
An App Engine app for group twittering



TweetEngine is a tool for collaborative twittering. It allows a degree of control who tweets what including reviews.

TweetEngine is build on/for Googles Appengine and is Free and OpenSource Software under the Apache Public License 2.0.

It was written at Snowsprint 2010 by Nick Johnson (Google, Ireland), Jens W. Klein (BlueDynamics Allaince Austria) and Sasha Vincic (Valentine Websystems, Schweden).

The code and bugtracker of TweetEngine is located at github.

If you want to try and install TweetEngine on your own, get the code and take a clean Python 2.5. Then do a python Next run ./bin/buildout. Then start./bin/tweetengine for you local development instance. In your browser go to http://localhost:8080. In case of problems consult the zc.buildout and/or Appengine documentation.

Running the application

The first time you run the application, you will need to configure it. Both on the local server in in production, this is done by logging in with an admin account.

  1. Click on "Admin" - this will take you to a settings page where you can add your Twitter API keys. If you don't already have a key, sign up for one at Note that you can use any callback or URL you want - Twitter's application admin page won't let you set localhost:8080 as the callback URL, but this won't matter since Tweetengine will pass this as an OAuth parameter anyway when users add an account.

  2. From, copy "Consumer Key" to your dashboard's "OAuth key", "Consumer secret" to "OAuth secret" and set "Mail from" to an email account that your App Engine account is able to sent email from.

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