
Add biological annotations to variants in a given VCF file.

MIT License


vcf-annotator uses the reference GenBank file to add more details to the variant calls in a VCF.


Using a reference GenBank file, vcf-annotator adds biological annotations to variants in a VCF file. A full list of annotations is descibed below, but these include amino acid changes, gene information, synonymous vs nonsynonymous, locus tag information, among many more.

Added Annotations

For each mutation, if applicable, the following annotations are added to the INFO column of the VCF.

Annotation Description
RefCodon Reference codon
AltCodon Alternate codon
RefAminoAcid Reference amino acid
AltAminoAcid Alternate amino acid
CodonPosition Codon position in the gene
SNPCodonPosition SNP position in the codon
AminoAcidChange Amino acid change
IsSynonymous 0:nonsynonymous, 1:synonymous, 9:N/A or Unknown
IsTransition 0:transversion, 1:transition, 9:N/A or Unknown
IsGenic 0:intergenic, 1:genic
IsPseudo 0:not pseudo, 1:pseudo gene
LocusTag Locus tag associated with gene
Gene Name of gene
Note Note associated with gene
Inference Inference of feature.
Product Description of gene
ProteinID Protein ID of gene
Comments Example: Negative strand: T->C
VariantType Indel, SNP, Ambiguous_SNP
FeatureType The feature type of variant.




vcf-annotator is available from BioConda

conda install -c bioconda vcf-annotator

From Source

[email protected]:rpetit3/vcf-annottor.git
cd vcf-annottor
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 YOUR_VCF.vcf

Nothing much else to it, just a simple to read in a VCF and GenBank file and output an annotated VCF. Feel free to drop it in your $PATH somewhere!


vcf-annotator requires an uncompressed VCF file and the corresponding reference GenBank file. It then outputs the annotated variants, by default to STDOUT, but this can be changed on runtime.

Usage Output

usage: [-h] [--output STRING] [--version]
                        VCF_FILE GENBANK_FILE

Annotate variants from a VCF file using the reference genome's GenBank file.

positional arguments:
  VCF_FILE         VCF file of variants
  GENBANK_FILE     GenBank file of the reference genome.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --output STRING  File to write VCF output to (Default STDOUT).
  --version        show program's version number and exit
--version Output
python3 --version 0.5

Example Usage

A VCF and GenBank file are included in the example-data directory. You can use these two files to verify the script is working properly.

python3 example-data/example.vcf example-data/


This script has been developed only for microbial variant analysis. I've only tested on VCF files output from GATK, but I would assume if the VCF format is followed other VCF files should work as well. Currently for a ~3mb genome with ~20k mutations it takes about 10s to annotate the VCF file. Based on this information, I'm not sure how well it would work on larger genomes (if it would even work at all!).