
Here are small scripts to configure Debian

MIT License



Here are many tools to configure Linux :

- Shortcuts for Linux :

Tray_icon_audio_output_switcher: A tray icon that allows you to easily switch between different audio output devices with a simple click.

Tray_icon_system_monitor: A tray icon that provides real-time system monitoring information and statistics when clicked.

Tray_icon_desktop: A tray icon that offers quick access to the desktop environment, allowing you to show or hide the desktop with a single click.

This project provides a collection of useful tray icon shortcuts for Linux. These tray icons offer convenient shortcuts and quick access to various functionalities.

- Sleep Until :

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Sleep Until is a Bash script to wait for a specified astronomical event such as sunrise or sunset before continuing execution.

- VPNautoconnect :

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A script to automatically connect to the VPN at startup (if you lauch this script at startup) and reconnect if connection is lost.

- Volumouse :

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A Python 3 program that allows you to change the volume with the mouse wheel by using it in the four corners of the screen

- Startminimized :

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A Python 3 program that allows you to start a program minimized. For exemple Thunderbird. To execute it tap :

python3 "/PATH/TO/THE/PROGRAM/" thunderbird

- Start_in_another_workspace

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A script for starting a program in another workspace for Linux. Works with wmctrl.

- Licence

MIT License Copyright (c) 2019 pzim-devdata

- Contact 📧

Created by @pzim - feel free to contact me!