
A small yet powerful text processor in Python

MIT License



A small yet powerful text processor written in Python.


  • Provides a way to program your documentation.

  • Unleashes the full power of Python for organizing, generating, validating and debugging your data. Supports arbitrary Python code and modules. No new languages to learn.

  • Interleaved text and code. The order of definitions is up to you.

  • Text pieces are implicitly defined as functions that can be called from anywhere in the input file as well as from an external code having access to the processor object.

  • Supports Python 2.7 and 3.

  • Available under the MIT license.



pip install tproc

Hello world

# hello.tproc

Hello {world}




$ tproc hello.tproc
Hello World!

The input contains three definitions, each expanding into its body text. The names in curly braces are replaced with the body of the corresponding definition.

Note that tproc only expands input on request, and not as it reads and processes the definitions. Because of this, the definitions may come in any order as seems best for your needs.

Whitespace just before and just after definition bodies is stripped, so all the three definitions in the example produce inline output with no new-line characters.

The part of the input before the first definition is ignored, and supposed to be used for describing the purpose of the input and other relevant information.


tproc translates text definitions into Python generators that produce the body text in its original form, that is, before any expansion. This makes it possible to write definitions as normal Python functions, like this:

#!/usr/bin/env tproc

def hello():
    yield 'Hello {'
    yield 'world'
    yield '}'




Hello World!

Custom generators can yield the whole piece of data at once or generate it by chunks of arbitrary size.

Replacement fields

Replacement fields are portions of text surrounded with curly braces that tproc replaces with some other content during expansion process. For example:



Such simplest replacement fields contain the name of a text definition or of a custom generator (which is the same). But they in fact can be arbitrary expressions:

import time

Happy {time.strftime('%A')}!

On Fridays this results into:

Happy Friday!

Note that the value of a replacement field is evaluated every time the field is expanded, and it is expanded every time tproc encounters its invocation, so such values are never cached. This allows generators to produce different content for different invocations, like in this example:

counter = 0

def count():
    global counter
    yield '%d' % counter
    counter += 1

{count} {count} {count}


0 1 2

To guarantee reproducible results invocations of replacement fields are always processed in the left-to-right order.

Format specifiers

In addition to value expressions, replacement fields may contain format specifiers:





As you may guess, the syntax of format specifiers is the same as for the lovely format() function.

Passing data to generators

In replacement fields, portions of data delimited with colons may follow (possibly empty) format specifiers. Each such piece of data will then be passed as an argument to the generator. For example:

def section(title, body):
    yield '<section>'
    yield '<title>'
    for chunk in title:
        yield chunk
    yield '</title>'
    yield '<body>'
    for chunk in body:
        yield chunk
    yield '</body>'
    yield '</section>'

{section::NAME:tproc - A text processor}
{section::SYNOPSIS:tproc [-e DEFINITION] [infile] [outfile]}

This gives:

<section><title>NAME</title><body>tproc - A text processor</body></section>
<section><title>SYNOPSIS</title><body>tproc [-e DEFINITION] [infile] [outfile]</body></section>

And of course such arguments can nest and each of the nested arguments gets expanded before passing to the generator:

def p(body):
    yield '<p>'
    for chunk in body:
        yield chunk
    yield '</p>'

def i(body):
    yield '<i>'
    for chunk in body:
        yield chunk
    yield '</i>'

{p::It is {i::crucial} to support nested arguments.}

Escape sequences

To support nested arguments it is necessary that curly braces and colons preserve their special meaning everywhere within bodies of text definitions. But that also means there should be a way to specify the brace and colon characters in its literal meaning, that is, as part of the body text. Escape sequences is the way to do that.

Escape sequences start with slash (\) followed by the character to escape. For example:

This example:

#include <iostream>

int main() \{
    std\:\:cout << "@ Hey! @" << std\:\:endl;

just prints:

\@ Hey! \@

def code(source):
    yield '```'
    for chunk in source: yield chunk
    yield '```'

To represent non-printable characters and for better interchangeability with other sources and consumers of textual data, tproc also supports the standard C escape sequences:

\\ \' \" \a \b \f \n \r \t \v


Consider this:

'{echo:: {echo:: \: } }'

def echo(content):
    return content

The code seems obvious: the inner echo invocation gets expanded into a colon character surrounded by spaces, which then becomes the argument of the outer invocation that too replicates the colon adding some more spaces around it, resulting in:

'  :  '

However, if the inner echo gets its argument containing the colon in its literal de-escaped form, which is so, then why that colon character doesn't work as an argument delimiter when it's passed to the outer echo?

The answer is that before an expansion takes place, all characters that form the sequence to expand are converted into tokens. Curly braces designating bounds of replacement fields and colons separating format specifiers and arguments within them become delimiter tokens and all other data becomes literal tokens. Being parsed, tokens preserve their meaning until the very end of the expansion process, so once the escaped colon character in the example above becomes part of a literal token, it will always be considered as part of text, and not as a delimiter.

Let's change the example a bit to see what the generators actually get:

{eat:: '{outer:: {inner:: \: } }' }

inner_chunks = []
outer_chunks = []

def inner(content):
    for chunk in content:
        yield chunk

def outer(content):
    for chunk in content:
        yield chunk

def eat(content):
    for chunk in content:

    print('inner: %r' % inner_chunks)
    print('outer: %r' % outer_chunks)
    yield ''

The output:

inner: [<literal ' '>, <literal ':'>, <literal ' '>]
outer: [<literal ' '>, <literal ' '>, <literal ':'>, <literal ' '>, <literal ' '>]

For both the inner and outer invocations the content is a sequence of literal tokens containing spaces and colon characters. Curly braces and colons that work as delimiters are consumed and processed by tproc accordingly to their meaning.

In terms of code, literal tokens are instances of class LiteralToken that have a public member .content that stores the literal as a string.

Generation of non-text data

As we already said, the value of a replacement field can be any expression. If it evaluates to something callable, it is called and the returned value is considered as the field value. Then, if the value is a generator, it becomes the source of the value chunks. Any other values are converted into literal tokens with the .content field storing the original value.

Here's how it works:

{55} {[5, 7, 9]} {tuple(range(3))} {'{year}'}
# {lambda\: [(yield [11] * 5)]}



def dump(content):
    for chunk in content:
        print('%r' % chunk)

    yield ''

The values of the replacement fields in content are evaluated and expanded, and then passed to dump as a sequence of literal tokens:

<literal 55>
<literal ' '>
<literal [5, 7, 9]>
<literal ' '>
<literal (0, 1, 2)>
<literal ' '>
<literal '2018'>
<literal '\n# '>
<literal [11, 11, 11, 11, 11]>

On full expansion, tokens are converted back to their literals and appear in the resulting output in their stringized form:

{55} {[5, 7, 9]} {tuple(range(3))} {'{year}'}
# {lambda\: [(yield [11] * 5)]}

55 [5, 7, 9] (0, 1, 2) 2018
# [11, 11, 11, 11, 11]

Using nested replacements lists that expand into non-text data makes it possible to translate custom markups directly into Python data structures. For example:

First paragraph.}
Second paragraph.}

def collect(tokens):
    return [x.content for x in tokens]

def p(body):
    yield ('p', collect(body))

def section(title, body):
    yield ('section', collect(title), collect(body))

Results in:

('section', ['TITLE'], ['\n', ('p', ['\nFirst paragraph.']), '\n', ('p', ['\nSecond paragraph.']), '\n'])

Namespaces and processor objects

Every processor instance has its own space for global names. This namespace is independent of the tproc's code namespace so users are free to name their generators and other global entities as they like.

The only name that comes predefined in the input's code namespace is tproc. That name refers to the processor object that handles the input source. Through this name the input code can access the public API of the processor class described in the corresponding section below. For example, tproc.LiteralToken refers to the type of tokens passed to generators that have arguments:

{'%r' % tproc.LiteralToken}
<class 'tproc.LiteralToken'>



  • LiteralToken.content

    Contains the literal of the token as a string.


  • Processor.expand(input)

    Returns a generator producing a fully expanded input. The input parameter is a generator of source data.

  • Processor.LiteralToken

    The type of literal tokens. See tproc.LiteralToken.

Basic design principles

  • Input files are Python programs, presented in a form suitable for text processing. They may import, define and execute arbitrary Python code as they get processed. They may define a main() function to implement the default action.

  • All sources of input data, including text definitions, are Python generators. Similarly, the Processor.expand() method is a generator producing output data. The data is consumed and generated in chunks that may be of any type and size. String chunks are subject to expansion. Chunks of other types are passed to the output without any additional processing unless the they constitute an input of a custom generator.