: [-h] [-c CONFIG_FILE] tg_token bing_cookie [bing_cookie ...]

positional arguments:
  tg_token        tg token
  bing_cookie     bing cookie

  -h, --help      show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG_FILE  additional config file

Method 2 (Run from a shell script)

Or you can start with

  1. Save your tg token to a new .token file in this directory.
  2. Save your cookies to a new .cookies file in this directory, one cookie per line.
  3. chmod +x
  4. ./ or ./ -c <config_file>

Method 3 (Run from Docker)

Or you can use docker to run it:

  1. docker build -t tg_bing_dalle .
  2. docker run -d --name tg_bing_dalle -e tg_token='${tg_token}' -e bing_cookie='${bing_cookie}' --network host tg_bing_dalle

If you want to use multiple cookies, you could save to credentials/.cookies with one cookie per line. Then use this command to run it:

docker run -d --name tg_bing_dalle -e tg_token='${tg_token}' --network host --volume ./credentials/:/credentials tg_bing_dalle

You could also save your tg token to credentials/.token to instead of passing it via environment variables.

Method 4 (Deploy to

  1. Install flyctl
  2. flyctl auth login
  3. flyctl launch

    [!NOTE] Change the app name to your own name in fly.toml

  4. flyctl secrets set tg_token=your tg_token
  5. flyctl secrets set bing_cookie=your bing_cookie
  6. flyctl deploy

If you want to use multiple cookies, you just need to set the key of secrets to start with bing_cookie. For example:

flyctl secrets set bing_cookie_0=your bing_cookie_0

Method 5 (Deploy to Zeabur)


GPT Enhance

To enable prompt_pro, copy config.sample.toml to config.toml, and edit the file to setup your OpenAI API.

Then add the option -c config.toml to start the server.

python '${tg_token}' '${bing_cookie}' -c config.toml

If you are running it using Method 3 (Run from Docker), you need to rebuild the image and add the option -e config_file='config.toml' to start it.

docker run -d --name tg_bing_dalle -e tg_token='${tg_token}' -e bing_cookie='${bing_cookie}' \
-e config_file='config.toml' --network host tg_bing_dalle

If you are running it using Method 4 (Deploy to, you need to add the option -e config_file='config.toml' to deploy.

flyctl deploy -e config_file='config.toml'

Gemini Enhance

To enable prompt_gemini, copy config.sample.toml to config.toml, and edit the file to setup your Gemini API.


To enable @bot_name ${prompts}, you can either disable privacy mode or add the bot as a Group Admin (not recommended for public groups). Please note that this may decrease the efficiency of the bot since it will have to process all messages in the group, potentially overloading the server running it.



  • Any issue reports or PRs are welcome.
  • Any other bot type like slack/discord welcome
  • Before PR, use pip install -U black then black . first


  • Thank you, that's enough. Just enjoy it.