
Places buy orders on crypto exchanges based on tweets.

MIT License


Tweet Pump-and-Dump


Performs trades on Bittrex based on tweets of a user. Searches tweets for any mentions of currencies available on Bittrex. Optionally searches for a key term/phrase first before searching for currencies.


A file named config.json, located in /src/ (same directory as, is used as the configuration of the bot. Below is the base configuration for the bot:

    "twitter": {
        "api": {
            "key": "",
            "secret": "",
            "access_token": "",
            "access_secret": ""
        "user": "",
        "search_term": "",
        "search_text": true,
        "search_image": true,
        "ignore_retweets": true,
        "disconnect_on_first": true,
        "log_tweets": false
    "exchanges": {
        "binance": {
            "priority": 0,
            "key": "",
            "secret": "",
            "use_multiplier": false,
            "recvWindow": 5000
        "bittrex": {
            "priority": 1,
            "key": "",
            "secret": "",
            "use_multiplier": true,
    "order": {
        "quote_currencies": {
            "btc": 0,
            "eth": 0
        "multiplier": 0
    "search_currency_name": false,
    "tessdata_dir": "",
    "tesseract_cmd": "",
    "verbose": false

Note: All strings, with the exceptions of authentication credentials, user, search_term, and tesseract_cmd, must be completely lower case.

  • search_currency_name - true to include currency names (in addition to
    ticker symbols) in the regular expression used to search for a currency in the
    OCR result text; false to only include currency ticker symbols.
  • tessdata_dir - Path to Tesseract's tessdata folder. Set this if the bot
    is on a different drive than Tesseract is installed to - particularly if using
    Windows. This folder is typically located under the Tesseract install's root
  • tesseract_cmd - Path to the Tesseract binary; ignored if empty. Unnecessary
    if it is in the system's PATH. Backslashes must be escaped with another
  • verbose - true if the console logger should be more verbose i.e. show
    debug-level messages; false otherwise.


  • key - Consumer key (API key)
  • secret - Consumer secret (API secret)
  • access_token - Access token; can be used to make API requests on your own
    account's behalf.
  • access_secret - Access secret
  • user - The Twitter handle of the user whose tweets will be read.
  • search_term - A search term to use to filter the user's tweets; ignored if
  • search_text - true to search for currencies in the tweet's text; false
  • search_image - true to search for currencies in the tweet's attached
    image; false otherwise. The image will not be parsed if a currency has already
    been found in the text.
  • ignore_retweets - Does not parse tweets which are retweets.
  • disconnect_on_first - true to disconnect the stream after the first found
    tweet; false otherwise.
  • log_tweets - true to log user's tweets to a file; false otherwise. A new
    file is created every day at midnight. Old files have the date appended to their


  • priority - A positive integer representing the priority of the exchange.
    Lower numbers have higher priority. Set to 0 to disable the exchange.
  • key - The exchange's API key.
  • secret - The exchange's API secret.
  • use_multiplier - true to use the multiplier for this exchange; false
  • recvWindow - If the order request is not processed in this amount of
    miliseconds, the request is cancelled. Only used with Binance.


  • quote_currencies - A dictionary of currency ticker symbols for quote
    currencies (currencies with which the tweeted currency can be bought) and the
    amounts to spend on the order. The order determines the priority of the
    currency; the first has the highest priority. It is safe to remove unwanted
    currencies from this dictionary.
  • multiplier - The price paid for the currency is multiplied by
    1 + multiplier to account for any price increases between the request for the
    price and request for placing the order.



  • Python 3.6 or higher
    • Make sure the python directory and python/Scripts directory are in your
      system's PATH environment variable.
    • For Windows users especially,
      Anaconda is recommended over the
      standard installer from
  • Google Tesseract OCR
    • See this page for more
      specific installation instructions.
    • Make sure it is set in your system's PATH environment variable or the
    • tesseract_cmd is configured accordingly.


Note pipenv can install these automatically from the provided pipfiles.


pipenv can be used to simply the installation process. Once it is installed, cd into the root directory and install the dependencies from the pipfile with

pipenv install

An error may occur while installing python-binance on Windows. More specifically

Failed building wheel for Twisted

The error can be circumvented by downloading a pre-built wheel of Twisted from here. Download the 32-bit or 64-bit version depending on your OS and move the file into the root directory of the program. To install Twisted and finish the installation of python-binance run

pipenv install twisted-wheel-file-name.whl
pipenv install


Run to run the bot. If using pipenv:

pipenv shell
cd src

