
A Python library for creating adversarial splits

MIT License


⚔️ vs-split: a library for creating adversarial splits

Warning This library is still a work in progress. Use at your own risk!

Have you ever encountered a problem where your model works well in your test set but doesn't perform well in the wild? It's likely because your test set does not reflect the reality of your domain, overestimating your model's performance.[^1]

This library provides alternative ways to split and sanity-check your datasets and ensure they're robust once you deploy them into production.

[^1]: Check out my blog post, Your train-test split may be doing you a disservice, for a technical overview of this problem.

⏳ Installation

You can install vs-split via pip

pip install vs-split

Or alternatively, you can install from source:

git clone https://github.com/ljvmiranda921/vs-split
cd vs-split
python setup.py install

👩‍💻 Usage

The library exposes two main functions:

  • train_test_split(X: Iterable, y: Iterable, split_id: str, **attrs) that accepts NumPy arrays of your features and labels. You can pass any arbitrary NumPy array or list for splitting.
  • spacy_train_test_split(docs: Iterable[Doc], split_id: str, **attrs) that accepts an iterable of spaCy Doc objects.[^2] spaCy is a Python library for natural language processing and the Doc object is one of its core data structures. This function is useful if you're working on linguistic data.

For both functions, you can provide the type of split in the split_id parameter (c.f. splitters catalogue) and pass custom keyword-arguments.

from vs_split import train_test_split, spacy_train_test_split

# For most datasets
X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test = train_test_split(X_data, y_data, split_id="wasserstein.v1")
# For spaCy Doc objects
docs_train, docs_test = spacy_train_test_split(docs, split_id="wasserstein-spacy.v1")

Note It might look like vs-split has a similar API with scikit-learn's train_test_split, but that's not the case. Unlike the latter, vs_split.train_test_split doesn't expect an arbitrary number of iterables, and the keyword parameters are also different.

[^2]: vs-split has first-class support for spaCy. The main reason is that I've been using this for some internal robustness experiments to test some of our pipeline components.

Registering your own splitters

You can also register custom splitters via the splitters catalogue. Here's an example of a splitter, random-spacy.v1 that splits a list of spaCy Doc objects given a training set size:

import random
from typing import Iterable

from spacy.tokens import Doc
from vs_split.splitters import splitters

def random_spacy(docs: Iterable[Doc], train_size: float):
    num_train = int(len(docs) * train_size)
    train_docs = docs[:num_train]
    test_docs = docs[num_train:]
    return train_docs, test_docs

Under the hood, vs-split uses catalogue to manage the functions you registered. You are given freedom to return any value / object in your splitter implementation—i.e, there's no function that enforces you to follow the blueprint. However, for consistency, it's advisable to follow the type signature of the other splitters.

More examples

You can find more in the examples/ directory. It contains a sample project that runs the English WikiNeural dataset on various spaCy splitters.


function train_test_split

Split a dataset into its training and testing partitions. By default, it should return the training and testing features and labels respectively.

Argument Type Description
*X Iterable An iterable of features, preferably a numpy.ndarray.
*y Iterable An iterable of labels, preferably a numpy.ndarray.
*split_id str The type of split to use.
RETURNS Tuple[Iterable[Any], Iterable[Any], Iterable[Any], Iterable[Any]] The training and testing features and labels (i.e. X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test).

function spacy_train_test_split

Split a list of spaCy Doc objects into its training and testing partitions. By default, it should return the training and test spaCy Doc objects respectively.

Argument Type Description
*docs Iterable[Doc] An iterable of spaCy Doc objects to split.
*split_id str The type of split to use.
RETURNS Tuple[Iterable[Doc], Iterable[Doc]] The training and testing spaCy Doc objects.

Splitters Catalogue

vs_split.splitters wasserstein.v1

Perform adversarial splitting using a divergence maximization method involving Wasserstein distance.

This method approximates the test split by performing nearest-neighbor search on a random centroid. Based on Søgaard, Ebert et al.'s work on 'We Need to Talk About Random Splits' (EACL 2021).

Argument Type Description
*X Iterable An iterable of features, preferably a numpy.ndarray.
*y Iterable An iterable of labels, preferably a numpy.ndarray.
test_size float The number of neighbors to query. Defaults to 0.2
leaf_size int The leaf size parameter for nearest neighbor search. High values are slower. Defaults to 3.
RETURNS Tuple[Iterable[Any], Iterable[Any], Iterable[Any], Iterable[Any]] The training and testing features and labels (i.e. X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test).

vs_split.splitters spacy-wasserstein.v1

spaCy-compatible version of wasserstein.v1. If no vectors were found in the Doc object, then TF-IDF is computed.

Argument Type Description
*docs Iterable[Doc] An iterable of spaCy Doc objects to split.
test_size float The number of neighbors to query. Defaults to 0.2.
leaf_size int The leaf size parameter for nearest neighbor search. High values are slower. Defaults to 3.
use_counts bool Use count vectors instead of initialized vectors. If no vectors were found, the count vectors are automatically used. Defaults to False.
min_df Union[int, float] remove terms that appear too infrequently given a threshold. Defaults to 0.10.
n_jobs Optional[int] Number of parallel jobs to run for neighbor search. Defaults to -1 (use all CPUs).
RETURNS Tuple[Iterable[Doc], Iterable[Doc]] The training and testing spaCy Doc objects.

vs_split.splitters doc-length.v1

Heuristic split based on document length.

By default, it looks for a sentence length threshold, and puts all the longer sentences in the test split. The threshold is chosen so that approximately 10% of the data ends up in the test set.

Argument Type Description
*docs Iterable[Doc] An iterable of spaCy Doc objects to split.
test_size Optional[float] The size of the test set for determining the split. Defaults to 0.1.
length_threshold Optional[int] Arbitrary length to split the dataset against. Defaults to None.
RETURNS Tuple[Iterable[Doc], Iterable[Doc]] The training and testing spaCy Doc objects.

vs_split.splitters morph-attrs-split.v1

Perform a heuristic split based on morphological attributes.

This method is loosely-based on the paper: '(Un)solving Morphological Inflection: Lemma Overlap Artificially Inflates Models' Performance' by Goldman et. al (ACL 2022). However, instead of focusing solely on lemma splits, this method uses morphological attributes. The main motivation is because splitting on lemma doesn't translate on standard texts.

Argument Type Description
*docs Iterable[Doc] An iterable of spaCy Doc objects to split.
attrs List[str] Morphological attributes to split against. Default is ["Number", "Person"].
test_size Optional[float] The size of the test set for determining the split. Defaults to 0.1.
RETURNS Tuple[Iterable[Doc], Iterable[Doc]] The training and testing spaCy Doc objects.

vs_split.splitters entity-switch.v1

Manually perturb the test set by switching entities based on a given dictionary of patterns.

This work is based on the paper, 'Entity-Switched Datasets - An Approach to Auditing the In-Domain Robustness of Named Entity Recognition Models' by Agarwal et al. You can control which entity labels are switched using a patterns dictionary.

The patterns dictionary should have the entity label as the key and a list of strings as its values. For example, if we want to switch all ORG entities in the original document with values such as Bene Gesserit, Landsraad, or Spacing Guild, then we should provide a dictionary that look like this:

# An example patterns file
patterns = {'ORG': ['Bene Gesserit', 'Landsraad', 'Spacing Guild']}

You can add as many patterns or entity labels in the dictionary. The pattern chosen for substitution is done via random.choice. Lastly, for PER entities, this splitter does not differentiate between first or full names. It just performs a drop-in replacement.

Note Implementation-wise, the entity switching is done by recreating the spaCy Doc object. Note that the resulting Docs will only include the text and the entity annotations. Any information from the previous pipeline (MORPHS, etc.) will be lost.

Argument Type Description
*docs Iterable[Doc] An iterable of spaCy Doc objects to split.
*patterns Dict[str, List[str]] Dictionary of patterns for substitution.
test_size Optional[float] If provided, then the docs will be split further. Since entity-switching is only needed for the test set, you can just pass the test documents in this function. Defaults to None.
RETURNS Tuple[Iterable[Doc], Iterable[Doc]] The training and testing spaCy Doc objects.