
HTTP based python script for API access and router management of the TP-Link Archer C50

GPL-3.0 License


[Stale] TP-Link Archer C50 API

HTTP based python package for API access and router management of the TP-Link Archer C50

Version 1.0.0

Looking for maintainers!

If you'd like to collaborate on this project let me know, until then, this project is no longer being maintained and might soon be deprecated.


pip install tplinkrouter




Enter your hostname/IP & credentials used to log in to your router management page

import tplinkrouter  

router = tplinkrouter.C50('hostname','username','password')

OPTIONAL: You may also pass a logger as tplinkrouter.C50('hostname','username','password',_LOGGER) to log errors instead of printing them

Built-in Functions (v0.3.0+)


# Return
     'modelName': 'Archer C50',
     'description': 'TP-Link Archer C50 AC1200 Dual-Band'

# Return

# Return
# Disable SSID broadcast of MYSSID2
# Disable 5GHz Band
Function Args Description Return
about Gets basic info about the router { 'modelName', 'description' }
get_version Gets hardware and software version of the router { 'hardwareVersion', 'softwareVersion' }
get_clients Gets list of connected clients (host name) including DHCP & permanent leases, across both wifi and LAN List of strings
get_clients_by_mac Gets list of connected clients (MAC Address) including DHCP & permanent leases, across both wifi and LAN List of strings
get_wlans Gets details of wlans (by internal wlan name) including guest network wlans on both bands Dict of Dicts
get_ssids Gets list of ssids including guest network wlans on both bands List of strings
get_password ssid -> str: required Gets WPA2 PSK of specified SSID string
set_password ssid -> str: required password -> str: required Sets new WPA2 PSK of specified SSID boolean
set_ssid_state ssid -> str: required state -> boolean: required Enables/disables SSID broadcast of the specified SSID boolean
set_band band -> 2.4GHz or 5GHz state -> boolean: required Enables/disables specified band boolean
is_on Returns whether or not the device is powered on boolean
restart Does what it says on the can boolean
logout Does what it says on the can boolean

Internal Function: _get()

Internal function used to access different named commands. You may use this if you want direct access to the router's return data without the cleanup done by built-in functions


Supported Parameters:

  • about
  • version
  • info
  • bands
  • wan
  • wlan
  • wlan_info
  • guest_24ghz
  • guest_5ghz
  • dhcp_settings
  • dhcp_clients
  • restart
  • logout

Return Format: Dictionary

Internal Function: _set()

Internal function used to run different set processes. You may use this if you want to directly set the router's parameters without the processing done by built-in functions

Change Password of 2.4Ghz Network:

router._set('24ghz', [{'[LAN_WLAN#1,1,0,0,0,0#0,0,0,0,0,0]0,5': {'X_TP_PreSharedKey': 'new_password'}}])

Enable/Disable WAN PPPoE:

# Enable
router._set('wan', [{}, {'[WAN_PPP_CONN#1,1,1,0,0,0#0,0,0,0,0,0]1,19': {'enable': '1'}}, {}])

# Disable
router._set('wan', [{}, {'[WAN_PPP_CONN#1,1,1,0,0,0#0,0,0,0,0,0]1,19': {'enable': '0'}}])

Return Format: Boolean

Supported Parameters:

  • wan
  • 24ghz
  • 5ghz
  • 24ghz_band
  • 5ghz_band

_set() only updates the keys passed in argument 2. All other values are either fetched from the router wherever available.

Note 1: Value Format

All key/values passed in Argument 2 of _set() must be strings. Argument 2 passed to _set() must be a List of Dictionaries.

Note 2: Positional Arguments

Each list item in Argument 2 of _set() directly corresponds to each subtask in the process. Omitting an item in the list will ignore that subtask. (See Example: Disable WAN PPPoE, index[2] omitted) To run a subtask without updating any of its values, pass an empty dictionary in its position.

Note 3: Status Code

Internal functions return an additional key status_code with the HTTP status code of the request. Remember to ignore this key before iterating through returned Lists or Dicts.


This has only been tested on the TP-Link Archer C50 V1 running firmware 160411. Supported Models (known):

  • TP-Link Archer C50 V1
  • TP-Link N600
    You're free to test on other models and report them in the Issues tab.

Adding Support For More Models

Head over to Unavailable until new maintainers can be found

Error 500 & Login Limit

The TP-Link Web Interface only supports upto 1 user logged in at a time (for security reasons, apparently) which is the most common reason to recieve HTTP ERROR 500. As a workaround, you must log out from all other devices/browsers and try again. Additionally, you may also run router._get('logout')

Troubleshooting/Error Reporting/Contributing

  • If you face an error, you may debug using a HTTP Requests tool/monitor on your router's configuration webpage. Additionally, you may open a new issue on this repo prefixed by [Bug]
  • If you would like to help improve the package, request features or add functionality, open an issue prefixed by [Feature Request] or [Improvement]

PRs and Commit Template

PRs and commits that you make to this repo must include the following:

  • Type: bug-fix or enhancement
  • Description: Brief description about what the commit achieves
  • Notes: (heads ups/pointers to other developers if necessary)



  • First major release!
  • Cleanup


  • Logging support
  • New return format that adds status_code
  • Performance Optimization: Logout session after commands to minimize Error 500 instances
  • Remove unnecessary I/O


  • Add band control toggles


  • Introducing built in functions! Predefined commands for the most commonly used tasks, so you don't have to manually figure out the payloads.


  • Fix pip deploy bug


  • Fix pip import bug


  • Remove AIOHTTP Dependency


  • Python Package