
Python library to interface with MicroPython devices through Wifi (Websockets/WebREPL) , BLE or Serial connection (USB)

MIT License



Python library to interface with MicroPython devices through REPL*:

  • Websockets/WebREPL (WiFi)
  • BleREPL (Bluetooth Low Energy)
  • Serial REPL (USB)

* Device REPL must be accesible.

Upydevice allows to integrate device interaction from simple scripts to automated services, test suites, command line interfaces or even GUI applications.


pip install upydevice or pip install --upgrade upydevice

Example usage:

DEVICE: Device

>>> from upydevice import Device

This will return a Device based on address (first argument) type.


Serial (USB)

>>> esp32 = Device('/dev/cu.usbserial-016418E3', init=True)
>>> esp32
SerialDevice @ /dev/cu.usbserial-016418E3, Type: esp32, Class: SerialDevice
Firmware: MicroPython v1.19.1-285-gc4e3ed964-dirty on 2022-08-12; ESP32 module with ESP32
CP2104 USB to UART Bridge Controller, Manufacturer: Silicon Labs
(MAC: 30:ae:a4:23:35:64)

WiFi (WebSockets/WebREPL)

This requires WebREPL to be enabled in the device.

>>> esp32 = Device('', 'mypass', init=True)
>>> esp32
WebSocketDevice @ ws://, Type: esp32, Class: WebSocketDevice
Firmware: MicroPython v1.19.1-285-gc4e3ed964-dirty on 2022-08-12; ESP32 module with ESP32
(MAC: 30:ae:a4:23:35:64, Host Name: espdev, RSSI: -45 dBm)

If device hostname name is set e.g. (in device main.py)

wlan = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF)
wlan.connect('your-ssid', 'your-key')

Now the device can be connected with mDNS name.

>>> esp32 = Device('espdev.local', 'mypass', init=True)
>>> esp32
WebSocketDevice @ ws://, Type: esp32, Class: WebSocketDevice
Firmware: MicroPython v1.19.1-285-gc4e3ed964-dirty on 2022-08-12; ESP32 module with ESP32
(MAC: 30:ae:a4:23:35:64, Host Name: espdev, RSSI: -45 dBm)


This requires BleREPL to be enabled in the device. (This is still experimental and performance may be platform and device dependent)

>>> esp32 = Device('00FEFE2D-5983-4D6C-9679-01F732CBA9D9', init=True)
>>> esp32
BleDevice @ 00FEFE2D-5983-4D6C-9679-01F732CBA9D9, Type: esp32 , Class: BleDevice
Firmware: MicroPython v1.18-128-g2ea21abae-dirty on 2022-02-19; 4MB/OTA BLE module with ESP32
(MAC: ec:94:cb:54:8e:14, Local Name: espble, RSSI: -38 dBm)

Now the device can recive commands and send back the output. e.g.

>>> esp32.wr_cmd('led.on()')
>>> esp32.wr_cmd("os.listdir()")
['boot.py', 'webrepl_cfg.py', 'main.py'] # this output is stored in [upydevice].output

>>> esp32.output
['boot.py', 'webrepl_cfg.py', 'main.py']
>>>> esp32.wr_cmd('x = [1,2,3];my_var = len(x);print(my_var)')
# Soft Reset:
>>> esp32.reset()
    Rebooting device...

Testing devices with Pytest:

Under test directory there are example tests to run with devices. This allows to test MicroPython code in devices interactively, e.g. button press, screen swipes, sensor calibration, actuators, servo/stepper/dc motors ... e.g.

$ pytest test_esp_serial.py -s

=========================================== test session starts ===========================================
platform darwin -- Python 3.7.9, pytest-7.1.2, pluggy-1.0.0
benchmark: 3.4.1 (defaults: timer=time.perf_counter disable_gc=False min_rounds=5 min_time=0.000005 max_time=1.0 calibration_precision=10 warmup=False warmup_iterations=100000)
rootdir: /Users/carlosgilgonzalez/Desktop/IBM_PROJECTS/MICROPYTHON/TOOLS/upydevice_.nosync/test, configfile: pytest.ini
plugins: benchmark-3.4.1
collected 7 items

test_esp_serial.py::test_devname PASSED                                                             [ 14%]
---------------------------------------------- live log call ----------------------------------------------
00:13:26 [pytest] [sdev] [ESP32] : Running SerialDevice test...
00:13:26 [pytest] [sdev] [ESP32] : DEV PLATFORM: esp32
00:13:26 [pytest] [sdev] [ESP32] : DEV PLATFORM TEST: [✔]
PASSED                                                                                              [ 28%]
---------------------------------------------- live log call ----------------------------------------------
00:13:28 [pytest] [sdev] [ESP32] : BLINK LED TEST: [✔]
PASSED                                                                                              [ 42%]
---------------------------------------------- live log call ----------------------------------------------
00:13:28 [pytest] [sdev] [ESP32] : RUN SCRIPT TEST: test_code.py
00:13:31 [pytest] [sdev] [ESP32] : RUN SCRIPT TEST: [✔]
PASSED                                                                                              [ 57%]
---------------------------------------------- live log call ----------------------------------------------
00:13:31 [pytest] [sdev] [ESP32] : DEVICE EXCEPTION TEST: b = 1/0
00:13:31 [pytest] [sdev] [ESP32] : DEVICE EXCEPTION TEST: [✔]
PASSED                                                                                              [ 71%]
---------------------------------------------- live log call ----------------------------------------------
00:13:31 [pytest] [sdev] [ESP32] : DEVICE RESET TEST
00:13:32 [pytest] [sdev] [ESP32] : DEVICE RESET TEST: [✔]
PASSED                                                                                              [ 85%]
---------------------------------------------- live log call ----------------------------------------------
00:13:32 [pytest] [sdev] [ESP32] : DEVICE DISCONNECT TEST
00:13:32 [pytest] [sdev] [ESP32] : DEVICE DISCONNECT TEST: [✔]
PASSED                                                                                              [100%]

============================================ 7 passed in 6.74s ============================================

Made with upydevice:

Examples (scripts, GUI ...)