
This repository contains the algorithm and simulation code for the paper "Toponym-assisted map georeferencing: Evaluating the use of toponyms for the digitization of map collections", by Karim Bahgat and Dan Runfola (2021).

MIT License


Toponym Georeferencing Paper - Replication Code

This repository contains the algorithm and simulation code for the paper:

For the latest version including possible fixes to these replication scripts, go to:


The code and packages in this repository only works on Python 2.7.

The main package for map georeferencing is contained in the "automap" package folder. Note that the automap package is intended primarily for replicating the implementation and results used in the article -- a more user-friendly standalone georeferencing package may be announced at a later point.

To install this package and all the necessary dependencies on your machine, write the following from the commandline:

pip install -r requirements.txt


The text recognition part requires that you have Tesseract installed on your machine. For information on how to install Tesseract, see As described in the link, it's important that you add the folder containing the installed tesseract binaries to your system's PATH environment variable.

Data dependencies

The replication scripts in this repository are dependent on several external data files. Some of these data dependencies are not included in this repository due to file size restrictions, but instead have to be downloaded as a zipfile from here. The files named "gazetteers.db" and "gns.db" should be extracted to the "data" folder.

Replicating the results

With the necessary packages, scripts, and data installed, it's time to run the replication scripts.

Simulated maps

The "simulations" folder of this repository contains the scripts necessary to replicate the results for the automated map georeferencing of simulated maps presented in the article.

Be forewarned that the simulations generates very large volumes of map image data and will take days or weeks to process depending on the number of CPU Cores (the number of CPU cores can be specified in the "PARAMETERS" section near the top of each script). Specifically, the scripts should be run in the following order:

  • 1) generate (generates the simulated maps and outputs them into simulations/maps)
  • 2) (uses the automap package to automatically georeference the simulated maps and outputs the results in simulations/outputs)
  • 3) error (generates error metrics and outputs them as files ending in _error.json in simulations/outputs)
  • 4) error (collects all the information about simulated maps, map parameters, georeferencing results and errors, and outputs them as json strings in an sqlite database in simulations/analyze/stats.db. Also generates some but not all of the article figures in simulations/analyze/figures).

Real-world maps

The "realworld" folder of this repository contains the scripts necessary to replicate the results for the automated map georeferencing of real-world maps presented in the article. The metadata for which exact maps were used in the article and their georeferencing results are included as JSON files in the realworld/scrape folder.

The results for the real-world maps can be reproduced by running the following scripts (though possibly with different results if the website has changed):

  • 1) scrape and (scrapes the top two maps for each country page on the University of Texas at Austin's Perry-Castaneda Library (PCL) Map Collection, georeferences them, and outputs the source information and georeferencing results to JSON files in realworld/scrape).
  • 2) error (collects all the information about the real-world maps, georeferencing results and errors from the JSON files produced in the previous script, and generates some but not all of the article figures in realworld/analyze/figures).