
The translation files checker and syncing tool

MIT License


The translation files checker and syncing tool

master branch:

development branch:

Table of contents


trans-tool is a small yet powerful utility designed for your projects' translation files. It comes equipped with several validators to catch common mistakes in translations as well as base strings. It currently loads *.properties files, a format often used in Java projects. The trans-tool was conceived during work on Logisim-evolution.

An example *.properties file resembles a simplified version of the commonly used INI file:

# Example of *.properties file
programTitle = trans-tool v2.0.0
okButton = "OK"

Internally, trans-tool operates on an abstract format, thus adding support for other file formats can easily be incorporated, which will be done upon demand.

While loading your *.properties files, trans-tool checks if the files are in order, ensuring all of them are syntactically correct and all the translations are in sync with the main language. It also comes with a vast set of various linters and checkers to guard the quality of the files' contents. It can check for missing or dangling keys, improper punctuation, open brackets, quotation marks, and more. It can also automatically sync translation files quickly, providing a fresh template for your translators to work on.

$ trans-tool -b soc -l pl

Base: src/main/resources/resources/logisim/strings/soc/
  Errors: 1
      E: Line 163:90: "AssemblerRunSuccess": No opening character matching ")".
  PL: src/main/resources/resources/logisim/strings/soc/
    Errors: 3, warnings: 4
        E: Line 175:83: "AssemblerRunSuccess": No opening character matching ")".
      Formatting values
        E: Line 383:167: "PioMenuOutClearRemark": Expected "%s", found "%s.".
        E: Line 387:167: "PioMenuOutSetRemark": Expected "%s", found "%s.".
      Missing translations
        W: "ElfHeaderEIDataError": Missing translation.
        W: "AsmPanErrorCreateFile": Missing translation.
      Punctuation mismatch
        W: Line 12: "SocInsertTransWindowTitle": Ends with "y". Expected ":".
      First words case mismatch.
        W: Line 332: "Rv32imProgramCounter": Starts UPPER-cased, expected lower-case.


  • Written and copyrighted ©2021-2023 by Marcin Orlowski <mail (#) marcinorlowski (.) com>
  • trans-tool is open-sourced software licensed under
    the MIT license.
  • Project logo
    contains elements from
  • trans-tool project PyPi page.