
Python application versioning tool



Python application versioning tool


This is a Docker-native application (i.e. I developed this with the conscious effort to run it as a container). With that being said, to run it in Docker you'll of course have to have Docker installed and running.

To create the necessary components, simply from $ . from the root of the repo.

Note: I'm sure with very little work you could get this to run in a virtual environment or (not advised) outside of a virtual environment. If there is interest in this, I would create the script or (better yet) accept a pull request.


  • Initialize the version file ( $ verpy init

  • Display the current version: $ verpy version

  • Increment the major component of the version: $ verpy version major

  • Increment the minor component of the version: $ verpy version minor

  • Increment the patch component of the version: $ verpy version patch

  • Display help: $ verpy --help or $ verpy

  • Display the Verpy version: $ verpy --version


This happens automatically. If you run $ type verpy you'll see that the shell function does a docker pull.