
Monitors a UPnP device, logs changes into a database and checks in episodes to trakt.tv



Monitors an UPnP device, logs changes into a database and checks in new episodes to trakt.tv.

UPnP devices are mounted into the file system (by means of djmount), the content of the »Last Viewed« folder is checked against entries of a database. If new episodes are detected, they are added to the database and checked in to trakt.tv.

Made for OS X and Linux.


Install needed stuff (see Prerequisites), initialize the trakt.tv connection (see PyTrakt docu), watch something new and run



UPnPtrakt tracks your last viewed shows as indicated by your UPnP/DLNA devices. It parses the show, retrieves proper (meta) data from trakt.tv and fills up a database. New shows are checked in to trakt.tv.

upnptrakt.py has quite a few features accessible while calling, just check ./upnptrakt.py --help.


There's some stuff which has to be on your system in order for UPnPtrakt to work.

Program: djmount

As I was unable to find a Python package for monitoring UPnP devices, UPnPtrakt relies on djmount to interface between the current host and all UPnP/DLNA devices in your network.

djmount is both available in Homebrew and Ubuntu's packages repository. To install, either run (OS X)

brew install djmount

or (Ubuntu)

sudo apt-get install djmount

If your Linux flavor is not Ubuntu, there's probably a package for djmount around for your distro as well. If you're running Windows, I don't know (neither about djmount nor about this stuff here running at all.)

Python Packages

This Python program uses quite a few packages. All of them can be installed via pip:

pip install guessit psutil simplejson  
pip install trakt

Note: I changed the Python trakt interface for v0.2 of UPnPtrakt.



Use createLocalDb.py to create the necessary SQLite3 database. Use --dropDB to drop the databasse before recreating it.

Trakt Connection

Use the setup description of PyTrakt to setup your trakt connection. You need to register an app with trakt and use OAuth for the authentication in the Python library. Chose init() with the store=True option so that PyTrakt stores your credentials in ~\.pytrakt.json. UPnPtrakt is designed to run this way.


Manually test mounting UPnP devices by calling

mkdir test
djmount test
ll test
umount test; rm -rf test

If you get an error you might need to load the FUSE kernel module first: modprobe fuse)


Calling upnptrakt.py -h should be pretty much self-explanatory. The default values are tuned for my personal case, you might need to customize them in the call to the script. Especially the --path-to-last-viewed is probably different for your UPnP/DLNA server (or not, if you're running Serviio on a host named Andisk2…).

Let's get through the parameters, sorted by importance (and then through the flags):

  • --path-to-last-viewed PATH: The path to the last viewed folder of your UPnP/DLNA server. You probably need to find this out by running a manual djmount (see Setup). Don't care too much about trailing / ending slashes. This should be taken care of automatically.
    Default: Serviio (Andisk2)/Video/Last Viewed.
  • --trakt-config-json FILE: Filename of the json config used to login to trakt.tv. See Setup.
    Default: trakt-config.json
  • --series-whitelist-json FILE: Sometimes the trakt.tv search is unable to finde the current show. Put it into this whitelist then.
    Default: seriesWhitelist.json
  • --database-file FILE: SQLite3 database filename to store all episode information in.
    Default: episodes.db
  • --mount-path PATH: Location, where djmount will mount the UPnP network surroundings in.
    Default: .upnpDevices (yes, it's hidden)

Flags provided (all off by default):

  • --dont-store: Don't store information about new shows into the database. Becomes a dry run when used in combination with --dont-post.
  • --dont-post: Don't post new episodes to trakt.tv. Only use the database. You might want to use this to initially fill up the database. Becomes a dry run when used together with --dont-store.
  • --restart-djmount: In case of troubles with djmount, this flag gets rid of all djmount process, unmounts the mount path (as provided by --mount-path) and deletes the folder. Attention: ALL djmount processes are killed! If you have some other folders in your system mounted with the tool, you might get some funny behavior there.

After setting up all needed tools, creating and initial-filling your databse, you probably want to create a cronjob calling upnptrakt.py every 20 minutes or so.

Limits & Todos

  • At the moment the load to trakt.tv is quite high, as every episode's proper data is retrieved from there. Resulting in a slow script. This is going to be changed soon. Hopefully.
  • No error handling whatsoever is included. No logging either.
  • No documentation in the files.
  • Take a look to issues for what I plan to do next. Also, report them over there (or, much better, send me a pull request).
  • Feature-laziness