

APACHE-2.0 License


Vxscan 2.0

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Python3 comprehensive scanning tool, mainly used for sensitive file detection (directory scanning and js leak interface), WAF/CDN identification, port scanning, fingerprint/service identification, operating system identification, weak password detection, POC scanning, SQL injection, winding Pass CDN, check the next station


2019.8.19 Added the prohibition to scan gov.cn and edu.cn domain names, the program detects that it will terminate immediately Modified the program output interface to change to time + plugin + domain name + result style Removed the original SQL injection plugin and added a weak password detection plugin (Mysql, Postgresql, SSH, etc.) Combine Fofa's fingerprint identification library with WEBEYE. Fingerprint rule 2000+ 2019.7.19 Added socks5 global proxy Packaged requests Optimized directory structure Deleted the original html report, using the html report extracted from Perun Removed the json result output, adjusted to store in the sqllite3 database, deduplicate when warehousing, skip if the target host already exists in the db file during scanning Added phpinfo, leaves common information leak scanning plugin Pdns join the viewdns.info interface 2019.7.1 Display the host whose ping detection failed. The -u command can add multiple targets, separated by commas Fix fingerprint recognition error 2019.6.18 Fixed the problem of fingerprint recognition iis website error, modified apps.json Removed some third-party libraries and scripts that are prone to errors Scanning is completed if it flashes, it is because the program first detects dns parsing and ping operation. The first time you use Vxscan, fake_useragent will load the ua list of https://fake-useragent.herokuapp.com/browsers/0.1.11 here, and a load timeout error may occur.


Python version > 3.6 requests pyfiglet fake-useragent beautifulsoup4 tldextract python-nmap geoip2 lxml pymongo virustotal_python dnspython pysocks

wget https://geolite.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/GeoLite2-City.tar.gz After decompressing, put GeoLite2-City.mmdb inside to vxscan/data/GeoLite2-City.mmdb

wget https://geolite.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/GeoLite2-ASN.tar.gz After decompressing, put the GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb inside to vxscan/data/GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb

pip3 install -r requirements.txt


  • Webinfo
    • GeoIP
    • DNS resolution verification
    • Ping survival verification
    • HTTPS/HTTP authentication
    • WAF/CDN detection
      • WAF Rules
      • CDN IP segment
      • CDN ASN
    • HTTP header
    • HTTP Server
    • HTTP Headers
    • Fingerprint recognition
      • Wappalyzer (1100+)
      • WEBEYE (100+)
      • FOFA (2000+)
    • PDNS
      • virustotal
      • viewdns.info
    • Reverse domain
      • yougetsignal.com
      • api.hackertarget.com
    • Operating system version detection (nmap)
  • Ports
    • 400+ Ports
    • 140+ port fingerprint feature
    • Port Banner
    • Skip CDN IP
    • Full port open host (portspoof) automatically skips
    • Large file recognition, stream=True will be added when scanning the url, so that it will not be loaded when large files are encountered.
  • URLS
    • Parse robots.txt to add content to the scan list
    • Common backup, backdoor, directory, middleware, sensitive file address
    • Generate a dictionary list using Cartesian product
    • Random UserAgent, XFF, X-Real-IP, Referer
    • Custom 404 page recognition (page similarity, page keyword)
    • Identify custom 302 jumps
    • Filter invalid Content-Type, invalid status?
    • save url, title, contype, rsp_len, rsp_code
  • Vuln
    • Add multiple HTTP ports from one host to the POC target
    • Call POC based on fingerprint and port service
    • Unauthorized, deserialized, RCE, Sqli...
  • BruteForce
    • Mysql
    • Postgresql
    • SSH
  • Crawl
    • Extract dynamic parameters by crawling, de-weighting
    • Js File information disclosure (phone,apikey,email,ip,domain,todo)
    • HTML Comment leak (phone,email,domain,ip,todo)
  • Report
    • Results are stored in the Sqlite3 database
    • Inbound deduplication, detected that existing items will not be scanned
    • Generate html report


python3 Vxscan.py -h

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit  
  -u URL, --url URL     Start scanning this url -u xxx.com  
  -i INET, --inet INET  cidr eg. or  
  -f FILE, --file FILE  read the url from the file  

1. Scan a website python3 vxscan.py -u http://www.xxx.com/ 2. Scan a website from a file list python3 vxscan.py -f hosts.txt 3. cidr eg. python3 vxscan.py -i


├─Vxscan.py master file
│ ├─apps.json           Web fingerprint information
│ ├─apps.txt            Web fingerprint information (WEBEYE)
│ ├─GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb       geoip
│ ├─GeoLite2-City.mmdb      asn
├─doc                   to store some image or document resources
├─report                html report related content
│ ├─common.py           Determine CDN, port scan, POC scan, etc.
│ ├─color.py            terminal color output
│ ├─cli_output.py       terminal output
│ ├─active.py to            judge dns resolution and ping ip survival
│ ├─save_html.py            Generate html reports
│ ├─waf.py              waf rules
│ ├─options.py          option settings
│ ├─iscdn.py            Determine whether IP is CDN based on ip segment and asn range
│ ├─osdetect.py         OS version identification
│ ├─random_header.py        custom header header
│ ├─settings.py         setting script
│ ├─vuln.py             Batch call POC scan
│ ├─url.py              Deduplicate the fetched connection
│ ├─verify.py           script provides verification interface
│ ├─sqldb.py            All related to sqlite3 are here
│ ├─Requests.py         packaged requests library, do some custom settings
│ ├─Poc.py Poc script
│ ├─......
│ ├─ActiveReconnaissance
│   ├─active.py             to determine host survival and verify dns resolution
│   ├─check_waf.py          judge website waf
│   ├─crawk.py Crawl        website links and test
│   ├─osdetect.py           Operating System Identification
│ ├─InformationGathering
│   ├─geoip.py              Location Search
│   ├─js_leaks.py js        information disclosure
│ ├─PassiveReconnaissance
│   ├─ip_history.py         pdns interface
│   ├─reverse_domain.py         side station query
│   ├─virustotal.py         VT Pdns query
│   ├─wappalyzer.py         CMS passive fingerprint recognition
│ ├─Scanning
│   ├─dir_scan              directory scan
│   ├─port_scan             port scan
├─report.py html            report generation


# coding=utf-8

# global timeout

# Is the status to be excluded
    301, 403, 308, 404, 405, 406, 408, 411, 417, 429, 493, 502, 503, 504, 999
# Set scan thread
# Content type to exclude
    'image/jpeg', 'image/gif', 'image/png', 'application/javascript',
    'application/x-javascript', 'text/css', 'application/x-shockwave-flash',
    'text/javascript', 'image/x-icon'

# Whether to skip directory scanning

# Whether to start the POC plugin
POC = True

# Skip if it exists in the result db
CHECK_DB = False

# invalid 404 page
PAGE_404 = [
    'page_404"', "404.png", '找不到页面', '页面找不到', "Not Found", "访问的页面不存在",
    "page does't exist", 'notice_404', '404 not found'

# ping
PING = True

# socks5 proxy
# SOCKS5 = ('', 1080)
SOCKS5 = ()

# shodan

# VT

# cookie
COOKIE = {'Cookie': 'test'}


1. Call POC based on port open or fingerprint recognition results Create a new python file in the script directory, define the check function, the parameters passed in are mainly the ip address, port list, fingerprint identification list, and then return the result:

import pymongo
from lib.verify import verify

timeout = 2
vuln = ['27017', 'Mongodb']

def check(ip, ports, apps):
    # Verify is used to verify if there is a Mongodb related result in the scan list. If the port is not open, it will not be scanned.
    if verify(vuln, ports, apps):
            conn = pymongo.MongoClient(host=ip, port=27017, serverSelectionTimeoutMS=timeout)
            database_list = conn.list_database_names()
            if not database_list:
            return '27017 MongoDB Unauthorized Access'
        except Exception as e:

2. Traversing on each HTTP port where the target IP is open Generate the url to be scanned according to the list of port services passed, and then visit it in each web port. The following script will get the title of each http port of ip.

from lib.verify import get_list
from lib.random_header import HEADERS
from lxml import etree
import requests

def get_title(url):
        r = requests.get(url, headers=HEADERS, timeout=3, verify=False)
        html = etree.HTML(r.text)
        title = html.xpath('//title/text()')
        return url + ' | ' + title[0]

def check(ip, ports, apps):
    result = []
    probe = get_list(ip, ports)
    for i in probe:
        out = get_title(i)
        if out:
    return result


How to add fingerprint recognition features Modify the contents of the data/apps.txt file 1. Match HTTP Header header Cacti|headers|Set-Cookie|Cacti= 2. Match HTTP response body ASP|index|index|<a[^>]?href=('|")[^http][^>]?.asp(?|#|\1) 3. Split Headers heads to match in k or v ThinkSNS|match|match|T3_lang

Waf/CDN list

360 360wzws Anquanbao Armor BaiduYunjiasu AWS WAF AdNovum Airee CDN Art of Defence HyperGuard ArvanCloud Barracuda NG Beluga CDN BinarySEC BlockDoS Bluedon IST CacheFly CDN ChinaCache CDN Cisco ACE XML Gateway CloudFlare CDN Cloudfront CDN Comodo CompState DenyALL WAF DenyAll Distil Firewall DoSArrest Internet Security F5 BIG-IP APM F5 BIG-IP ASM F5-TrafficShield Fastly CDN FortiWeb FortiWeb Firewall GoDaddy GreyWizard Firewall HuaweiCloudWAF HyperGuard Firewall IBM DataPower ISAServer Immunify360 Imperva SecureSphere Incapsula CDN Jiasule KONA KeyCDN ModSecurity NGENIX CDN NSFOCUS Naxsi NetContinuum NetContinuum WAF Neusoft SEnginx Newdefend Palo Alto Firewall PerimeterX Firewall PowerCDN Profense Qiniu CDN Reblaze Firewall SDWAF Safe3 Safedog SiteLock TrueShield SonicWALL SonicWall Sophos UTM Firewall Stingray Sucuri Teros WAF Usp-Sec Varnish Wallarm WatchGuard WebKnight West263CDN Yundun Yunsuo ZenEdge Firewall aesecure aliyun azion CDN cloudflare CDN dotDefender limelight CDN maxcdn CDN mod_security yunsuo


The following is the AWVS scanner test website results image image image


Fingerprint recognition mainly calls Wappalyzer and WebEye: https://github.com/b4ubles/python3-Wappalyzer https://github.com/zerokeeper/WebEye Poc referenced: BBscan scanner https://github.com/lijiejie/BBScan POC-T https://github.com/Xyntax/POC-T/tree/2.0/script Perun https://github.com/WyAtu/Perun Refer to the anthx port scan, service judgment: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AnthraX1/InsightScan/master/scanner.py Js sensitive information regular extraction reference: https://github.com/nsonaniya2010/SubDomainizer WAF judges the use of waf00f and whatwaf judgment rules: https://github.com/EnableSecurity/wafw00f https://github.com/Ekultek/WhatWaf The html report uses: https://github.com/WyAtu/Perun https://github.com/ly1102

Extracted from project README
Build Status ISSUE star license python
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