
CMDB: configuration and management of IT resources

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cmdb - v2.4.5 Latest Release

Published by pycook 5 months ago

  1. Feat: Added topology view feature
  2. Feat: Resource data can be grouped and displayed according to the model
  3. Fix: Fixed an issue where the trigger webhook failed if the referenced attribute value contained Chinese characters
  4. Fix: Fixed an error where the admin account did not have the cmdb_admin role in version 2.4.4
  5. Fix: Fixed an error in password storage initialization

  1. Feat: 新增拓扑视图功能
  2. Feat: 资源数据支持按照模型分组展示
  3. Fix: 修复了触发器webhook中引用属性值包含中文导致触发失败的问题
  4. Fix: 修复了2.4.4版本中admin账号没有cmdb_admin角色的报错
  5. Fix: 修复了密码存储初始化报错的问题
cmdb - v2.4.4

Published by pycook 6 months ago

  1. Feat: CI details page supports displaying associated ITSM tickets.
  2. Feat: Added instance rollback functionality.
  3. Feat: Ensure the order of values for multi-value fields.

  1. Feat: CI详情页支持展示ITSM关联工单
  2. Feat: 新增实例回滚功能
  3. Feat: 多值字段的值保证顺序
cmdb - v2.4.3

Published by pycook 6 months ago

  1. Feat: Support service tree retrieval.
  2. Feat: Support custom display attributes for service tree and topology view.
  3. Fix: Fix the issue of duplicate display of nodes in relationship topology view.
  4. Fix: Fix the issue of the manual trigger CI calculation button not being displayed for inherited properties.

  1. Feat: 支持服务树检索
  2. Feat: 服务树和拓扑视图支持自定义展示属性
  3. Fix: 修复关系拓扑视图节点重复显示的问题
  4. Fix: 修复继承属性手动触发CI计算按钮未展示的问题
cmdb - v2.4.2

Published by pycook 7 months ago

  1. Feat: Added attribute association feature, supporting automatic relationship establishment based on the attribute values of two models.
  2. Fix: Fixed the issue of menu bar shaking when focusing on the top menu bar.

  1. Feat: 新增属性关联功能,支持通过两个模型的属性值自动建立关系
  2. Fix: 修复了聚焦在顶部菜单栏时,菜单栏抖动的问题
cmdb -

Published by pycook 7 months ago

  1. Feat: Service Tree Table supports displaying tree node information.
  2. Feat: Service Tree supports modifying tree node names.
  3. Feat: Support editing of service tree configurations.
  4. Feat: Added LDAP authentication option on the login page.
  5. Feat: Comprehensive upgrade of system UI to further enhance user experience.
  6. Fix: Resolved an issue with model import failure.
  7. Fix: Resolved an issue with model associations becoming invalid during batch import.
  8. Fix: Resolved an issue where illegal files could be uploaded to the system by changing the file extension.

  1. Feat: 服务树Table支持显示树节点信息
  2. Feat: 服务树支持修改树节点名称
  3. Feat: 支持对服务树配置的编辑
  4. Feat: 登录页面新增LDAP认证选项
  5. Feat: 系统UI进行全面升级,进一步优化用户体验
  6. Fix: 修复了导入模型失败的问题
  7. Fix: 修复了批量导入时,模型关联失效的问题
  8. Fix: 修复了通过修改文件后缀名而将非法文件上传到系统的问题
cmdb - v2.3.13

Published by pycook 7 months ago

  1. Feat: Added service tree authorization functionality. #424 #425
  2. Feat: Optimized some guidance instructions.
  3. Fix: Resolved an issue where the corresponding relationship resources in ACL were not deleted after deleting a model. #414
  4. Fix: Resolved an issue where unique constraints were invalidated during batch import.
  5. Fix: Resolved an issue where the relationship data list was not fully displayed on the property details page.
  6. Fix: Resolved an issue where the unique validation list still returned deleted properties.

  1. Feat:新增服务树授权功能 #424 #425
  2. Feat: 优化了一些指引说明文案
  3. Fix: 修复了删除模型后,ACL中对应的关系资源未被删除的问题 #414
  4. Fix: 修复了批量导入时,唯一限制失效的问题
  5. Fix: 修复了属性详情页关系数据列表展示不全的问题
  6. Fix: 修复了唯一校验列表仍然返回了被删除属性的问题
cmdb - v2.3.12

Published by pycook 8 months ago

  1. Feat: Model configuration adds model inheritance feature.
  2. Feat: CI detail page adds sharing feature.

  1. Feat:模型配置新增模型继承功能
  2. Feat:ci详情页新增分享功能
cmdb - v2.3.11

Published by pycook 9 months ago

  1. Feat: Support regular expression validation for attribute configuration. Users can define a format-specific regex rule for attribute configuration or customize their own regular expression.
  2. Feat: My Subscriptions and the resource hierarchy module now support sorting of subscribed models.
  3. Feat: Enhance user experience by eliminating the checkbox selection method for changes in multi-valued attributes.

  1. Feat:属性配置时支持正则校验,可为属性配置限定格式的正则规则,也可以自定义正则表达式
  2. Feat:我的订阅和资源层级模块支持对已订阅模型进行排序
  3. Feat:优化用户体验,多值属性的变更不再使用下拉框勾选的方式
cmdb - v2.3.10

Published by pycook 10 months ago

  1. Feat: CMDB now offers a downloadable clean version without built-in templates. Users can download templates from the template marketplace for import and achieve automatic discovery.
  2. Feat: Achieve internationalization, switch between Chinese and English with one click
  3. Feat: The batch import module supports selecting predefined values through a dropdown menu.


cmdb - v2.3.9

Published by pycook 10 months ago

  1. Fix: Resolved the issue of abnormal data statistics under the directory hierarchy of the service tree.
  2. Fix: Addressed the problem of ineffectiveness in custom field permissions and custom instance permissions within the permission settings.
  3. Fix: Fixed the issue on the CI attribute details page where there was no permission check for associated model fields in relationships.
  4. Feat: Introduced support for importing and exporting individual models.
  5. Feat: The model configuration menu now supports authorization configuration through resource management. The "Model Configuration" menu is visible only to administrators and users with resource permissions for "Model Configuration."
  6. Feat: Enhanced the operation audit module table to display entries merged based on operation time and user fields.
  7. Feat: Updated the dropdown list for template types in the batch import module. It now only displays models for which the user has CI creation permissions.
  8. Feat: The name of the db volume installed by docker-compose is fixed to cmdb_db-data

  1. Fix:服务树目录层级下数据统计异常的问题
  2. Fix:权限设置中自定义字段权限和自定义实例权限未生效的问题
  3. Fix:CI属性详情页关系中对关联模型字段未做权限校验的问题
  4. Feat:支持单个模型的导入导出
  5. Feat:模型配置菜单支持通过资源管理进行授权配置,【模型配置】菜单仅对管理员和拥有【模型配置】资源权限的用户可见
  6. Feat:操作审计模块table支持按照操作时间、用户字段合并显示
  7. Feat:批量导入模块模板类型下拉框更新:仅展示用户拥有CI创建权限的模型
  8. Feat: docker-compose安装的db volume的名字固定为cmdb_db-data
cmdb - v2.3.8

Published by pycook 10 months ago

  1. Feat: Expanded user authentication methods to support third-party authentication, including LDAP, CAS, OAuth2.0, OIDC, and other authentication methods, it has been tested with casdoor. #308 #309 #310
  2. Feat: Performance optimization for bulk import and deletion of CIs. #293
  3. Feat: Enhanced the bulk import module to support downloading entries that failed to import. #302 #306
  4. Feat: Automatic discovery now supports adding duplicate sources, such as multiple Huawei Cloud sources. #313
  5. Fix: Resolved the issue where the system did not terminate the import process after cancellation during bulk import. #304 #306
  6. Fix: Problem with batch importing date type data into numbers. #301
  7. Fix: Addressed the problem of blank robot loading in the trigger details page notification module. #312
  8. Fix: Fixed the issue where multiple-value numeric fields could not be edited on the CI details page. #312

  1. Feat: 对用户认证方式进行了扩展,支持第三方认证,包括LDAP、CAS、OAuth2.0、OIDC等认证方式, 已测试兼容casdoor #308 #309 #310
  2. Feat: 批量导入和删除ci性能优化 #293
  3. Feat: 批量导入模块支持下载导入失败的条目 #302 #306
  4. Feat: 自动发现支持添加重复来源,如多个华为云来源 #313
  5. Fix: 批量导入过程中取消导入后系统未中止导入的问题 #304 #306
  6. Fix: 批量导入日期类型数据变为数字的问题 #301
  7. Fix: 触发器详情页通知模块机器人加载空白的问题 #312
  8. Fix: CI详情页无法编辑多值数字字段的问题 #312
cmdb - v2.3.7

Published by pycook 11 months ago

  1. feat: Comprehensive support for many-to-many relationships in the relationship view (service tree) has been implemented. #279, #271
  2. feat: The color scheme of Dashboard charts has been enriched and optimized. #271
  3. feat: Added a one-click installation script,, for container deployment. #277
  4. feat: Added commands: cmdb-agent-init for the initialization of the cmdb_agent user, displaying the key and secret for cmdb_agent. #264
  5. feat: Encryption storage of sensitive data in webhook configurations. #255
  6. fix: Resolved the timezone issue with caching images. #268
  7. fix: Addressed some alerts from automatic code scanning. #254
  8. DB change: Added a new field, ancestor_ids, to the c_ci_relations table.

  1. feat: 全面支持了多对多关系在关系视图(服务树)的应用 #279, #271
  2. feat: 丰富优化了Dashboard图表的配色 #271
  3. feat: 新增容器部署的一键安装脚本 #277
  4. feat: 新增commands: cmdb-agent-init, cmdb_agent用户的初始化, 并显示cmdb_agent的key和secret #264
  5. feat: webhook配置里的敏感数据加密存储 #255
  6. fix: cache镜像的时区问题 #268
  7. fix: 解决代码自动扫描的一些告警 #254
  8. DB变更: c_ci_relations表新增字段ancestor_ids
cmdb - v2.3.6

Published by pycook 12 months ago

  1. Fix: Resolved the issue on the CI property details page where changes were not immediately updated after editing. #226
  2. Fix: Addressed the problem where newly added users in ACL were not showing up in the user list. #221
  3. Fix: Fixed the issue where the addition of new users did not synchronize the ACL role ID with the backend management-company structure employee information. #221
  4. Fix: Rectified the backend error that occurred when attempting to delete relationships in the service tree in bulk. #220
  5. Fix: Corrected the problem with saving webhook body data formats other than JSON for predefined attribute values. #207
  6. Fix: Resolved the error reported by the Celery worker.
  7. Fix: Fixed the issue with the service tree's sidebar displaying a blank space when expanding second-level directories. #219
  8. Fix: Rectified the problem causing an abnormal count of total entries in pagination due to errors in integer-type fields when adding a new CI. #228
  9. Fix: Addressed the issue of abnormal links in attribute navigation. #233
  10. Feature: Added support for obtaining predefined attribute values through code.
  11. Feature: Enhanced password storage with AES encryption and introduced Vault Transit encryption.
  12. Added python libraries: hvac, colorama, pycryptodomex, ldap3
  13. DB Change: Add c_kv table
  14. API Added password storage configuration: SECRETS_ENGINE, VAULT_URL, VAULT_TOKEN, INNER_TRIGGER_TOKEN

  1. fix:修复了ci属性详情页,编辑成功后未立即更新的问题 #226
  2. fix:修复了acl新增用户成功后,用户列表查询不到新增用户的问题 #221
  3. fix:修复了新增用户成功后,后台管理-公司架构员工信息未同步更新acl rid的问题 #221
  4. fix:修复了服务树 批量删除关系时后端报错的问题 #220
  5. fix:修复了属性的预定义值webhook body无法保存除json以外数据格式的问题 #207
  6. fix:修复了 celery worker 异常报错的问题
  7. fix:修复了服务树侧边栏展开二级目录空白的问题 #219
  8. fix:修复了新增ci时整数类型字段报错导致分页总条目异常的问题 #228
  9. fix:修复了链接属性跳转异常的问题 #233
  10. feat:属性的预定义值支持通过代码获取
  11. feat:密码存储增加AES加密;增加Vault Transit加密
  12. 新增依赖库: hvac, colorama, pycryptodomex, ldap3
  13. DB变更: 新增表c_kv
cmdb - v2.3.5

Published by pycook about 1 year ago

  1. fix: 修复修改角色名后,无法删除用户角色的问题
  2. fix: 修复登陆后 进入仪表盘提示的“TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'split')” 错误
  3. feat: 触发器收件人支持引用属性字段值
  4. feat: 触发器通知方法新增企业微信、飞书和钉钉机器人
  5. feat: 触发器的触发历史新增 “状态”列
  6. feat: 模型配置里预定义值Webhook支持用户填写Parameters、Body、Headers、Authorization
  7. feat: 模型配置里新增预定义值的设置方法:其他模型属性 ,用户可以选择其他模型的某个属性,预定义值就是这个属性值的集合
  8. feat: 公司信息新增“Messenger地址”栏,系统发送消息会直接通过messenger服务进行发送
  9. feat: 通知设置新增机器人配置项
  10. feat: 个人中心-个人信息:新增飞书、钉钉绑定入口
  11. DB变更: 表c_attributes新增字段choice_other

  1. fix: Fixed the issue where users couldn't delete user roles after modifying the role name
  2. fix: Resolved the "TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'split')" error that occurred when entering the dashboard after logging in.
  3. feat: Trigger recipients now support referencing attribute field values.
  4. feat: Added support for notifying via Enterprise WeChat, Feishu (Lark), and DingTalk bots as trigger notification methods.
  5. feat: Added a "Status" column to the trigger's trigger history.
  6. feat: In model configurations, the predefined value "Webhook" now supports user input for Parameters, Body, Headers, and Authorization.
  7. feat: Added a method to set predefined values in model configurations: Other model properties. Users can choose a property from another model, and the predefined values will be the values of that property.
  8. feat: Added a "Messenger Address" field to company information, which allows the system to send messages directly through the Messenger service.
  9. feat: Added robot configuration options to notification settings.
  10. feat: Personal Center - Personal Information: Added links to bind Feishu and DingTalk accounts.
  11. DB change: New field choice_other added to table c_attributes.
cmdb - v2.3.4

Published by pycook about 1 year ago


  1. 支持数据变更和日期属性的事件触发
  2. 支持数据筛选
  3. 支持通知、Webhook多种触发动作
  4. 支持查看触发历史记录
  5. 数据库表变更: 表c_c_t_t的字段attr_id值可以为空, 表common_employee新增notice_info, 新增表c_ci_trigger_histories
  6. Python依赖库变更: six升级到1.16.0, 新增依赖: requests_oauthlib==1.3.1, markdownify==0.11.6
  7. api配置文件settings.py变更: 新增配置USE_MESSENGER, MESSENGER_URL

When data changes occur, triggers can immediately send notification alerts or initiate Webhooks, enabling users to promptly be informed about critical configuration modifications and take necessary actions.

This version includes enhancements to trigger functionality:

  1. Support for event triggers based on data changes and date attributes.
  2. Data filtering support.
  3. Multiple triggering actions, including notifications and Webhooks.
  4. Ability to view trigger history records.
  5. Database table changes: The field attr_id value of table c_c_t_t can be empty, notice_info is added to table common_employee, and the new table c_ci_trigger_histories is added
  6. Python dependency library changes: six upgraded to 1.16.0, new dependencies: requests_oauthlib==1.3.1, markdownify==0.11.6
  7. Changes to api configuration file New configurations USE_MESSENGER, MESSENGER_URL
cmdb - v2.3.3

Published by pycook about 1 year ago

BugFix: 导入模板

BugFix: Template Import
The 'init-department' command now includes permission initialization for editing company information.
Removed CMDB_API from the configuration file.
Computed properties now support one-click calculation triggering.
Added CIType relationship to check for the existence of circular dependencies.
Dashboard customization functionality has been significantly enhanced.

cmdb - v2.3.2

Published by pycook about 1 year ago

  1. BugFix: 删除模型的时候,没有清理干净模型关联的其他表的数据
  2. BugFix: 修改属性没有刷新CITypeAttributesCache

  3. BugFix: 新增关系类型按回车发送2次请求
  4. BugFix: 删除预定义值
  5. 文本属性值不再转义

  6. 配置文件里加 CACHE_REDIS_PASSWORD,可以配置redis密码
  7. 配置页面可以保存公司信息

  8. 支持自定义图标上传
  9. make可以创建mysql和redis实例
  10. 左侧目录使用纯色

  11. 模型关联里显示反向关系

  12. 新增CI,支持关系的增加

  13. 批量导入的模板下载: 属性可选、可以批量导入关系
  14. 资源视图详情按钮旁边增加关系按钮

  1. BugFix: When deleting a model, data associated with other tables was not properly cleaned up.
  2. BugFix: Modifying attributes did not refresh the CITypeAttributesCache.
  3. BugFix: Creating a new relationship type sent two requests when pressing Enter.
  4. BugFix: Predefined values were not deleted properly.
  5. Text attribute values are no longer escaped.
  6. Added CACHE_REDIS_PASSWORD to the configuration file for configuring the Redis password.
  7. The configuration page can now save company information.
  8. Added support for custom icon uploads.
  9. 'make' can now create MySQL and Redis instances.
  10. The left-side directory now uses solid colors.
  11. Reverse relationships are now displayed in model associations.
  12. Added support for adding relationships when creating new CIs.
  13. Batch import templates now support optional attributes and can import relationships.
  14. Added a relationship button next to the details button in the resource view.
cmdb - v2.3.1

Published by pycook about 1 year ago

  1. Discard 3 tables: c_value_datetime, c_value_floats, c_value_integers.
  2. Validation added for time-type attribute values: Add validation for writing time-type attribute values.
  3. Add management page for attribute library, with support for attribute deletion: Introduce a management page for the attribute library that enables the deletion of attributes.
  4. Backend management to support model relationship deletion: Enable deletion of model relationships in the backend management.
  5. Add functionality for adding and deleting users in ACL user management: Incorporate the ability to add and remove users in ACL user management.
  6. Fix CIType deletion: Address issues related to deleting CIType.
  7. Fix LDAP login, adding support for plaintext password option: Resolve LDAP login issues and include support for a plaintext password option during login.
  8. Fix role deletion: Rectify problems associated with role deletion.
  9. Upgrade backend Flask and Celery versions: Perform an upgrade of Flask and Celery versions in the backend.

  1. 废弃3个表: c_value_datetime, c_value_floats, c_value_integers
  2. time类型的属性值写入增加校验
  3. 新增属性库的管理页面, 支持删除属性
  4. 后台管理的模型关系支持删除
  5. ACL的用户管理新增删除功能
  6. Fix CIType删除
  7. Fix ldap登陆,登陆支持密码明文选项
  8. Fix 角色删除
  9. 升级后端Flask、celery的版本
cmdb - v2.3.0

Published by pycook about 1 year ago

New Features in CMDB 2.3.0:

  • Comprehensive UI overhaul
  • Customizable dashboards
  • Model configuration with triggers and computed properties, Advanced functionality to define rendering of attributes, including font, color, and icons
  • Enhanced display of relationship views
  • Optimization of resource views, including advanced filtering capabilities for CI queries and fine-tuning of table functionalities; improved display of CI relationship topology
  • Added audit logs for backend operations
  • Support for automatic discovery
  • Fine-grained control of permissions, down to the attribute level

  • UI整体全面升级
  • 仪表盘可定制

  • 模型配置支持触发器和计算属性
, 高级功能支持定义属性的渲染,包括字体、颜色、图标

  • 关系视图的显示优化

  • 资源视图的优化: CI查询的高级过滤功能,以及table功能的一些细节优化;CI关系拓扑的显示

  • 后台增加操作日志审计
  • 支持自动发现
  • 权限细粒度的控制,精细到属性级别
cmdb - v2.2

Published by pycook over 4 years ago

  • Login supports ldap authentication
  • CI relationships can be modified in batches on the UI, currently only for many-to-one relationships
  • Change the requirements to support python3.8
  • Fix: delete attribute
  • Fix: case sensitive of ES search
  • Fix: Some bugs in permission management

  • 登录支持ldap的认证
  • UI上可以批量修改CI关系, 目前只针对多对一的关系
  • 修改requirements以支持python3.8
  • Fix: 删除属性的Bug
  • Fix: ES搜索的大小写敏感
  • Fix: 权限管理的一些Bug